Chapter 428

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Dungeon of Scorching Heat (7)

So warm!

Yeah, its a bit too warm~

After conquering the eighth, ninth, and tenth floors in a single day, we took a slightly longer nap before heading to the eleventh floor. I thought it would be nice to return to the town since its a nice round number, but everyone was strongly against it, so we decided to continue conquering.

The eleventh floor seemed to be a bit warmer than the odd-numbered floors weve been through so far. We were informed that it was about the same, but it seems a little different. Well have to make sure not to forget to take breaks for hydration frequently.

(Uwah~ Its so hot here~)


(So hot~)

Joule, Feat, and Radian seemed to be struggling a bit.

Are you guys okay? What should we do? How about you stay in my shadow?

(N~ I think were still fine here. If it gets any hotter, well obediently retreat to the shadow~)

(Yeah, we can endure a bit longer.)

( Muu~)

Joule and Feat didnt seem inclined to go back yet, but Radian seemed unsure.

Radian, you dont have to push yourself.

( Stay with everyone~)

It seems he didnt want to be the only one to retreat into the shadow.

Joule, can you create small ice crystals with your ice magic?

(Small ones? Theyll melt right away, you know?)

Its okay if they melt. Ideally, something like shaved ice. Or can you make it snow, even lightly, with your magic?

I can use various types of magic, but unfortunately, I cant use ice magic. So, Im asking Joule. However, Im not sure if he can create snow that falls lightly with his magic.

(Ah, I see! That sounds refreshing. Snow, huh~ Blizzards are a no-go, though. Ive experienced a fierce blizzard before.)

I must say, lets not do fierce blizzards.


I feel like we would freeze before we could enjoy the coolness.

(Um ah! Theres a good spell! Ice Mist.)

Joule, who had been thinking for a moment, seemed to come up with something and used magic, causing powdery snow to dance around.

(Oh, its working well. Originally, its a magic that blinds the opponents vision, but when I weakened it, it turned out to be just right for cooling off.)

Oh, this is great! Youre amazing, Joule!

In reality, it would have caused snow to fall so heavily that the surroundings would be completely obscured, but thanks to Joules adjustment, it became pleasantly cool.

Oh, its beautiful~

Of course, its okay. Give me a moment.

There arent many options, but I believe there were several types of straps in my Infinite Storage. Oh, a ribbon might work too.

Mile, which one do you like?

(Well, the magic bag is brown, so this one would be nice!)

Got it. Now, about the length How about this?

I promptly sewed the beige strap that Mile chose onto the magic bag. This is something I can handle. Having a complete set of sewing tools sure came in handy~

How does it look like this?

(It looks great! Thank you, Takumi Nii!)

Mile happily put the flute she had been wearing around her neck into the magic bag.

Food and perishables wont work since they can spoil, but Ill make sure you carry everything else that is necessary. Oh, right! I havent given anything to Bolt, either!

Convenience of transportation! I had forgotten to give Bolt the essential items for daily life and emergency tools. Towels, leather bags, baskets, empty bottles, and knives, though Im not sure if theyll be useful. Magic tools like water flasks, glow balls, smoke bombs, and fire stones are necessary. Lets also prepare some long-lasting medicine just in case. Bolt and Mile can use the mermaid bracelets themselves too, and it wouldnt hurt to have some money in case of emergencies.

Just thinking about it, there are quite a few items to prepare~

We cant start organizing the luggage here, though Alright! Everyone, lets conquer the eleventh floor quickly!


As per my request, we swiftly conquered the eleventh floor, and then we all brainstormed and organized our belongings.

We conquered the twelfth floor rather swiftly and arrived at the thirteenth floor.

We caught up~

Huh? You caught up? Wait, you mean with Sieg-sans group?


It seemed that Allen and Elena had been chasing after Sieg-sans Ice Blade party. No wonder they were advancing through the floors so quickly.

I was just thinking you guys were in the mood to go quick.

Exploring one floor thoroughly and finding the next one as fast as possible were two different approaches, and the childrens actions varied depending on the circumstances. Right now, I thought they were in a quick mood.

Do you guys want to conquer it together?

Yeah! Lets go together~

I see. But I think Sieg-sans group is probably somewhere on this floor by now Will you be able to find them?

Will find them~

With great enthusiasm, Allen and Elena started walking Theyll probably find them, I guess~


Wow~ you really found them~

And during our exploration of the thirteenth floor, Allen and Elena discovered the Ice Blade party. Even faster than I had anticipated.


The members of Sieg-sans group who were called out to had their mouths wide open in surprise, seemingly frozen in shock.