Chapter 419

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The Circumstances of Surprise

When we returned to the Ruven residence from the castle, Wald-san was standing with his arms crossed at the entrance.

Oh, all three of you are back.

Were back~

Im back What are you doing here, Wald-san?

Hm? Its obvious that I was waiting for you guys.

Looking at Wald-san, who had a very smiling expression, but his eyes were not laughing, I immediately realized that it was about the sword I had hidden in his room.

Did you not like the souvenir?

You see, Takumi. Thats not something you can easily pass off as a souvenir.

Wald-san spoke in a calm voice, even though he was angry.

Thats only for other people. Wald-san is our brother, so its no problem.

No problem!

Honestly, I didnt think this logic would get through to Wald-san.

Theres no way thats true!


As expected, it didnt get through.

But it would be a waste to sell it and even if I were to use it myself, I would put it to good use and I thought it would be suitable for you in terms of magic attributes. And besides, standing and talking here is not appropriate~ lets go inside. Okay?

For now, I walked around the seemingly angry Wald-san and pushed him on the back as I guided him to the parlor.

Allen and Elena also walked while pulling on Wald-sans hand.

Oh my!

As we headed to the parlor, Rosalie-san looked surprised when she saw us enter the room.


Rosalie, dont laugh.

Are you sulking, Wald-sama?

No way.

He wasnt angry, but sulking?

Should we have given it to you directly instead of hiding it?

Silence means affirmation. I see, he wanted me to give it to him directly.

Ill apologize honestly here.

Im sorry. From now on, we will definitely give gifts to you directly!

Oh yeah~ they were there. They only look like harmless dogs and cats at home

Their true nature or strength is amazing.

Our party is always overpowered, if anything.

And by the way, the sword we gave you was obtained in an intermediate-level dungeon, so we didnt have much trouble. And Im not very good at manipulating the fire attribute. The sword itself is also a little big for me, so Im not used to handling it. So please accept it with peace of mind.

I get it! I will gratefully accept it.


Finally, Wald-san broke down and agreed to accept the sword.

With this, its okay to use the loot we get in the advanced-level dungeons as souvenirs.

Thats right~

No, wait! I didnt agree to that!


Rosalie, dont smile, back me up!

Indeed~ I would like to be on your side, Wald-sama, however


Wald-san was desperately seeking help from Rosalie-san, but she showed signs of refusing.

Wald-san was quite surprised by her actions.

I can truly feel the pure intentions from Takumi-san and the children to make me happy. In fact, the things they give me are always happy and wonderful. I have never been given something I thought was unnecessary.

Thats certainly true, but

I cant refuse to accept when they are thinking so much about us.

Oh~ thats good~ The gifts and souvenirs are being appreciated.

Rosalie Neesama, love you~

Fufu, I love you too.

Allen and Elena ran up to Rosalie-san and hugged her.

The two of them are serious about trying to please the person they are giving the gift to. So they must be happy to understand her feelings.

Besides, I think Mother-in-law is the same? She is happy they think of her and accepts, and in return not that shes doing it particularly for that reason, but shes taking care of this and that.

Maybe Rosalie-san is right.

Even for me, who is an adult, she takes care of numerous things. Well, Im grateful and it helps.


Wald-san let out a long sigh.

Just be careful not to take any unreasonable actions.



We have successfully pushed the sword onto Wald-san without any problems.

And it seems that he will be able to receive this kind of gift in the future as well, which is an incredibly happy result. Thank you for your support, Rosalie-san!