Tang Yue ran away again. People around him cast puzzled eyes. They didn't understand how Prince Zhao had offended this little Lang Jun, and even made him avoid being like a snake or a scorpion.

Back in his room, Tang Yue lay down on the bed, his fingers subconsciously touched his lips, and there were a few small wounds on his head, licking some stinging pain.

"Dog's?" He muttered, turned over and was facing Hu Jinpeng's big eyes.

"Ah..." Tang Yue startled, "brother Hu, you don't scare people, why there is no sound?"

Hu Jinpeng looked at him innocently, "Xiaolang didn't look at me since he entered the door. He didn't promise to call you twice. He kept laughing and talking to himself. I thought you were in the middle of evil."

"What's the matter?" How could he giggle? This is too unscientific.

Hu Jinpeng shrugged his shoulders, "I'm afraid you're on a good terms with the young man? I guess it won't be Zhao Sanlang or hengguo gongshizi

"Why?" Tang Yue also widened his eyes, want to ask him from where to see his heart rippling?

Isn't it just that the long drought has moistened a little bit? Isn't it rippling?

"Zhao Sanlang has a handsome face, but in fact he is full of straw bags. It is unnecessary to mention the descendants of the Duke of hengguo. He is a loser at home and abroad. I'm afraid it's hard to make Xiao Lang excited."

Tang Yue puffed at the corners of his mouth, "why do you think I must be on with whom?"? Maybe I found gold, maybe I met a beautiful woman? "

"Xiao Lang likes women?" Hu Jinpeng said: "Xiao Lang's eyes have never focused on which woman, and I'm afraid I haven't touched a woman's body at the age of 16?"

"As for gold, ha ha..." Hu Jinpeng perfectly answered Tang Yue's mood when he found gold with two words.

Tang Yue thought: if it was in his last life, he won't be so excited if he picked up gold in this life.

Sure enough, the more money, the less material satisfaction.

Tang Yue stared at Hu Jinpeng and glanced at several times, "brother Hu, have you got married?"

The other side cast a wary look, "of course, it's married. There's one wife, thirteen concubines, and four children."

What a detailed explanation! Tang Yue rolled his eyes, is this afraid that he will miss him?

Unfortunately, I prefer beautiful men, but I can't like muscle men. Although my former boyfriends are not sissy, they must be handsome and handsome.

"How can you take care of so many wives and concubines when you are away all year round?" Tang Yue thief looked at Hu Jinpeng's lower body, "do you want me to open some kidney tonifying prescriptions for you?"

Hu Jinpeng quickly shook his head, "don't have to..." With his physical strength, it is not a problem to count women at night. There is no need to make up for it.

Tang Yue successfully shifted the topic and talked to Hu Jinpeng. He didn't involve in the family's privacy. He only asked him personal questions. Occasionally, he opened a small yellow accent, but also chatted happily.

The next day, the team went back to Yecheng. Tang Yue asked Prince Zhao to stay for another day. He used this day to talk to the local people about how to deal with the medicinal materials.

In fact, he didn't understand it thoroughly. He could only teach some simple ones. When his medicine shop was opened, he would surely recruit a group of Chinese medicine. They were the soul of medicine in this era.

After a busy day, Tang Yue took a bath and got into the bed and soon fell asleep. Prince Zhao came in once at night, tucked him in and sat by the bed to watch him for a long time.

This strange picture scared Hu Jinpeng very much, hiding in the quilt and pretending to sleep all the time.

"Why don't my cousin ask?" Wang zizhao said softly.

Hu Jinpeng opened his eyes and laughed awkwardly, pointing to the sleeping Tang Yue, "are you

"This is what my cousin saw. I want to marry him."

“……” Hu Jinpeng suddenly felt that the five thunders were thundering, and he could not speak.

If Prince Zhao just said that he wanted to talk about feelings with Tang Yue and develop premarital sex, Hu Jinpeng would agree with him 100 percent, but he would marry him This is not suitable, right?

"Has your highness thought it over?" Hu Jinpeng sat up and his expression became serious.

"Did my cousin ever see my king make a decision at random?"

