After breakfast, the team continued to move forward, and the road to Qinyang City became more tortuous, crossing mountains and mountains. In some places, even carriages could not pass.

Wang zizhao had abandoned the carriage and replaced it with a sedan chair. Tang Yue still rode on his pony and was frightened to follow in the middle of the team.

On the way, he passed a small village with dozens of families. Hu Jinpeng asked the team to stop and have a rest for a while. By the way, people in the village asked for some water to drink.

"Why is the village so quiet?" Zhao Sanlang jumped down from the horse's back and carried his long gun to the entrance of the village to look around.

Today, he was in a different kind of excitement from the start, sitting on horseback, occasionally reciting poems, singing a song, the whole like a mental patient.

Fortunately, the captain of the team has a large number of people, and there are few people who can see his morbid appearance. Tang Yue also tries not to provoke him, so that he will not be stimulated out of control.

Hu Jinpeng sent a small group of 20 people to have a look. Seeing Zhao Sanlang holding a gun nervously, he comforted him: "maybe the villagers were scared to see us coming."

They are thousands of people working together. Don't be too eye-catching as they pass by. Basically, people will evacuate immediately wherever they go, which is more terrible than beasts.

Zhao Sanlang put his gun on the ground and wiped the sweat on his forehead. I don't know how he can blame the hot weather in the late autumn.

He is not the son of the Duke of hengguo. He is full of sweat when he moves.

"Brother Hu, do you think those mountain bandits will really appear today?"

"We can't predict whether it will happen, but we will pass through that area today, and it should be within an hour in the future."

"Well If not, can you go to Qinyang City to repair for a few days before making plans? "

Hu Jinpeng glanced at him and replied, "this road is not a rush. You don't need to go to the city to repair it. Your highness doesn't want to disturb the people."

As soon as he moved out of Prince Zhao, Zhao Sanlang did not dare to say any more words. He planned to follow Wang zizhao's side from now on. As for the task of killing the enemy, when the bandits were almost dead, he would find a seriously injured one to mend his knife. Anyway, he only said that he would kill the enemy, but did not specify what it was like.

He thought he was so smart!

Zhao Sanlang immediately ran back to share the idea with his new brother, and gave Tang Yue a proud look. He was stunned and thought he had seizures.

The people who came to the village soon returned with several pots of water in their hands. One of them handed the kettle to Hu Jinpeng. Hui reported: "general, there are only some old and weak women and children in the village, not even a young man."

"Oh? Why is this so? "

"An old lady only said that all the young people in the village had gone out to make a living, and only came back every new year or festival."

Such a situation is not uncommon, especially in a famine year. Because of the poor harvest, these people who live on land will go to the cities and towns to do some small jobs to supplement their families.

Hu Jinpeng looked at the sun and asked Wang zizhao for instructions: "Your Highness, it's better to eat lunch here before going on the road."

Further on, the probability that they will encounter mountain bandits will be high, and there will be a battle.

Wang zizhao nodded, "yes, after dinner, let everyone check the equipment, and the hemostatic drugs prepared by Tang Xiaolang. Everyone should bring some."

Tang Yue prepared this before he set out. According to his idea, every soldier should have a first-aid bag containing some necessary first-aid medicine. In case of injury, he can delay the deterioration of the injury in the first time and wait for rescue.

In the battlefield, more than a minute of life will have more chances of success. Both sides are fighting for time and life.

However, there is no such condition yet. The dosage of more than 1000 people is not a small number. Tang Yue's hemostatic drugs are all developed according to his prescription. Time is tight, and there is a limit to what can be done.

In the open space at the entrance of the village, they set up a fire, baked cakes, and burned some hot water to eat.

Tang Yue noticed that from time to time, some people in the village were looking at them, especially when they were eating, and their eyes were very keen, as if to burn a hole in his hand.

Tang Yue put down the food and asked Wang zizhao in a low voice: "can we have more food? Can you give some to the villagers here? "

Prince Zhao was surprised to see that they stayed away from the village as far as possible, in order to avoid such a situation.

