Tang Yue saw his parents who had been missing for a long time. They looked like they were changing people. Their hair was all white. They were more than ten years older than what he remembered.

Before his mouth opened, Tang Yue's tears had already fallen, "Dad Mom... "

He thought his mother would be as emotional as ever, and his father would beat him out of the door with a stick. He didn't expect that both of them were calm and worried.

"Come on, come in Why didn't Xiao Liao come with you? "

“……” Tang Yue is a bit at a loss, how to pull on Xiao Liao? What's the situation?

"Since you have decided, that's it. We don't ask for anything else, as long as you are safe and sound."

Tang Yue choked and couldn't speak. How he hoped he could hear his parents say this, but it's a pity

Taking off his shoes and entering the house, Tang Yue smelled the smell of the food, which was a long time lost. He could only taste it in his dream for many years.

The family had a nice meal. Tang Yue put down his dishes and chopsticks. He closed his eyes and said in a soft voice, "Dad, mom, you must be good..." I live well in another world, and you must be good.

Tang Yue finished this sentence and stepped back step by step. The scene in front of him became more and more ethereal and nihilistic.

He suddenly opened his eyes, the whole person is still immersed in the aftertaste of the dream, for a long time can not recover.

There was a low cry around him. Tang Yue turned his head and saw Zhang Chunzheng crying in his bed.

He sighed and wiped the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand. He found that he was not so rational. The crying in his dream might have happened.

"Stop crying. If you cry again, you will attract people."

Zhang Chun sobbed twice, exposing his head from the quilt. His eyes were swollen into walnuts.

"Brother Tang, have you ever thought about how to get back?"

"I thought about it..." Why didn't you think about it? In the first month, he couldn't accept the reality. He hated everything in the world and the body.

"But what is the use of it? How can we go back when we're all dead? "

"Maybe, isn't there always that kind of dressing up and down in novels? Maybe when we finish some kind of task, the time tunnel will open? It's like helping a prince ascend the throne, or helping the real dragon emperor win the throne.

Maybe Li zhaogen is not the real one, but some villain. The significance of our existence is to overthrow his rule, help the real emperor ascend to the throne, change the rules of the world, and re-establish a new system. Moreover, maybe I am that Ming Jun! "

Tang Yue yawned and patted Zhang Chun's head. "Sao Nian, you've read too many novels. It's still early. Go to sleep. You can continue to accomplish your great cause of founding a nation in your dream."

After continuing to sleep, Tang YUEWU dreamt of dawn. When he and Zhang Chun got up to wash, they heard the housekeeper report that someone was coming to the prince's house.

Tang Yue glanced at Zhang Chun and thought, 80% of this boy's judgment came down?

As a matter of fact, Ke brought a copy of the verdict approved by the king and read it out in front of Zhang Chun, even if the ceremony was completed.

Zhang Chun was still confused until he finished reading all the contents. He quietly asked Tang Yue, "brother Tang, what do you mean by translation?"

"You didn't listen to him. He was young and did not know anything about it. He had no one to teach him. He also acted lightly and deprived the city Lord of his position. He only enjoyed the right of marquis, and he could not inherit his descendants."

"What about the house? It doesn't seem to mention it Zhang Chun is most concerned about his mansion, which is a large amount of property.

He has suffered so many days. How can he get something back?

Tang Yue really wanted to pry open his head to see what the structure was. At this time, he should not be congratulating himself for not only escaping a robbery, but also retaining his title. How wonderful it is.

"OK, I'll ask you later. Do you still want to go back to Taiyang city?"

"If you don't go back to your house, it's a lot of real estate even if you don't sell it. At least it's a retreat, isn't it?"

"Don't think about it. Since it's the city Lord's house, it must be reserved for the next city Lord. How can it be left for you?"

Zhang Chun said with a bitter face

"However, since you have three generations of chengjue, you must have a lot of property, and the real estate is not sure to be taken back. You can ask someone."

Zhang Chun's eyes brightened. "Yes, I didn't copy. These things are still mine! Ha ha... "

Tang Yue wants him not to be happy too early. He has been away for such a long time. Who knows who is holding those things? But he didn't want to dampen his interest.

"Young master, the master also asked the servant to send all the people you want. Where do you think you want to be placed?"

"Tang Chun didn't care about it? Where is it? "

"They are waiting outside the mansion. You and the slave will go and have a look. The master will tell you that if you are not satisfied, you can replace it immediately."Tang Yue strode out of the house. Zhang Chunren's legs were short, and he trotted after him to see who made Tang Yue so excited.

However, when he got to the door and looked at a group of people standing in order outside, he suddenly lost interest.

Don't mention that there are no beauties. There are few men who can see them. Most of them are old men. Some of them are still on crutches. I'll go. Is this the rhythm of choosing a scum man to harm his opponent?

Ke gave the list to Tang Yue, "some of these people are retired old people in the army, all of them have experience in treating wounds by themselves, and some are domestic slaves replaced by the prince's residence, all of whom have served others."

"How many of them are literate?" Tang Yue asked.

"There are about twenty, and another ten can read simple words roughly, but can't write them."

Tang Yue nodded, "I will send people to the other courtyard in the eastern suburb of Yecheng. The houses are all built. I will let them learn some simple words in the daytime. I will take an hour to teach them some basic knowledge every day. There will be a test every month, and those who fail will be eliminated."

