"How to make a living?" People's eyes fell on Tang Yue.

Tang Yue didn't play the vanguard either. He asked bluntly, "there are many kinds of medicinal materials in the southwest of China. There are many kinds of them. Why don't you make a living out of it?"

All of us hoped for a moment and then darkened. They thought how constructive the little Lang Jun could put forward. It turned out to be this.

"You don't know. There are many wild animals in this deep mountain, and the villagers dare not go deep. Although the medicinal materials are good, we don't know each other, and it's hard to find a buyer in this remote area."

"Since I put forward this, I have considered it." Tang Yue indicated to them not to worry and made a blueprint for them in detail.

"I have my own medicine shop. I need all kinds of medicinal materials. As long as you can collect the herbs, the drugstore can buy them at a price 10% lower than the market price. Moreover, I will send people to come here every month, and you can sell them together."

"Is that true?" Several old men looked at each other and made eye contact. They all felt that this livelihood could be provided.

But "The villagers know a limited number of medicinal materials, and some of them can't be stored for a month after being picked."

Tang Yue bowed his head and thought about it. He called the bird in and said, "while the villagers get together these two days, you will teach them to identify all the medicinal materials we collected today. When these things are finished, you can let some quick learners from each village come to the mountain with you and teach them to recognize more herbs."

"Do you want to inform them of the efficacy of each medicine?" the bird asked

Tang Yue glanced at several masters and said with a smile: "it's OK to tell them some commonly used medicines, but some with toxicity must be explained to them clearly. It's three parts of the poison. Don't use the wrong medicine to kill people."

"Here it is."

"When the medicinal materials are clearly identified, I will teach you what needs to be dried in the sun, which should be placed in the shade, and which need to be dried with fire."

It's rare to see such a considerate buyer. The big men are very happy, and they all think that this little Lang Jun is very kind.

"Well, what are the other questions?" Tang Yue reminded them: "there are limited traditional Chinese medicines in the mountains, and some of them have a long growth cycle. You must remember not to over develop them. It would be better if you could collect some seeds and plant them yourself."

"Thank you for your kindness. I'm very grateful to you. But there are hundreds of families in our five villages. The amount of medicinal herbs collected must be quite large. Do you really want all of them?"

"You can rest assured that as long as the medicinal materials do not deteriorate, it will not be a problem. But let me make it clear that the year and quality of the medicinal materials are different, and the prices are also different. These young masters will let people tell you in detail later."

Tang Yue said that in this case, the eldest brother is not dissatisfied. They have been fighting in the mountains all their lives. If they really want to go to the city, they really don't know how to live. Even if they are tired and bitter here, they will always have a bite to eat.

Now that there is an extra livelihood for drug dealers, there will be more stable income. Why not?

Thanks again and again, exclaimed: this trip is not in vain!

Tang Yue was relieved and finally solved the problem of medicinal materials. Although there are not all kinds of medicinal materials in the surrounding mountains, according to his investigation this morning, it is not a problem to collect more than 100 kinds of commonly used medicines.

Some herbs are only grown in the north, so they can only be purchased from merchants from north to south.

"Now that it's settled, I'll go out with my guard and organize people to identify herbs. I'll go back when it's getting dark. How about coming back tomorrow morning?"

"It's so good. It's a big trouble for you." When they went out, Tang Yuecai jumped to his feet and yelled, "let's go and eat!"

"Then they..." Asked Ping Shun, pointing to the back of the group.

"We don't have a package meal. They take care of it." Tang Yue waved his hand and said that the food and rates of the barracks were custom-made, and he did not dare to pretend to treat people to dinner.

And people in this era are used to eating two meals a day. Seeing that they bring their family with them and all their luggage has been moved, shouldn't they be without food?

Tang Yue took people to the kitchen. When they went in, they found that the game had been cleaned up and piled up two piles of them, which were frightening.

But you really don't have to worry about not finishing. You are all young and vigorous men in this team. You can eat as much as you can in a barrel.

Tang Yue rolled his sleeve and began to divide the work. Some of the meat was stewed, some were roasted, some were smoked. Of course, the most important thing was bittern, which was the focus of the meal.

It's a pity that there is no hot pepper, or you can make a stewed chicken feet delicious!

