Chapter 602 Helping fellow students

Chapter 602 Helping fellow students

[Eon's POV: ]

Sir Peripir, the ancient giant elephant; Sir Lalakmahut, the enlightened grasshopper; Lady Gyomihok, the evolved goat; Master Kaleidoscope, one of the active magic researchers and one of the last few of his kind on this planet, the (Blue smirf); Madem Luciana, a unique origin beast of holy nature that closely resembled a cute and young red otter; Sir Aetter, an intelligent (Northern wolf) who wore a suit and glasses; Sir Peliop, a gorgeous unique fish that was floating inside a water bubble and lastly, Miss Missy... someone second only to Master Cod in this group of intelligent creatures.

'She's as amazing as described in the books...'

She was an evolved bird person who used to be a very rare kind of bird nicknamed as 'bird of paradise', an endangered spicies that possesses the power to bestow 'one person' with the immunity against any kind of illness or poison.

However, different from her original species, her appearance was most like a human's. Her charm was one thing, but the authority she possessed was perhaps even greater than my mom's.

'Just being in her presence gave me a sense of awe. If only she was a little less talkative... haaa...'

I was on the strange and was talking with all these intelligent creatures who were all, in one way or another, connected to the world of magic and all the students that were gathered here wanted to talk with them about the topics of their mastery, but they were hesitant to approach them at first, and them I came here, and took away all of their attention.

They were all curious, so, they started talking with me, but then, out of nowhere, Miss Missy approached me and started asking me different questions about different things that were totally unrelated to each other.

She was asking personal questions like my family and background and how many members I had in my family, academic questions that we had learned and things that we won't ever learn during our time in the academy, professional questions that confused even some of the teachers listening to our conversation, and, she went a step byond and asked a kind of questions that were difficult to answer even for me, questions about my romantic life and what 'things' I liked doing with my partners.

Some questions were easy to answer, at least they were for me, while some personal questions and those strange questions that came practically out of of the blue were a little tough, but since they were questions asked directly from someone on the elder council, from an elder mage of (tier-9), I couldn't dare answer them half hartedly.

'I tried my best... and still, she does not seem to have reached the state of satisfaction.'

She was trying to test many things at once, so many things that even I couldn't pinpoint just what she was trying to gain from all those questions.

Perhaps the headmaster was the only person who understood what she was doing right now so there was a smile on his face. A smile that was absent from the faces of even the vice headmaster and sir Codocodomi.

Both of them, and the other intelligent beings, and the students as well. None of them could understand what was going on with her but, only the headmaster could stop her trains of question, which he didn't seem to want to at all.

He was enjoying these rapid fire question-answer rounds, everyone might have guessed that much if only they had looked at his smiling face but all thier attention was fully focaused on me. They all weren't even looking towards the chaotic happenings all around the garden.

They were all focaused on us, perhaps because of the questions she was asking, or perhaps it was because of the way I was answering all her questions without much of a delay. But, after my master, this was the first time I was seeing this kind of testing method.

She also used to ask me many random questions to test many of my learning's and current levels so I was familier with this method. However, different from master, the pretty person before me was asking things that were mostly unrelated and all over the place.

They had no uniformity, no structure, no path, or no such thing connecting them. Or at least, I couldn't understand this strange method at the moment.

All I could do right now was to do my best to answer all those questions to the best of my abilities in as simple way as I could.

"What is the mass of a cube molicule of atmospheric Mana in a normal place?"

"1.2651 Unit/AVm Plak!"

"What if your accurate age at the moment."

"Fifteen years, one month, three days, nine hours, thirty six minutes, fifteen seconds dot!"

"What will be the result of an alchemical reaction if A is an isotope of Hguolium and the process which it goes through is Klimton's moliculer separation."

"The flames produced will be of black colour, while the more will be green!"

Her questions were all around the place. If not for this cursed memory of mine, I would have had to pause after every question to think of what she had just asked about.

But, this was still fine. The questions she was asking were far milder than what master used to ask during our question-answer sessions like this one.

They were good, easy and quick to reproduce on my tongue so I could maintain the high pace of this questioning. And since it had been going on for nearly twelve minutes now, I had faith it would conclude soon.