"Here, I will convey your meaning to them."

Tang Yue is satisfied and smiles at Ke. The people who grew up with the prince are different. They are considerate and efficient. Unfortunately, they are afraid of blood.

It is said that it was the psychological shadow left by his childhood, and because he was more timid than other slaves, he could live safely until now.

When he took people away, Zhang Chuncai asked suspiciously, "what do you want a group of old men to do? Is there a conspiracy? "

"Fuck you, you can be so aboveboard in a conspiracy?"

"That's hard to say. The ancients were simple. How could we have so many twists and turns?"

"Well, don't count me in. I'm definitely a good man with integrity and kindness. I'm not with you." Tang Yue took a look at him and said, "don't underestimate the ancients. They just have less knowledge. It doesn't mean that the brain is not easy to use."

"Yes, you haven't said what those people do. It's not easy to provoke them all."

"I'm going to form a team of nurses who can go to the battlefield and save lives."

"Nurse, isn't that the angel in white? Why don't you look for a woman In Zhang Chun's impression, nurses are women.

"Do you think it's possible for a group of women to go to war in this era?" Even if it's just a matter of healing, it's impossible.

There are so many men in the army. They are like wolves. If you really want to take a group of female nurses, don't do anything. The first thing to protect is their virginity.

Zhang Chun Shan a smile, also know his idea is too naive, "sorry, sorry, not able to integrate into the role."

This is probably the common fault of every wearer. It must take time for people to adapt to a new environment, so Tang Yue did not laugh at him.

Taking advantage of nothing, Tang Yue took Zhang Chun to his pharmacy. From the moment he saw the drawings, he wanted to see the pharmacy with his own eyes.

The address of the drugstore is very good. On the most prosperous street in Yecheng, the flow of people can not be compared with that of modern times, but it has been regarded as the most lively area in Southern Jin Dynasty.

The area of the medicine shop is very large. It is divided into a medicine counter, a clinic and a counter. There are thousands of medicine cabinets.

Each group of medicine cabinets are made of escalators, and the top several cabinets must be climbed up to get them.

Zhang Chun looked up at the high counter and sighed: "this scale is not common even in traditional Chinese Medicine pharmacies. It's not easy to be a shop assistant."

Tang Yue is not too many, but I'm afraid that there will not be so many herbs to fill so many cabinets. The first batch of herbs will soon arrive. Then we will have to pick and grind them, and it will take a little time for them to be put on the market.

"Why don't you be the first clerk? Experience it? " Tang Yue said half jokingly.

Zhang Chun lifted his chin. "I'm a marquis now. I need to work for you even if you don't work for wages?"

In terms of identity, Zhang Chun was still on the top of Tang Yue a few days ago, but his identity was really too empty. Tang Yue still had the right to be a military doctor. Last time he made contributions, he was promoted to be a third-class doctor in the imperial medical department. The official paid for the recruitment of ten apprentices.

At the back of the medicine shop, there was an open courtyard with two rows of pine trees planted. The rest of the space was made into a shelf for drying herbs.

Then there is a whole row of processing rooms, which are divided into drying room, grinding room, boiling room, etc. on both sides are two large warehouses for storing medicinal materials.

After the processing room is the place for accommodation, in addition to the Tang Yue's single door courtyard, there are dormitories allocated to employees, kitchen, toilet and living facilities are sound.

Tang Yue had to admire Li Zhao's carefulness. He almost transformed this place into his second residence, or the kind of bag.

"The welfare is good. I'm excited to see it." Zhang Chun wandered around and wanted to occupy a room here. Although he had the title of marquis, he didn't know how much rice he could get in a month."Mr. Tang, do you have food and accommodation?" He asked with a shy face.

"Bag." Tang Yue patted his head, "if you want to do a part-time job, you can help me to do the things on the counter first. You are smart. You must be a good hand at accounting."

"Haha, that's a must. I used to work as a cashier in a restaurant before, and I've never made a mistake." Zhang Chun patted his chest.


Out of the drugstore, Tang Yue looked up at the empty door number, touched his chin, and the thief laughed for a while. He went to the prince's house in a carriage.

Zhang Chun didn't see the gate of the prince's house until today. He didn't recognize it at the first time. He swaggered into the door with Tang Yue. It was too late to see Prince Zhao want to run.

Like all people who are afraid of Prince Zhao, Zhang Chun is also one of those who feel that he has the aura of learning hegemony when he sees him. His temperament can only be viewed from a distance and can not be blatant.

To put it bluntly, it is this kind of people who are not at the same level with them.

Of course, it is also true in essence. Can a noble prince come from an ordinary common people?

Zhang Chun was indignant to salute, etiquette is also nondescript, but there is a "no one to teach" reason, but no one to embarrass him.

"Since the father did not deprive you of your title, you should learn the orthodox etiquette. From tomorrow, when you go to the prince's house, the orphan society will send someone to teach you to learn."

Zhang Chun widened his eyes: "what to learn?"

As for the etiquette of the south, I'll make my own decision

Ha ha, so enlightened!

Zhang Chun wants to say "no"! But Tang Yue on the side of his eyes desperately, he would like to say also dare not.

The matter is so relaxed and happy to settle down, Prince Zhao sent him out to choose a master, and he took Tang Yue to the study.