No, but "Although there are many men who live together with each other, your status is different. If there is no room for you, it is not easy to determine the position of Prince in the future."

"It's a matter of the future. It's too early to say."

"The king and the queen will not agree?"

Wang zizhao said, "the mother will agree. As for the father, he is now aware that he owes the king. As long as there is a clear interest relationship with him, he will agree."

"What kind of interest relationship?" Hu Jinpeng is a strong general, but his political sensitivity is much lower.

"The mother and empress came from the Hu family of the Duke of an. If the king was granted the crown prince, he would have the help of the Duke of an. If he married, he must be the daughter of a government or the daughter of a prefecture. With the help of both sides, do you think the father and the king can tolerate such a powerful prince?"This is probably the problem that every emperor will tangle with.

If the son is not excellent, he is worried. If the son is too good, there will be a large group of supporters, which will be even more worrying.

Hu Jinpeng nodded, "so your highness means that if you marry Tang Yue, the Crown Princess comes from the Marquis's house, and his status is not high or low, the king will be less afraid?"

"It is." Wang zizhao looked back at Tang Yue. He didn't want to marry a man for no reason. He must have made a decision after comprehensive consideration.

Of course, the premise of these is that he does not dislike this person, and he has a light joy in Tang Yue.

Think of the past and his words, Prince Zhao more sure that this person is suitable to become his wife, who is more suitable than him?

Hu Jinpeng thought for a while and thought that it was also very good. It was almost impossible for the whole Southern Jin Dynasty to find men who were better than Prince Zhao, while Tang Yue only liked men. Such a combination was really mutually beneficial and could not be better.

But they all ignored whether Tang Yue, who was afraid of trouble, would be willing to participate in the struggle of the royal family.

If he married Prince Zhao, the whole Marquis of Liyang would be involved in it, which was not what he wanted to see.

At the next morning, the group set out, and the number of people returning home was much larger than before. In addition to the people they had brought, there were hundreds of prisoners and several prison carts.

Tang Yue is still riding his pony, which has been taken care of by him for a while. He has been very close to him. He runs like a horse and runs around in the team.

However, his master position was extraordinary, and no one dared to scold the lively pony.

Zhao Sanlang has been very busy since he was made a small official. After he went on the road, he finally found time to talk to Tang Yue.

"I didn't expect that the grain and forage of a thousand scale troops were so complicated." Zhao Sanlang and Tang Yue walked side by side.

"How do you feel?"

"What a tiring word Zhao Sanlang sighed. The whole person looked thinner.

The earlier Tang knew that there was a weight loss effect in the management of grain and grass, so he definitely recommended going smoothly.

He looked for some time in the crowd, did not see smooth, then grabbed a person and asked: "have you seen the son of a son?" Don't be left behind by them?

The little soldier replied respectfully, "my son, the son of a bitch is playing with people on the back cart."

"What? A prison wagon Tang Yue and Zhao Sanlang are shocked. Both of them are busy recently. For a while, they forget Pingshun. How can they run to the prison car.

Only the Vice City Lord of Qinyang City can have this treatment. Prince Zhao not only took down the deputy city master, but also copied all his family members and brought them back to Yecheng for settlement.

Tang Yue once asked these family members what punishment they would be sentenced to. Wang zizhao told him that according to the law of the Southern Jin Dynasty, the lineal family members were jointly and severally liable, and that the Vice City chief died, and they were to be exiled.

In any case, all the interests of life and death are bound to the Deputy City Lord.

Tang Yue did not judge whether such joint and several liability was unreasonable. There was a law in an era. Moreover, the Southern Jin Dynasty attached importance to the law and advocated the rule of law. Confucianism was not common here.

However, in the eyes of Tang and Yue, such a heavy code could only restrict some people, and the aristocracy often drifted away from the law.

There are a lot of torture and death penalty that Tang Yue can't imagine, and Tang Yue avoids this area as much as possible.

They turned their horses around and drove back to the chariot.

They want to see what happened to the boy and how he got involved with the prisoner.

Tang Yue also has a layer of concern, this boy can't be the beautiful little lady in the prisoner?