At lunch, Wang zizhao called Zhao Sanlang to him. He praised him for his performance in this trip, and then assigned him a task of managing grain and grass.

"Saburo is not young. It's time to take on the responsibility and live a life of idleness, which will only hurt the enemy's immediate relatives."

Zhao Sanlang bowed his head and did not dare to refute. He responded cleverly. Therefore, he changed himself and became an official.

Moreover, grain and grass is the core of an army. His official position is not big, and there are too many things to do. From how much food to how to prevent theft, theft and mice in a day are his responsibilities.

Therefore, from this moment on, he had no time to dominate Tang Yue's learning from this school to that school.

Therefore, Prince Zhao can finally see someone in his camp account for a long time.

"Before Professor, can you remember all your thousand words?" Wang zizhao finished an official document and asked Tang Yue who was teasing Wu.

This bird was caught by sparrow when it went to the mountain. It has colorful feathers and a bright yellow mouth. It sounds like a cat crying. It is a species that Tang Yue has never seen before.

Tang Yue changed the food from his left hand to his right hand. He did not eat the bird, and he did not return to reply: "thousand words are small. I can read it smoothly now."

Wang zizhao got up and went to him. He teased the bird with his fingers and asked, "where did it come from?"

"A guard caught it from the mountains, isn't it lovely?" Tang Yue learned from the bird and called back to him. The sharp voice was a little sad. It was really special.

"It's awful!" Wang zizhao gave an honest evaluation.

Tang Yue couldn't refute that the bird made many people have nightmares last night. He didn't dare to sleep alone when he woke up in the middle of the night. He had to drag the mountain to accompany him.

However, he tolerated all these, who let the beautiful parents? Beautiful species always have some privileges.

Originally Tang Yue wanted to give the bird to Prince Zhao, but now he can't open it.

"Or Have you set them free? "

"Keep it if you like, just a bird." Wang zizhao didn't care much about it. He said that Tang Yue wanted to be released more.

Many of the animals in this mountain are unknown to Tang Yue. Do you think it is necessary to die out in the long history, or the species of the two worlds are different.

Whatever the reason, Tang Yue is full of novelty when he sees these things he hasn't seen before.

"It's up to you to decide whether to raise or not." Tang Yue unties the rope tied to the bird's paw and puts it at the door. If it wants to fly away, let him return to the embrace of nature.

Tang Yue thought that the other party would be a little bit nostalgic for him, but at least he had been fed. How could he know that the curtain had just been lifted and the other party could not wait to run away.

"What an inhumane flat haired animal Tang Yue shook his head with emotion.

If you think about the freedom of the bird, you can't understand it.

He turned to go in, and Wang zizhao handed him a small box.

"For me?" I didn't send out the gift, but I received it. I feel a little embarrassed.

"Open it and have a look." Wang zizhao tried his best to make his expression more natural, as if he was just giving something to his subordinates.

Tang Yue opened the box with excitement and expectation, and found that inside was a ball, or a bead. The appearance looked plain, but it didn't look like a pearl.

Of course, it's much bigger than a pearl.

Tang Yue couldn't pull down his face and asked Wang zizhao what it was and what it was used for. He had to disobey his heart and say, "it's beautiful. Thank you for your gift. You remember to bring me something when you go out on business. It's really moving."

Wang zizhao's eyes were so poisonous that he could see that Tang Yue's mouth was not right. He frowned and took the box from him.

"What's the matter?" Don't want to take it back if you regret it after delivery? How can there be such a reason?

Wang zizhao pulled up the light curtain in the tent, and the room was suddenly dark. The only light was coming from Prince Zhao's hand.

Tang Yue thought a turn, exclaimed: "night pearl?"

Wang zizhao felt relieved. The two gift givers didn't know each other. What's the meaning?

He didn't want such a result.

"It's really the Pearl of the night. Do you like it?" Wang zizhao handed the box over again.

Tang Yue was much more careful this time. He followed it carefully with both hands, staring at the Pearl in the box without blinking.

This is the first time he saw the living pearl of the night. Before, he only watched the fake with special effects on TV, which was not of the same grade.

"It turns out that there are really night pearls in this world..." Tang Yue put the box on the table, holding the night pearl in both hands to watch closely.

This bead is about the size of a baby's fist. It was just amber. Now, it emits yellow green light in the dark. It is really amazing."Where did you get it?" In fact, you don't have to ask. Prince Zhao only went to Qinyang City these three days. Besides there, it won't be any other place.

"I copied the residence of the city Lord." Wang zizhao gave an answer.

No wonder he had seen a covered wagon behind the prison wagon. It must have been a convoy carrying goods.

Tang Yue swallowed his mouth and asked, "can I really get this thing?" To say it lightly, it would be regarded as faking the public for private use, but if it was serious, it would be misappropriation of the state house.

Night pearl, for Tang Yue, this thing only exists in legend. I didn't expect to see it in real life.

"Since this king gives it to you, naturally it is yours."

"It won't be exposed, will it?"

The corner of Wang zizhao's mouth rose slightly, "if it is revealed, the guilty should also be the king."

"That's true." Tang Yue is also a good or bad don't know, "is it not good to be known by the king?"

"Then don't let him know." Wang zizhao replied calmly.

Tang Yue swallowed his mouth and said in secret: Oh, my God, how can I hear the smell of smoke? This father and son will not be enemies?

To tell you the truth, he really didn't feel how much the king loved this son. His son's leg was broken. He didn't take a look at it and took his crown prince's position. When his son's leg was good, he stood up to express his concern, but the crown prince's position had not been implemented yet.

Tang Yue thought of this and handed the night Pearl back to him, "if your highness will give this pearl to the king, the king will be very happy with the dragon heart."

"My father has seen countless treasures. He will not be rare for a pearl of the night."

"How do you know if you haven't tried?" Tang Yue leaned over and whispered, "the most important thing for you now is to fix the crown prince's position. If a night pearl is not enough, you can think of other ways to please him. When he is happy, he will say everything."

Wang zizhao looked at Tang Yue with a little surprise. He didn't expect that he would say this to himself. Even Hu Jinpeng didn't dare to speak out.

Tang Yue also knew that he said it was a bit too much, but he really didn't want to see that the person in charge of the country in the future was not Prince Zhao.

"The concern of Lang Jun, Zhao Neng can understand, is just the Pearl of the night, which is presented to you by my king. Thank you for your salvation."

Tang Yue shook his head, "I am a doctor, you are a patient. It's natural for us to treat a doctor one by one. It's really unnecessary to send such a valuable thank you."

"Well If the king says, "the Pearl of the night is your betrothal gift?" Wang zizhao suddenly uttered a sentence, which made Tang Yuezhen dizzy.

"You What do you say What do you mean What is bride price? Is the bride price in this era a different meaning?

"How about this king's engagement with you as a wife?"

Tang Yueji was shocked and speechless, staring at each other, trying to distinguish whether he was joking.

But the impression of Prince Zhao is not like a person who can make such a joke.

He pinched a handful of his thigh, and the pain made him sure that he was not dreaming. Although he had done this to Prince Zhao in his dream, he never had the idea of marrying him.

Of course, the idea of being married is even less.

"Your Highness, don't make fun of this kind of thing, I will take it seriously, ha ha..." Tang Yue said with embarrassment.

Wang zizhao slowly approached him, and his eyes were extremely focused, which made Tang Yue feel cherished.

His heart trembled and he almost blurted out his agreement.

"I can give you a few days to think about it. Before you arrive in Yecheng, you can think about it." Tang more dizzy to nod, even how he is out of the camp account do not know.