The next day, Tang Yue went to sleep until the sun went up. However, he was awakened with cold water at dawn. He looked at the four strong women in disbelief, "you..." Are you crazy?

"The son of God forgives me. The slaves just follow the instructions of the little husband." One of the women said with a low eyebrow.

They are not ungrateful in their mind, but in their concept, the first to be loyal to their own master must be the first, and then the king.

"It's time for you to get up and run in the morning." Another woman handed her clean clothes and said.

"No running! What can you do with your son? " The son of a son lay down on the bed, die to the end!

But he didn't last long. A basin of cold water came down and ended his willpower.

"My husband told me that if you don't get up, you'll keep throwing it all the time."

“……” Compared with the level of rogue, Tang Yue has won.

When Pingshun was forced to run for 20 laps on the small playground, he saw Tang Yue go out of the house sleepily and stretch himself leisurely.

As soon as his legs were soft, he knelt down on the ground, his chest was filled with sand like pain, and every breath was like a knife cut. His eyes at Tang Yue were sharper than the blade.

Tang Yue turned a blind eye to him. He asked him to wash and have a rest for breakfast. The breakfast was white, and the porridge could not be any more white. There were two stacks of cold mixed vegetables on the table. Rao was so, and he ate it smoothly.

Only after each meal, Tang Yue fed him two bowls of slimming soup, added several kinds of Chinese herbal medicine and food materials, the taste of some exotic flowers, but has the effect of detoxification and beauty.

In addition to slimming soup, Tang Yue changed his usual drinking water into lotus leaf tea, scraping oil and fat, without side effects.

However, to Tang Yue's surprise, Pingshun only had diarrhea on the first day. After that, no matter whether it was scraping or massage, it didn't play a role in moistening the intestines. He had to sigh that the ancient people's intestines and stomachs were really strong.

High intensity exercise combined with proper diet is one of the most effective ways to lose weight in the short term. It will rebound if you don't pay attention to it later, but at least it can make people see the effect.

Tang Yue and Pingshun ate and lived together for half a month. He adopted a high-pressure policy every day, and his exercise increased day by day. His diet changed every day. Various kinds of porridge appeared in endlessly. But the essence of congee was still porridge, and he didn't get fed up with Pingshun. Unfortunately, he still craved meat.

Tang Yue occasionally takes him out for a game, rewarding him with delicious barbecue.

Half a month later, the smooth hands and feet have been quite strong, the biceps brachii is not all fat, can pull the bow and arrow archery.

He once secretly ran out on his own. He spent most of the night hunting a hare for himself. He roasted it himself according to the method of Tang Yue education. Unfortunately, he forgot to clean up his internal organs and did not move after eating only four legs.

After eating, he hesitated for a long time, thinking whether he would take this opportunity to go home directly instead of suffering in the Marquis house of queryang. However, he gritted his teeth to resist the changes in his body.

What he didn't know was that once he wanted to escape, the guards in the dark would take him back to the Marquis of Liyang.

Tang Yue turned a blind eye to this matter and kept a record of his weight every day. He focused on how to make him consume more fat and improve his exercise schedule.

They lived a life of "two ears do not listen to things outside the window, only for weight loss meat". It was not until one day that Tang Yue heard about Wang zizhao that he had not seen him for more than a month.

"I don't know how his legs are recovering..." Tang Yue lies in the shade of the small playground, eating the fruit cut by her wife and watching the basketball game on the playground.

Cuju is popular these days, which is a bit similar to modern football. However, the court in Tang Yue's yard is not big enough, so we can only play with a simple version of the basketball court.

Since he taught these people to play basketball, a group of big masters are infatuated with the sport. As long as Tang Yue calls out to play, he comes to recommend himself one by one.

Tang Yue told them that they should try to hang shiziye and let him run a few more steps, but they should not completely let him lose the ball, which would hurt his enthusiasm.

Looking at a group of men with good stature, sweating like rain on the playground, Tang Yue seems to find a little bit of campus feeling, pure broken without desire to appreciate the feeling, quite beautiful.

It seems that there is a group of fat men in the middle of his body, which is often broken by a group of fat men.

Compared with a month ago, Pingshun is no longer round like a ball. Although it is still fat, its body shape is like being cut two times from the side, and the transverse width is reduced a lot.

In Tang Yue's record book, Ping Shun's weight has been reduced by 23 Jin. This achievement is placed in front of Heng Guogong. I believe he will be very satisfied.

Tang Yue didn't plan to let him go back so soon. This man's willpower is too weak. No one will control him when he goes back. He won't want his efforts wasted.