The old cook rubbed over and asked next to Tang Yue: "can you drink some tonic soup today? The materials are complete and fresh. They are all good things

Tang Yue quickly shook his head: "don't need to, this childe's body is good, don't need to make up." How dare he touch those things? In case of overdose, nosebleed is a small matter, put Wang zizhao on the right path to the end.

In fact, he thought too much. With the force value of both of them, the one who was brought to justice could only be himself.I don't know whether Wang zizhao can get rid of the blame if he is brought to justice.

Lunch had been done for nearly two hours, and the greedy guards and soldiers had already lined up and sat waiting to be fed.

"How fragrant How can meat be so delicious Zhao Sanlang stretched his nose and smelled it intoxicated.

Smooth already don't want to talk, stomach your greedy insect clamors up, make him want to rush in first grab a piece of meat to eat.

"In the future, it's really infuriating to marry Tang Sanniang."

Smooth is very proud to shake his head, "fortunately, my father is wise, early appointed for me the eldest son of Marquis of queryang, after he is my uncle." Such a close relationship, rub eat rub drink small!

I'm so happy. Have you?

Zhao Sanlang touched his chin and pondered, "there are two concubines in my family. I don't know if I've decided on someone else. But with their identity, they really don't deserve Tang Xiaolang."

"Common people come out?" Smooth squint to see over, disdain way: "give Tang Xiaolang to do concubine still almost!"

The bodyguards standing on one side have already begun to turn their eyes secretly. They are just two masters with strange ideas. Otherwise, who dares to let the wife of Tangtang government marry to be a concubine.

This if climb up is prince princess also calculate, the other side is just an unofficial Marquis son.

Of course, along the way, they have been fully aware of the Tang family Lang Jun's genius, believe that he is the reincarnation of gods, such a person with the princess is enough.

Zhao Sanlang thinks about it, so he doesn't mention it any more. He sighs next to Pingshun: "I heard that the eldest lady of Tang family is heroic and has the style of chivalry. I'm really worried about your health for brother."

"What's the answer?"

"You can see that she is fat and strong, but she has no foundation. She is a woman. She beat the little girl of the Wu family last time. She dare not fart. In Yecheng, no one dares to provoke her."

"So pungent?"

"Bang..." Zhao Sanlang took a glance at the kitchen and motioned him to be quiet. Tang Yue would like to hear that. Do they want to eat delicious meat?

Smooth wriggling body, uneasy mutter: "a woman married from her husband, when she entered the Heng state government, naturally listen to the son of this generation."

"Have you ever seen her?"

Shake your head smoothly.

Zhao Sanlang knew that this was the case. Although the boy said that he was good at women, he could judge the beauty of beautiful flowers to make people disgusting. The woman who came to the door automatically was ugly, and he didn't care about the beauty of the woman hiding from him.

Zhao Sanlang patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "don't worry. In addition to this, the appearance of your future wife is first-class. How many childe envy you."

All Yecheng knows that the Tang family's wife married the prince of hengguo like a flower on cow dung. Fortunately, the cow dung was piled up with gold, which was barely undervalued.

"Ready for dinner!" With a roar, the whole camp raised their spirits and looked at the kitchen.

Zhao Sanlang rushed over at the first time, waving his nose to find the most delicious food. Fortunately, his elder brother was not there, otherwise he would be ashamed.

"Tang Xiaolang, where are the delicacies? Come on Zhao Sanlang roared, and the rest of the people were shouting. For a moment, the camp was filled with fragrance and laughter.

Those villagers who were still trying to identify the herbs naturally smelled the delicious meat, and watched from afar, and the hungry insects were also hung up.

"What kind of meat is this? Why is it so fragrant? "

"What they brought back before is some common game that our family has eaten."

"Really? Is it not that their cooks are excellent at cooking? "

"It must be. Just seeing that they can buy so many herbs in one breath, we can know that this young master not only has the power and power, but also has the money. Naturally, his food is different from ours."

"I don't know which aristocrat's children are. What noble people should they be when they hear that the Lord is not here?"

"What do you know? They are all human beings. If you are lucky enough to see one side, you will be satisfied. "

"Fate makes people If you could be born in a royal family, what kind of wealth would it be... "