C26 Wasteful Son

That day, when Yueyang Marquis returned, he immediately told him about it. Of course, she didn't make a clear complaint, but said worriedly," Yue'er is young after all, and being kind is a good thing, but for people like us, how could we be kind enough to do that?

Yueyang Marquis was a martial general himself, someone who went onto the battlefield to kill his enemies. His hands were drenched in blood, and he was naturally not a benevolent person. At the same time, he did not wish for his son to be a little white rabbit.

The little white rabbit was cute, but it would always be eaten by the big bad wolf.

He once again gathered the guards who had gone out today, and after understanding the situation clearly, he came to the same conclusion as Tang Yue.

"Today's matter is either for the Yueyang Marquis's Mansion, or for the Prince Zhao's Mansion. No matter which, we have to investigate thoroughly."


After the Yueyang Marquis finished with his business, he asked Tang Yue what he had done to the carriage driver, and the answer he received was naturally the same as his.

"For a servant to be injured, not only does he have to take a vacation, but he also needs someone to attend to him?" Yueyang Marquis frowned, he could kill a fly with his fingers, what on earth was his son's heart made of? Could it be cotton?

"And you're going to give him medicine? He even wanted to give him the medicinal wine that was stored in his family? Is that really what Yue'er said? " At this time, Yueyang Marquis really had the impulse to curse. How could such a prodigal son give him this family in the future?

He asked Tang Yue where he was and angrily ran over to teach his son a lesson. It was his fault before, he couldn't teach him well in the future.

Entering Tang Yue's courtyard, Yueyang Marquis smelled a sweet fragrance and followed the smell to the kitchen. He saw his son commanding a maid to make something delicious.

Yueyang Marquis's pampered parenting skills were all replaced by delicacies as he asked: "Yue'er, what are you cooking? It smells so good! "

Tang Yue pointed to the big plate of meat on the plate, "I fried some small fishes and chicken ribs."

Yueyang Marquis took a closer look and saw that the oil in the wok was boiling, pieces of meat were tumbling in the wok, and the fragrance was assaulting his nose.

He pinched a small fried fish and stuffed it into his mouth. It was boiling hot and his tongue was almost cooked, but he was unwilling to spit it out. After eating it all, Yueyang Marquis only had two feelings: fragrant and crisp.

Tang Yue chose to use salt and yellow wine to marinate the fish. There was a layer of white chicken egg on the outside and he also rolled a circle of cassava powder.

The method of using the chicken noodle soup was also about the same. He chose the most tender meat from the chicken breast and fried it until it was tender. It was a snack that Tang Yue once liked the most.

Unfortunately, there was no chili powder or cumin powder. Otherwise, the taste would have been even better.

Tang Yue knew that his father, Xie Xie, wouldn't come to find him for no reason. Thinking back to what happened today, he felt that it was necessary to explain in depth what had happened today.

"Does Father know about what happened today?" Tang Yue asked indifferently as he poured a cup of wine for him.

The Yueyang Marquis nodded and repeated what he had heard from the butler and the Marquis's Wife before blaming him for being too soft-hearted. His family servant had made a mistake and almost killed his master.

Which family in Ye City would not handle this matter in this way? When this matter with Tang Yue spread out, the kind people would praise him for his kindness, and even more would scold him for cowardice. He didn't even dare to punish a servant.

Tang Yue laughed unconcernedly: "Father is too serious, the cause of this matter has not been investigated, it is not good to jump to a conclusion, how did that horse go crazy, Father still needs to send people to investigate.

Furthermore, he is just a servant, he can be dealt with anytime, but the most important thing right now is to repay Wang Zizhao for his kindness.

Although the one who saved was Hu Jinpeng, seeing the relationship between him and Wang Zizhao, he would have to return everything to Wang Zizhao.

Yueyang Marquis changed the topic and nodded in agreement, "You are right, this is a huge favor. Tomorrow, I will personally pay you a visit and thank you. As for the three hundred gold …" If the news of a Marquis bringing three hundred gold to the Prince Zhao's Mansion were to spread, he would definitely be criticized.

Even if everyone knew that he was doing this to show his gratitude, wasn't this way too vulgar?

"You said that Wang Zizhao personally requested for three hundred gold?" The Yueyang Marquis asked, puzzled.