In addition, he found that the boy had many advantages. In addition to his good memory, he was also quick in mental calculation. Tang Yue was going to find someone to teach him how to do abacus and remember relief. He had a lot of money making ideas. Unfortunately, he had no interest in doing business. His fat water didn't flow to other people's fields. If he could cultivate this boy, he would not be wrong.However, in this period, the status of merchants was low, and Duke Heng was not easy to pass.

And whether this kid is trustworthy or not remains to be seen.

"Xiao Lang Jun, someone has come to pass a message to Prince Zhao's house. Wang zizhao asks you to go through the mansion." The housekeeper walked through the wooden group and said.

Tang Yue sat up from the couch and asked, "Prince Zhao? Did you say what it was? "

The housekeeper's eyes fell on the playground, shocked and speechless. For the first time, he ignored Tang Yue's question, "that is The son of a generation? "

This month, in addition to Tang Yue's close attendants, the courtyard was not even allowed to enter the courtyard, in order to prevent these people from seeing the tragic situation of smooth and could not help letting them go, so the housekeeper saw Ping Shun for the first time every month.

If I see you every day, I don't feel so obvious. If I haven't seen you for such a long time, the housekeeper almost can't recognize the son of God.

After losing more than 20 jin, the smooth facial features are clearly three-dimensional, and the eyes are no longer narrowed into a seam, but show a little peach blossom eye contour.

There is another reason why Tang Yue refuses to let him go back. After the boy is completely thin, he must be a handsome man. Maybe the order of the four beautiful men in Yecheng must change. In this case, if people are not completely transformed, he will only harm more girls.

This is the second, mainly because he doesn't want to waste his time to make other people's wedding clothes. He has worked hard to thin people down. Other women besides Tang Ya are cheap, and they are cruel to their hearts.

"So thin." Exclaimed the housekeeper.

Tang Yue doesn't think so much. The short-term effect of such high-intensity exercise and diet control will be very obvious, especially for a smooth weight of more than 200 Jin. At the beginning, they will lose weight quickly. After a certain period of time, the weight loss will be more and more slow.

"Uncle Quan, let's get down to business. What can I do for Prince Zhao?"

The housekeeper regained his mind and patted his forehead. "It's my negligence. Prince Zhao only sent someone to pick you up. He didn't say what it was. However, it was rumored that Wang zizhao's legs had recovered. Today, a banquet was held in the mansion and invited several princes and princesses. It must be that you were invited to the banquet."

"No posts?" Tang Yue thought: is this too casual? It's not formal at all.

"What you don't know is that the banquet of Prince Zhao's residence is never handed down. As far as his subordinates know, this is the second time that Prince Zhao entertained guests since he opened his house at the age of ten."

"When was the first time?"

The housekeeper said with a smile: "the first time is the day when Wang zizhao opened his house and moved to the house, and announced the wedding ceremony of betrothal with Princess Tangxi."

"Wait Who do you think Prince Zhao is engaged to The more he unconsciously turned up the volume.

"Princess Tangxi, but..." Seeing Tang Yue staring at himself, the housekeeper coughed, looked around and lowered his voice and said, "but a few days ago, the prefecture Prince's office has proposed to withdraw from the marriage, which must not be possible."

"Is the news reliable? Why didn't I hear that? "

"Naturally, it's impossible to publicize this kind of thing. It's normal that you seldom walk around outside, and it's normal that you haven't heard of it." Concerning the reputation of the royal family, only the nobles dare to spread it in private.

Tang Yue frowned, "then what Princess proposed to retire after Wang zizhao's leg was abandoned?"

"Naturally, if Prince Zhao's legs were not wasted, who would have given up the throne of Prince Zhao?" That is the queen of the future, mother Yi world, which woman can refuse such temptation?

Tang Yue shook his head and sneered: "this is really The human feelings are cold and the world is cold and cold! " I don't know what kind of princes and princes are now regretting what they are like, and have their intestines regretted green?

"It's human nature." The housekeeper comforted him: "fortunately, Prince Zhao met a noble man. Now it is said that you are a miracle doctor in the world. If it was not for the Marquis's mansion, there would be some dignity in the house, and the door would be broken."

"Someone came to see a doctor?"

The housekeeper said with a smile, "naturally, from Princes and ministers to people at dawn, the gatekeeper has to send too many people every day."

Even if the Marquis of Liyang went out of his house every day, he would be stopped to ask for help. Although his face was very glorious, the old Marquis was already very upset and seldom went out.

Before Tang Yue, in order to smooth the temperament of his brother-in-law, he ate and lived with him. However, one month was the limit, and it would be counterproductive to keep people so trapped.

"In a few days, the drugstore on the East Street will be opened. When they come to see a doctor, let them go to the drugstore. It's not good to disturb the family."

The housekeeper promised to go down to prepare for Tang Yue's going out.