As the sun set in the west, the last of the afterglow was about to disappear on the distant mountaintop.

An ox-cart slowly drove on the official road. It was driven by an old man who was in his fifties. He was wearing a gray patched jacket and was humming an unknown melody.

On the oxcart, a teenager had his hands behind his head, a blade of grass in his mouth. His gaze was fixed on a spider on the roof of the ox-cart as he watched the little life strenuously spin silk into a net on his territory.

The roof was made of straw, barely enough to block out the sun and the wind. The ox-cart was not big, just enough for the teenager to lie down on his back and sleep.

The wheels accidentally pressed against a protruding rock, causing the car to sway violently. The youth finally turned his gaze away from the spider and sighed.

All this time, he had been thinking about one question: how did he manage to travel from the prosperous and peaceful twenty-first century to this nation called South Jin? How did he travel from a thirty-nine-year-old chief surgeon to become a sixteen year old jobless wanderer?

Tang Yue was a doctor of medicine, and was appointed as the chief surgeon of the First Tier City's Three-A Hospital. He was not even forty years old, and his result was quite impressive.

Tang Family was an aristocratic family of medicine, yet when Tang Yue was twenty years old, because of his sexual orientation and his family members' enmity, he took out her Tang Family.

From then on, he climbed step by step on his own, until he was thirty-nine years old. Finally, he bought a small villa on the outskirts of the city. He had an Audi that was neither good nor bad, and he even talked about a young, tender, and succulent boyfriend.

His little boyfriend had just graduated from university and entered the hospital for an internship, so it hadn't even been three months before he fell for an old man like him. Although he knew the other party was here for the title of Director, what did it matter? Why would they want to be with you if they didn't want anything from you these days?

It was a pity that such a fresh and tender boyfriend had been killed before he could hit the entire base.

He still remembered the day a patient's family came to the hospital and said that the hospital had randomly prescribed medicine and had eaten his old mother to make her compensation.

This kind of thing happened everyday, so Tang Yue didn't really care. He only went up to help a colleague when he started beating him up, but who would have thought that the other party would be enraged?

Tang Yue sighed again, being a good person and doing heroic sacrifices was intoxicating, he didn't even know his house or car, who was his little boyfriend taken advantage of?

What was even more unexpected was that he could still open his eyes. Furthermore, he was not in the underworld, but in a completely foreign world. He had become a sixteen year old youth.

The youth wore tattered clothes and lied in a thatched hut that couldn't be sheltered from the wind and the rain. He even had a high fever. As he burned, he inexplicably changed his clothes.

At that time, the only person by his side was the old grandpa who drove the carriage. From his mouth, he found out that he was in a country called South Jin, and he was ordered to bring him home.

His father was a noble of South Jin and was said to be a marquis. Seventeen years ago, he was injured in the border war and was saved by a peasant girl. After that, the two of them fell in love with each other and gave birth to a son.

According to the development of the story, there were two types of ending for such things. First, the general gave up his identity and stayed with his beloved girl until he was old, and secondly, the man felt that he was responsible for making a promise that he would definitely return. Then, he would leave on his own and return to his beloved girl.

As for this youth's father, he obviously belonged to the second type. However, he didn't know if this was a good intentions discovery or what, but he actually sent someone to bring the two of them back after 16 years.

Unfortunately, the boy's mother died five years ago, so the only one who followed him back was the boy.

He had a high fever from his long journey, and in this era where doctors and medicines were scarce, fever would kill people, and as a result, Tang Yue had gained a lot from it.

Tang Yue thought to himself. Luckily there were no memory loss injuries, otherwise, he would be even more unlucky.

"Husband, it's almost dark. There's a temple in front of us. How about we rest here tonight?" The ox-cart stopped, and the grandpa turned to ask Tang Yue with a cautious tone.

Tang Yue sat up, he spat out the grass roots in his mouth and nodded: "Ok."

It had been a month since he woke up, but he still hadn't arrived at his destination. It was said that they had been walking on the road for three months, which showed just how slow this oxcart was.

Tang Yue jumped off the car and stretched his body. After bumpy ride for three months, he felt that his physique would not be able to withstand this kind of torture. Three months was more than enough for him to fly around the Earth a few times.