The people are living in poverty. There are some people who are not satisfied with food and clothing. As long as people with good intentions will inevitably want to help them, especially those soldiers from poor families, they are most soft hearted.

But when the army goes out, it's impossible to take more food with them. It's very kind not to collect food from the people's homes. How could there be surplus food for them?

"How many people can you help? Even if all the food is sent out, they will not be hungry for a day or two. What about the future? "

When Tang Yue finished speaking, he knew that he had asked a stupid question. He had not done many good deeds in his previous life. He had not done any volunteer work or rescued stray dogs. Only when the school unit asked for donations would he donate some. How could he change a place to become a Bodhisattva?

"I know. You don't mind if you say it in a hurry." Tang Yue broke off a piece of cake and put it into his mouth. The big cake made of brown rice tasted very bad, dry and astringent, and could be swallowed with water.It seems to him that the most crude food can not be eaten by many families. The 5000 year old Chinese food culture is probably only spread between the aristocrats and the rich.

"Tang Xiaolang, do you feel that the Southern Jin Dynasty is extremely poor?" Wang zizhao clenched his fist and looked at Tang Yue carefully.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I see pity and sorrow in your eyes." Prince Zhao stares at Tang Yue's eyes, "a man who is not full of snacks and warm clothes is not qualified to pity others, and an orphan who has no father or mother since childhood is not qualified to grieve for others."

Tang Yue subconsciously touched the lower eyelid, it turns out that he just exposed the emotion so seriously? Or is Prince Zhao too dazzling?

"You Do you doubt my identity and origin? "

Wang zizhao nodded honestly, but added: "as long as you have no threat to the Southern Jin Dynasty, I don't care who you are or where you come from."

Tang Yue knew that he thought so before, but he was very relieved to hear him say so.

"I'll have a chance to explain to you later It was the common people and slaves who suffered in the Southern Jin Dynasty. The nobles were rich, they had no lack of food and clothing, and they enjoyed privileges. There is a poem like this: the wine and meat of Zhumen stink, and there are frozen bones on the road.

But I know that this is not the fault of anyone, but the characteristics of the times. What we can do is to improve the productivity, so that the people can produce more food and weave more cloth. When the materials are rich, the people can get rid of the situation of hunger and cold to the greatest extent. "

Prince Zhao chewed the poem several times. Such a poem is not available in this era, but the ten words are easy to understand and not difficult to understand.

"The nobles are superior to the common people, so they should have the privilege. But you are right. The common people are also the people of the Southern Jin Dynasty. I will try my best to take their interests into account and make them eat, eat and wear warm clothes."

Tang Yue knew that Wang zizhao would be a rare benevolent monarch. It would be a blessing for him to meet such a person?

He felt that if he was a kind person, Wang zizhao was a kind person.

These two words seem to be similar, but in Tang Yue's understanding, kindness belongs to the superior, and kindness belongs to ordinary people like him.

"Are you willing to help the king to harness the soil and water and raise the people here?" Wang zizhao suddenly said a slightly ambiguous sentence.

Tang Yue expression lenglengleng, do not understand such an invitation is to let him become an official, or want him to be an aide to help him to give advice?

Whatever it is, it seems that it is not in line with his career plan. He is just a surgeon.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Prince Zhao continued: "I will be the most powerful person in the Southern Jin Dynasty. You have the wisdom that other people can't imagine. All your ideas can be realized through this king, and my wishes can also be completed by you. In this way, it is called mutual assistance and mutual success."

How does it become complementary? It's not suitable for him to be promoted to the ruling class.

Tang Yue pinched his thigh and tried to make his expression look calm There is still a long way to go. "

Prince Zhao narrowed his eyes. Tang Yue couldn't understand his emotion. His lips were slightly open, and he only spit out one word: "good."

A word, then let Tang Yue lift the heart down, he was really afraid that the prince's highness will produce a "either die or surrender" idea.

These superior people are always used to controlling those who can control them and killing those who can't in their own infinite conjecture.

This is called: I can't get, others don't want to get!