Chapter 137 The Family

"Eon!" A beautiful woman shouted in a bright voice.

"Finally!" the handsome man sitting next to her exclaimed just like her.

But their voice wasn't as attention-grabbing as the third one.

"Big brother~!" The cute girl sitting on her dad's lap stood up and jumped down from the huge bed.

Running towards the front where nothing could be seen, she stopped before something, as if something were before her.

Everyone other than them was surprised by their sudden scream.

They couldn't see anything where the three were looking at.

The room was still the same empty one that it had been.

There was nothing but... suddenly, a screen-like round mirror with a boy's image became visible to everyone.

Everyone was surprised and the young girl with red hair and the green-haired boy even screamed in surprise as they were looking at that exact same spot at that time.

The sudden appearance of this thing surprised them but, after a moment, smiles appeared on their faces.

"Eon~!" and the first one to shout was the man with sea blue hair.

This person was handsome, but the way he snapped out in tears was unexpected for the boy, who had his eyes glued on the middle-aged man.

The man was crying, and there was no choice but to calm him down first.

So, the little girl walked up to him and kissed his tear-vetted cheeks.

"Calm down, uncle! He's here, so you should show him the thingy! That weird thing you and daddy did in your room!

You spend entire nights and even didn't play with me!

Finish it so that we can talk!"

The little girl was tiny but still succeeded in calming the crying man down.

"O-oh yes," he said as he cleared his tears.

With a hesitant look on his face, he took out some papers from his storage ring and held them before him.

"Ahem! Nice to finally see you, Eon. I'm Nol's big brother and your… uncle.

F-first of all, as we have little time, copy this formula and solve it later.

We tried it for the first time but this is a kind of letter so we can have more words.

Just... quickly copy this first. It's easy, so you will be able to solve it, or ask your teacher." He said while holding the paper with various text and geometrical designs.

This sudden situation greatly confused the boy on the other side, but then he looked at the other side where his master was smiling at them.

She had a satisfied smile, and after seeing this, the boy just sighed.

This was a way he never thought of and something that sounded exciting.

Looking at the paper just once, he looked at his uncle and smiled.

[ "Ok, uncle. Done." ]

The man on the other side was surprised, but he just turned the page and the boy was done intently.

There were nearly ninety pages and this whole thing ended in about a minute, as the boy was faster at this than they had thought.

"Eon? Do you have something to record this?" the uncle asked with worried eyes.

But, instead of an answer from the boy, he heard the chuckles from his parents sitting at the back.

They knew their boy, but not others in this place.

With an awkward look, the boy smiled and scratched the back of his head.

[ "Well, something like that." ]

His answer was unclear but, it was enough for the small time they had.

The uncle backed away, and the boy shifted his gaze to the middle-aged man once again.

The man smiled at him warmly, and the boy's back straightened.

The mirror floated towards the old couple and stood exactly before them.

The boy on the other side bowed his head respectfully to them and said in a respect-filled voice.

[ "It is a pleasure to meet the hero of the empire. I guess from the looks of things, you're my... grandfather?

Still, it's my honor to greet such a hero.

And you as well, lady Grizelda.

To think I will be related to exceptional individuals such as you two.

I... couldn't express this joy." ]

The boy had tears of joy in his eyes as he looked at them with still respect-filled eyes.

everyone else in the room sighed helplessly at this sight.

In the end, the boy who was being praised as a little hero in the empire was just a boy at the end.

Someone that looked up to a prominent figure and, even after being the grandson of such a person, he joyfully greeted them with respect.

This was his first time knowing he was related to someone as great as them and still, there was the happiness of meeting them in his eyes more than anything.

The couple smiled bitterly at this sight and the lady spoke first in a warm voice that was similar to the boy's master.

"Axion. We understand you are happy to see us but, right now, we aren't here as the famous figures we are but, as your grandparents.

Don't embarrass us with your bow.

Look up and smile little one.

This is our first time seeing our grandchild.

Let us be a little greedy and have this talk."

She was his grandmother and though her voice was similar to his master's; they were the same emotions.

He could feel the warmth in her voice and... hear the dissatisfied voices from the back.

"Grandma! How can you do that? It should be my turn! I'm his big sister!" the red-haired girl shouted at the grandma.

"No! Big brother Eon is my, my... my rival! I should be the first!" This time, it was the boy with green hair.

"Nooooo~. How can big brother and big sister do that~? Anna should be the first one~!" The little girl wasn't going to back down on this one either.

The fight of the young surprised the adults, as well as the boy on the other side.

He had a complicated expression on his face as he looked at three kids fighting with each other.

His brother may be his uncle's son, his own little sister, and the big sister that seemed most eager to fight him more than talk.

That was some fierce battle to have the first chat and, seeing this, he couldn't help but laugh.

[ "Hahaha... yes, yes, my brother and sisters. This isn't the last time and we have this letter-like thing for long chats.

Why don't we just end with everyone's introduction?

I know my uncle, grandfather, and grandmother. So how about everyone else and that grandpa by the door?" ]

His words grabbed everyone's attention, and they looked toward the door.

Indeed, there was someone by the door that seemed to have missed everyone's eyes.

The grandpa by the door was the most surprised by this, and the bitter smile on his face was clear.