The grandpa's back was already hunched over, but he worked very quickly. He moved the people who ate and slept from the oxcart into the temple on the ground, swept out a clean place, and spread out a mat of grass. Then he set up a simple stove with a rock.

They rarely spent the night in the cities or towns on the way, so it didn't matter where they went. It was already good enough to have a temple or worn-out hut to rest in, so sleeping in the open was a common occurrence.

Along the way, Tang Yue kept looking around and also realized that this nation called South Jin was truly a backward place. No matter how poor his history was, he could roughly tell that this period was similar to the Wei, Jin, Nan Bei, and not as prosperous and prosperous as the Tang Song Dynasty afterwards.

"Husband, there is a river behind the temple. The river is pretty clear, would you like to go wash up?" The grandpa walked in with a bundle of firewood in his arms.

Tang Yue's eyes lit up, he immediately jumped up and ran backwards. He had been in a muddled state for the past month, and adding that his body was not well after the high fever, he did not even have to shower a few times. His body had already stank a long time ago.

He ran to the river bank, kicked off his tattered grass shoes, took off his sackcloth clothes that were no longer the original color, and immediately jumped into the water.

The river water was warm and comfortable after being exposed to the sun for an entire day, causing Tang Yue to uncontrollably moan.

Wiping away the dirt on his body, Tang Yue washed his cloth-like clothes with water. The stains on his clothes from all these years could not be washed away just by using water alone, which made the usually germaphobic Chairman Tang very depressed.

It was a pity that he hadn't seen anything like soaphorn in the past month. That grandpa always used sticks to wash clothes, but it was also a loss that the clothes of this era were thick enough to withstand that kind of beating.

After wringing his clothes and throwing himself onto a big rock to dry, Tang Yue sat on the shore naked. Taking advantage of the last bit of light, he carefully observed the reflection of his body in the water.

With Tang Yue's standards of beauty, this young man's looks could only be considered average, and wouldn't have much to turn around to look at when thrown onto the modern streets. Fortunately, he was still at least 1.75 meters tall, and based on his age, he would probably be more than 1.8 meters tall.

The skin all over his body was the color of wheat and was quite smooth. Only his hands were slightly rough from years of work, so they were still next to each other.

Ever since Tang Yue went to college to study medicine, he paid great attention to maintaining his hands. Whether it was holding the scalpel or touching the bones, he needed to rely on his hands to feel it.

The nurse in the hospital joked, "Director Tang's hands can be used as mannequins. We should buy insurance or something."

Tang Yue dipped both of his hands into the water, this way he could soften the cuticle of the skin. As long as it was for a long time, the calluses on his hands would slowly peel off.

When they reached their so-called home, if they had the conditions, they could make some potions. Of course, if they didn't have the conditions, they could also create the conditions.

Tang Yue had been muddle-headed for a month. Only now did he remember that he had not eaten any fish in a month, and every meal was filled with food that the old man had prepared for him. He was unable to taste anything at all.

Since he couldn't go back, he couldn't mistreat his stomach. Apart from his obsession with cleanliness, picky food was also one of the common ailments known to Director Tang.

After spending a lot of effort to catch a fish, Tang Yue tied the fish with a piece of straw, put on some clothes and returned.

In the Earth Temple, the old man had already lit a fire and was roasting a wild hare. Tang Yue had not paid attention to this before, but now that he had concentrated his energy, he realized that the old man's culinary skills were probably still at the beginner's level.

"Let me do it." Tang Yue sat beside him, wanting to take the roast meat from him.

"I can't do it!" "My husband is of noble status, how could he do such a lowly thing?!" The old man avoided Tang Yue's hands and looked at him in panic, almost kneeling down and begging for mercy.

Tang Yue's hand paused, his eyes blinked, and revealed a hint of grief: "I have often done these kinds of work in the past."

He thought back to his most difficult days. His internship salary was low, so he had to rent a house and eat. He couldn't afford to eat too good food, but his stomach was too expensive and he couldn't eat anything at the roadside stall.

The grandpa knew of his background and also knew that he had suffered for more than ten years. He comforted him, "My husband will be rich in the future. All of that is in the past."

Tang Yue declined to comment. He still did not know the original body's father's intention in taking him back, so logically speaking, if a bastard child who had been neglected for more than ten years didn't have any value, he would definitely not recognize him as such.

However, with his current situation, it was better to have a wealthy family to rely on than just a single person.