Chapter 446

Dungeon of Precious Stones (6)

"Hey, this..."

"”No way~"”

"Not that, I mean..."


"It's not like I dislike it... Seriously! At least let me finish!"

While walking, Dill-san attempted to hand the branches to Allen and Elena, desperately trying to return them. However, the children had no time to pay attention.

"Takumi, what are they doing?”

"Dill-san is hesitating because the branch is valuable to us. He's trying to return it to the children."

"I also like collecting shiny things, but I see that people seem to like them too. Does it have a monetary value after all?"

"Of course, it would be valuable~”

"Oh, then I have to collect plenty! Gotta buy something delicious with it!"

Confirming that his values aligned with the human race, Kaiser walked while casually breaking thin branches. It looked easy for him, but that's probably because he's Kaiser.

"... Kaiser, please stop that now.”

"Mu? Is this enough?"

Watching him gather branches like collecting firewood, even I felt my stomach tighten.

"Put it in the bag before someone sees."

"Umu. Then, Takumi."

Since Kaiser also has a magic bag, I suggested putting the branches in there. However, for some reason, he handed the branches to me.

"Isn't that yours, Kaiser?"

"I only need one for a keepsake. The rest, use them for my living expenses or something."


I did say it had value, but since selling it might cause a commotion, I will most likely keep it as a treasured possession.

"I have enough for your living expenses, so Kaiser, take it back with you."

"No, I can't."

"You can’t? Why!"

"Because I want to give it to you, Takumi!"

"Huh?! No, no, no. It's okay; I received one for a keepsake too!"

"No, it's not enough like that!"


My exchange with Kaiser mirrored the one between the children and Dill-san.

I haven't accepted it yet, though!

“”Found it~””

"Wait a minute!"


"Yeah, that's fine. The advertising slogan is, 'If it can be broken, break it and take it with you!' Oh, but using magic is not allowed."

"... We haven't used any magic."

It's quite a remarkable catchphrase.

"We have a mechanism to detect powerful magic being used on the first level, so we know you haven't used any. Oh, and the details of the mechanism are classified, so don't ask."

"... Understood."

I had no idea, but it seems there's an elaborate system in place.

Well, that makes sense; otherwise, there might be a lot of people using magic in secluded areas within the vast dungeon without any witnesses.

"While we know you haven't violated any rules, no one has been seen breaking these branches for several years, if not over a decade. So, sorry, but could you come with us to headquarters?"

"Do you want an explanation of why the branches were broken?"

"Well, that's part of it, but we anticipate negotiations. Although it's said to be impossible, many desire these branches from here."

Seems like they want to negotiate the purchase of the branches.

Since it's unavoidable, maybe it's better to go with them to this headquarters place?

"Allen, Elena. That's the situation, so we're going to headquarters."

“"Eeh~ the second floor, though~"”

"I guess it's impossible today."


The children, who were enthusiastic about exploring the dungeon, puffed their cheeks in disappointment.

"Huh, were you planning to go down?"

"Yes, that was the plan."

"Do you have a permit?"

"Huh, a permit!? Can't adventurers go?"

"If you're an adventurer, showing your Guild card here is enough. But if you're with children, it's different."

"But the children are adventurers too."

"Minors need a permit. Adventurers exploring dangerous places are responsible for themselves, but since this place is under the country's management, there are restrictions for minors. It's a precaution."


... This dungeon seems to contain incredible things, so even those without the ability to explore high-level dungeons might want to come here. It makes sense to have such measures in place.

But a permit, huh? Can we get one at the headquarters?

"Can we get a permit at the headquarters?"

"Yeah, they issue permits based on the rank and achievements of the person and their accompanying party."

"I see."

It seems we have no choice but to go to the headquarters.

"So, Allen, Elena, it looks like we have to go to the headquarters for now."

“”... Got it~””

And so, once again, we find ourselves leaving the dungeon in a short amount of time.