Chapter 405

Educational Policy

Joule and the others together with Radian were asked to go into the shadow, and after tea in a room in the castle, we went home and introduced Radian to all of the Ruven family members.ReAd latest chapters at Only

Wald-san gave me a look of dismay, but the others accepted him graciously.

Well then, we should pick a magic tool ornament for Radian as well.

I took out from the ornaments from the Infinite Storage with magic effects that Syl had given me before.

I'd like to get Radian a necklace or an anklet. I wonder if there are any good ones left?"

Since I equipped Joule and friends with the most effective items first, there may not be any good ones left. In that case, I will need to buy one or have it made.

Oh, there's a Nullification Pendant left. This is good. And also a bracelet, but I think this one would be better."


What do you think, do you like it?

I let Radian put on the pendant with the effect of abnormal state resistance and the bracelet with the effect of magic attack resistance, and confirmed that they did not interfere with his movements. Then, Radian tried shaking his head and shaking his body.


Looks like its alright.

Radian chirped as if to say, No problem.

(Now all we need is a tag with your name on it. Aniue, we'll have to have a tag made for Radian as well.)

Indeed. I have no plans for tomorrow, so lets have it ordered right away.


I recently learned that there is an unspoken agreement to have the familiars wear a tag with the owner's name engraved on it. Immediately after that, I had them made for Joule and the others and had them all wear it.

So I had to prepare one for Radian as well.

Oniichan, lets go to the Guild, too!

Oniichan, lets accept a request!

Eh, a request?


We will teach.

Radian how to fight!


Allen and Elena want to receive a request from the Adventurers' Guild, as they intend to go outside the town to give Radian combat training.

We are going to make him stronger, faster!

Allen too~

Elena too~

All of the children were encouraged by Radians motivation.


The two children and the six animals looked up at me with puppy eyes, and I could no longer oppose them.

Firstly, a sudden harsh practice is not good for the body, so we will have to do it gradually. Running, flying, and other movements that can be done by Radian to improve his staminaJoule, Feat, and Bolt will be in charge of that.

(Got it!)

(Leave it to us.)


Vector, you do the usual, stay on alert and take care of the surroundings.

(You got it!)

Mile, watch the training from a distance and let me know if you notice anything.

(I understand!)

I'm going to think about training methods that are not unreasonable.

What about Allen~?

And Elena~?

As for you two play the part of running away and chasing each other when it comes to the running drill!"

Will do my best!

Do it moderately. If you go all out, it wont be of any help to Radians training.


I would like to take this opportunity to have Allen and Elena learn a little more about taking things easy.

Other things to do is to try to fight against wolves and Horned Rabbits, and practice wind magic, I guess? Well, we will go with the flowRadian, please don't train in a way that puts a strain on your body. If you notice anything unusual about your body, tell me immediately! Okay?"


I told Radian not to overdo it.

I guess, we will order Radians tag from the blacksmith first thing tomorrow, and then we will go for a run outside the town~

And the request~?

Lets not accept one for now, and just go for a stroll.

Well, let's just think of it as "going for a picnic" tomorrow.