Chapter 411

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At last, today was the day of the auction.

So many people~


We arrived at the venue to meet up with Al-sama, but there were more people than we expected, and we were stunned as we looked around.

Where is Al-sama~?

Al-sama told me to meet him inside the venue. I believe he said he would have a Knight we know waiting for us at the entrance, so lets go there first.


So we headed for the entrance of the venue.



And there, in a very obvious place, stood Najack-sama.

He immediately noticed us and called out to us.

Did you take the trouble to wait for us, Najack-sama!?

I am the one who knows Takumi-dono the best. Ive been meaning to tell you this for a long time, but I think its time for you to change the honorifics you address me with. No need to be this stiff with me.

Eh? Eh?

Since aunt is treating you as her son, then you are a cousin to me, and we are the same age, as I recall.

Come to think of it, Najack-sama is Rebecca-sans nephew, and he and Wald-san are cousins.

But even if Rebecca-san treats me like a son, it doesnt mean that my relationship with Najack-sama has to be that of cousins, though~

I dont know if I would call us cousins, but since I do want us to get along better in the future, I will call you Najack-san. Rather, arent you the one addressing me with -dono!?

Well, I will call you Takumi-san from now on, then.

Yes. You can speak as you usually do with me as well, you know?

I usually speak this way, so.

I guess you cant force someone who normally speaks with a polite tone to speak in a more informal manner, huh.

Naja Nii.

Call Allen, Allen!

And Elena, Elena, okay?

Maybe its a private room reserved for royalty.

Allen, Elena, looking from there is fine, but do not jump off.

I know~

Arent you supposed to say dont fall off here?

Things are a bit different with my kids.

Im not worried about them falling off. But instead, we need to worry more about the people below, who are likely to be frightened.

I can still participate in the auction from this seat, yes?

Of course.

There are several private rooms on the second floor on either side of the hall, and we were in the room closest to the stage on the left side of the hall.

There was a stage below where the host would be showing off the items, and many chairs lined up in front of it. I guess that is where most of the participants would be sitting for the auction.

They are not here now, but there will be a full-time staff member assigned to our private room to act as our agent.

Heh~ is that so?

Its that, right? The one who signs with their hands how much to raise or something like that?

I guess there are specialists who do that for you in the private rooms~

If youre going to participate in bidding for the magic ring, you can either give instructions to the agent while keeping an eye on the situation, or you can tell them in advance what the limit is and leave it to them.

I see.

I have no idea how much the magic ring would be, but I just recently checked my own deposit, so if its an amount somewhere around that well, I can spend as much as I want, I guess?

I guess I should watch the atmosphere and decide whether to give up or keep trying?

Oh, the morning session is about to start.

Theres not so many people present.

There were a quite a lot of people at the entrance of the venue, but the seats in the hall were not filled to capacity.

The morning session is well, its like this every year.

The morning session, where not so many rare items are sold, seems to be like this.

Well, people come to auctions for rare and wonderful things, right?

Oh, we did come here at the beginning, but you can leave anytime during the auction if you get bored.


We took our seats and focused our attention on the stage as the host appeared on stage.

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