"Greetings everyone. And you as well, young master Axion. It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

The grandpa in the butler's uniform greeted the boy on the other side with a happy bow.

[ "Yes, nice to meet you too." ]

The boy was also greeted with a smile.

There was something different about this person and he knew that.

This person strangely seemed familiar to him, but he wasn't certain.

At least, he was sure that this person was good.

"Eon~. This is grandpa Zhan. He's been to our house, but you might not have seen him.

He also has a [Origin Skill]~!" His mother said in her cheerful voice.

She was happy that her son was safe and, at last; now he knew about himself.

He knew that he had a big family and one that loved him.

After hearing that this grandpa also had an origin skill, there was a surprise on his face, but then it returned to normal.

[ "I would love to talk more about it when I can be there, grandpa." ]

His voice was sad but, there was hope and an acceptable smile on his face.

Though he had said in a low voice, this didn't go well with them and they just moved it aside.

Everyone fell silent, and the room became dead calm.

This sudden sadness didn't go well with the little girl watching everything from the side and she spoke up.

"Okey~. I will introduce everyone to big brother~!" she said in a cheerful voice.

It looked like she wanted to elevate this gloomy atmosphere when they had such small time.

And the butler also understood that so, he picked up his little miss.

"Good grandpa~." She smiled at him and patted his head with her small hands.

This was a special sight to behold for the ones that knew this grandpa well.

He was a merciless assassin, but here, the little miss was treating him like some big, white puppy.

And seeing this, they all laughed with a pure smile, the loudest being the middle-aged man and the little one's grandfather.

The boy on the other side also cheered up and looked at his brave little sister.

"Hum~! So, big brother. This is a big sis swordy, Carla. And this is big brother magicy, Alf. They play with me and even show me cool things~!" she chuckled as she pointed at the two children.

The girl looked mature for her ten-year self and the boy was even more mature than her, even after being only eight.

Their appearance was naturally pretty, just like their parents.

The beauty ran in their family, from the looks of it.

Both of them just waved at him while the boy with short green hair looked at him with fierce eyes filled with fire.

This was a pure fire of passion, respect, and love towards this boy on the other side.

The girl gave him a smile that was enough to tell him that she had many things on her mind and that she was waiting for the day they crossed weapons.

They didn't say anything and the little girl continued.

"This is the magic uncle who can fly like daddy, and this is toy uncle who gives me many toys~!" she cheerfully introduced the two in her own way.

Her cute little voice was pleasing to the heart, so no one minded being called anything.

Especially the two who seemed to love their niece much more than usual.

They also waved at him, and the little girl continued.

She looked at the two ladies sitting with each other and asked the butler to put her down with them.

The reason was the tearful lady with pink hair.

"Big brother, this is my friends. Aunty Aug and Aunty Haze. They both miss you like mom so, so when you get back, play house with us first, ok?" she asked while patting the lady with pink hair.

"E-Eon, take care~." Lady with pink hair said as she looked at the boy.

And he smiled from the other side as he looked at both of them.

[ "I promise. And I will take better care of myself so, don't you worry.

It... looks like it's already time so everyone, take care.

I will read the letter as soon as possible and next time, I will try to write one too." ]

Stopping for a second, the mirror went back and the boy on the other side looked at his whole big family.

With watery eyes, he exhaled.

[ "I really have a big family. And everyone here is special.

Grandfather, grandmother, grandpa Zhen, my two gorgeous aunties, and lovely uncles, big sister Carla and little Alf.

Mom... dad... and you, little one.

Please, take care of yourself and each other.

I will try my best… to get back as soon as possible so, don't worry about me.

I'm fine~." ] The boy finished as the mirror started disintegrating and everyone burst out in goodbyes.

"Oi Eon! Call me Carla! That big sis shit is not acceptable!" The girl should and her words didn't surprise anyone.

"Big brother Axion! Remember that I'm the best mage!" The boy next to her shouted in the same voice.

"Baby, take care of yourself. You still do dangerous things once in a while but, if it's something like training, I can't say anything in that matter." The boy's silent mother finally spoke.

And the boy just nodded at her with a helpless, warm smile.

Just like them, everyone spoke at once so it mixed the voices up but, he understood them no less.

[ "See you soon, everyone..." ]

And, with the boy's last words, the mirror vanished in this air, leaving a tranquil room behind.

This was unbelievable at first but, they had seen it with their own eyes, and... this was enough.

Lost in their own thoughts, the room was silent and the saddest ones here were the three children.

The youngest girl wasn't a problem but, to alleviate the mood of the two young children, their grandfather, and the little girl's teacher had to tell them the truth.

"Carla, Alf. You saw him, right?

The same Axion we praise so much.

Your brother that had something different about him?

His different eyes felled with fire.

I know you saw them clearly.

He… is stronger than you might think.

So, if you want to catch up, instead of being sad, let's all of us do our best~.

He will also love to see it." his words were enough to spark new flames in their eyes, and make the adults in the room sigh with a smile.

The little girl wasn't ready for these things, and they hadn't even played with her much.

All the children in their house were special, but this little one received the most love as the normal one.

And so...

Their day had ended with this talk and exchange of words and introduction.

They would talk every three months but, this first meeting... was engraved in each one of their hearts.