Which it did, after three exact minutes, without any concrete conclusion.

"Alright, good. I didn't belive when Merlin praised you so much but I understand now. I got what I needed so, here. Let's work on something revolutionary when you get some spare time."

Her voice was amazing... a voice that all of us students were hearing for the first time ever since they all had arrived here.

"Thank you...?"

She had handed me a strange metallic envelop that seemed to have made entirely of gold, with actual jewellers embaded on it.

I didn't know what this was exactly, however, ther other intelligent walked away from the stage towards Zoe and the other birds so, I didn't even get the chance to ask her about this thing.

creatures and sir Cod as well as even the vice headmaster seemed to know what this envelop was. And from the way all their mouths fell to the ground, this thing certainly was no normal envelop.

It was certainly something of great importence. But, she had just walked away from the stage towards Zoe and the other birds so, I didn't even get the chance to ask her about this thing.

{ "Young boy! Young boy! Listen here!" }

And after she left, the remaining high intelligence beings around us surrounded me and started asking different questions of their own fields.

Questions that they alredy knew the answers of, as well as questions that they wanted someone else's opinion on.

'The headmaster...'

I didn't think much of this before but now that I looked at his slay smile that was stuck on his face like some electromagnet, I knew for certain he knew all of this was going to happen alredy, and even pushed all of us into this situation where I couldn't have any chance but to answer all their questions as properly as I did with the questions from Miss Missy.

'Now I want to curse him as well.'

I wanted a quiet and normal life in this academy but if this continues and I say things that I had no need to, or the things that went byond all that was currently known, I knew that slow, quiet, happy academic life of mine will be limited to only a dream.

Which, I couldn't possibly accept.

"Ahem, ladies, gentlemen. Can I say something?"

They were all asking question all the while but I found an opening and spoke up, asking them a question that will solve this little problem of mine.

{ "Hmm? Yes? You can speak your mind. We have time." }

Sir Peripir had spoken for everyone else so everyone stopped talking and looked at me as if whatever I was going to say, would be very important.

'Which it will, at least for them.'

It was a good tactic to stop them with the excuse of a question, and from here on, the manipulation would be simple.

"Ah, so, I believe we all have little time on hand now that the summoning process time is nearing.

I don't think I will be able to satisfactorily provided you all with as good answers as you want in this short time, so, how about we do this.

I have some notes I have prepared on all the fields you all follow, and we also have many students among us that wants to ask you all many questions and learn from your guidance.

So, I will hand over the notes to them and you can ask the questions to them so that they could learn from you all while your answers get answered with my words on those notes.

It would be easier and not only would it divide the fields and discussions, it will also increase the efficiency of overall talks.

We will all be able to finish things up on a positive note by the end of time with this method, so, how does that sound?"

It was a win win for them in a way since they would get my knowlage that they were all after and the students, poor ones who were glaring daggers at me since I was stealing all the attention of these important people, would get their chances to learn from the people they wanted.

And, they would have my notes on hand, the ones with good handwriting, more specifically, so they will learn more than what they might while asking out in a larger group discussion.

{ "Ummm... this method sounds indirect, perhaps, but it's fine as well as long as you are around." }

"Oh I'm right here. Just how far a small child like me could go in this vast garden? It's all fine~."

It was an easy way out for me. I still had many other creatures to meet so wasting more time here was not alright.

It was time for me to go and meet Zoe and her new friends, and, these intelligent people already knew what I was trying to do here, but they didn't mind.

They had faith that these 'notes' that I was talking about, would be good enough to not disappoint them.

Which it won't.

"Alright then. Here everyone~."

Headmaster was impressed with this tactic while the students whom I was helping were all grateful to me. They were almost teary as they looked at me with those thanking gazes.

And since it was all a little selfish of me, those looks were not that comfortable.

'But, well, that is what it is.'

It was done. I was free from this bunch. And now... I am free to go see what my joyful sister was doing with her new bird friends.

'Certainly though, it should be fun.'

It was fun here, but over there, it should be more fun since the creatures would be a lot better than this excited bunch.

And Zoe was there. I didn't need to worry about anything like here happening over there...