"Yes, but there's a reason." Tang Yue told him about meeting him at the Earth Temple back then. At that time, he only wanted to cut off their relationship and not see how the other party owed him a favor.

"Since that's the case, then tomorrow you'll come to my door together with father. Forget about the three hundred gold, let's just change it to ten high class horses and ten beauties. Its value is only not low."

Tang Yue facepalmed, "Do you think that with Wang Zizhao's current condition, it's suitable to send you off with a BMW and a beauty?"

He was a man with crippled legs. He couldn't ride a BMW, and he couldn't ride a beauty. This gift was simply like a knife healing wound.

Furthermore, with the other party's age, he shouldn't be afraid of him giving away so many beauties. How did his father manage to survive with his EQ?

Yueyang Marquis also realized this and laughed awkwardly, "I wasn't considerate enough, then what does Yue'er mean by this?"

Tang Yue actually wanted to take this opportunity to see Wang Zizhao's injury. If he could cure's leg, not only would he repay the favor of saving his life, he would also be able to use his Yueyang Marquis's Mansion.

However, he couldn't say this now, so he thought for a while and said, "How about we give him some expensive jade artifacts or a manor. We can also give him some gadgets that we made ourselves."

"Sure." Yueyang Marquis was trying to recall if there was anything he could take out when the butler came in to inform him that dinner was ready. The father and son pair looked at each other and went to the dining room together.

On the way, Tang Yue hesitated for a while but still asked about the Noble Heir of State Duke Heng.

"Has Father ever seen that Noble Heir of State Duke Heng before? I heard that he is engaged to Ya, and will be married next year. "

Yueyang Marquis's footsteps paused, his expression somewhat embarrassed: "You've met him today?"

Tang Yue nodded and recounted the story of how he met that damn fatty.

"Father, this kind of person is not a good match!"

Yueyang Marquis sighed, "Of course I know, it's just that this marriage was set by your grandfather. At that time, both of our children were young, so State Duke Heng owed your grandfather a favor so we had this marriage.

"Then can't we not accept this favor?" What the hell!

"The marriage has been decided. If we break off the engagement, what about Ya's reputation?" Seeing that his son did not agree, Yueyang Marquis explained, "Other than this reason, father has other considerations."

Tang Yue thought that he was going to say something big like this to avenge his family. In his heart, he had already thought of a way to refute him, and only waited for him to speak.

"Noble Heir of State Duke Heng is famous for his incompetence and deceitfulness among the young masters of the Ye City, as well as his lecherous rudeness. Even if such a person does not do anything, with his family background, he will definitely be able to live a rich life."

"That's hard to say, the affairs of the world are unpredictable." Tang Yue retorted with a smirk.

"It is inevitable that this kind of imbecile and incompetent person would not be able to achieve great things. However, it is also impossible to do such a vile and evil thing. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the annihilation of our clan."

Meaning: that idiot, he doesn't even have the intelligence to do big bad things to those evil people!

Tang Yue was unable to refute him.

"When the State Duke Heng's wife passed away early, Ya would become the mistress of the household after marrying his. His husband is useless and lecherous, it would be impossible for her to live a glorious life, but he would be able to live a wealthy life."

"No matter how rich or unhappy I am, it's useless." Tang Yue felt that the happiest woman was still married to a man who loved her the most.

Yueyang Marquis glanced at him and thought: This son is really too naive.

"Your father knows what you mean by that. If there is a talented Humble Class offspring who has gone through hardships to improve, it would be good for Ya as well. Do you think that marrying such a person would make you happy?"

Tang Yue thought about it seriously, "Although his background is not good, he is talented and willing to endure hardship. With the help of Yueyang Marquis's Mansion, he can find a position and get some help.

Yueyang Marquis shook his head, "You think too well of me, a person who needs the help of Yueyang Marquis's Mansion to climb the stairs will one day surpass Marquis's Mansion and lose the deterrence of Marquis's Mansion. Will he still treat Ya well?"

"Why not? It was the Marquis's Mansion that helped him, so he should have treated Ya better. " Although Tang Yue said that, he did not think that way. Men can go through hardships together, but sharing wealth is harder.

Many of the men started having fun after getting rich. Lovers were swapping out one by one, and the yellow-faced grandma in the house was no longer satisfied with their sexual interests.

No matter how beautiful or delicate a flower, there would always be a day when it would wilt.