Tang Yue was about to leave, and Zhang Chun naturally followed, but Wang Dingjun left before he left.

"Where do you want to go, disciple?" Wang Dingjun asked with a smile.

"Go home." Zhang Chun hid behind Tang Yue and replied with a smirk.

"Where is your home? Is there still a Zhongyong Houfu in Yecheng? "

"A friend's home is a home, isn't it, brother Tang?" Zhang Chun pinched Tang Yue and motioned him to say a few words for himself.

He can see that this bastard is a traitor before killing himself. He is very respectful to Tang Yue.

Tang Yue frowned and said vaguely, "it's good to stay here. Anyway, I'll start tomorrow, so you don't have to run back and forth."

When he gets married with Prince Zhao, he must also live in. Although Zhang Chun has two sons, he is sure to stay in the prince's house.

Seeing Wang Dingjun's insidious smile, Zhang Chun became hairy. "I'm not afraid of trouble. Really, I'll be here early tomorrow morning, brother Tang You won't leave me alone, will you? "

Tang Yue looked at his timid appearance without any words. He really wanted to say that he did not know him. At least he was a new human being in the 21st century. How could he advise the ancients?

He mercilessly pushed Zhang Chun to Wang Dingjun, "then please Wang bodyguard. He is young and ignorant, and you have to teach more."

"Please don't worry. Your Highness has asked his subordinates to teach him martial arts. He must finish it conscientiously."

Can I ask you not to be so serious? Zhang Chun wanted to cry without tears.

Tang Yue waved his hand and left without a cloud, leaving Zhang Chun living a life of self entertainment in this house with psychological shadow.

Wang Dingjun did not bully him on the first day. In his words, "there is a long way to go."

After Tang Yue left the prince's house, he asked the coachman to take him to Wu Tai doctor's house. He could not be the only one in his pharmacy. If he wanted to hire a famous doctor and a drug boy, he must have the fastest relationship with him.

Wu Taiyi is a real master of Xinglin, at least in this dynasty is the top, broad and profound traditional Chinese medicine is the mainstream of this era, Tang Yue is in urgent need of such talents.

To Wu Tai doctor's house outside, Tang Yue asked people to hand in the post, the porter was polite, asked them to wait in the inner room, and report by themselves.

Tang Yue waited for a little while, and saw Wu Tai Yi, who was dressed in a short jacket, came in with mud on his feet and a few dead leaves on his head.

As soon as he entered the door, he roared, "what are you doing when you have nothing to do?"

Tang Yue was busy getting up and saluting, and said to him kindly, "the younger generation is free today, so I'd like to ask the elder a few questions."

"Well, how can you be so polite today? Can't I ask for something from me

Tang Yue laughs. Of course, the attitude of asking for help should be lowered. However, it also depends on the object. I'm afraid that the old man will eat soft rather than hard.

"You are serious. The younger generation has been admiring the medical skills of our predecessors. I should have come to learn from you earlier, but I couldn't spare time because I was busy before."

"Hum Wu Taiyi's shoes swung, barefoot girl went to the main seat, knelt down and sat down, let people serve tea, did not answer at all, obviously did not believe Tang Yue's words.

Tang Yue didn't play games with him. He opened the door and said, "my younger generation has opened a medicine shop. It's no big deal. There are still a few doctors and medicine children in the room. Do you know if Doctor Wu can recommend him?"

Wu Taiyi threw his white eyes. "Why do you ask me about this? You want to open a shop for the son of your noble Lord, but you still worry that you can't find anyone? What's more, you have saved your royal highness. You can ask his Highness for help. "

Doctor Wu has been confined at home to grow herbal medicine these days. He has not heard that Tang Yue is about to become the crown princess. Otherwise, he would have to ridicule him.

"How can it be the same? You are the professional Taishan Beidou. You play an important role in the medical field. You are also the head of the Tai medical department. Naturally, it is more suitable to find you. " Tang Yue flattered, although the other side will not be bribed, but the face finally looks better.

"Compared with other industries, pharmacies should pay more attention to the relief of the common people rather than commercial profits."

"The younger generation is not short of silver. Naturally, it is not a medicine shop opened for profit." Tang Yue can say this with certainty, even if he does nothing, he will not worry about food and clothing in his life.

He's not a man who clings to money. As long as he has a medium standard of living, he is satisfied.

Wu Taiyi's attitude was better when he heard that. In fact, there was no hatred between them. It was just that the old man was surpassed by a young man, and his psychology was unbalanced.

Tang Yue saw that he was a little loose, and then he said: "you don't know, younger generation, this medicine shop is mainly to provide medical materials for wounded soldiers on the battlefield. The battlefield environment is dangerous and there is a lack of medical care. Many of the wounded died because they can't be treated. If you recommend people to younger generation, you can guarantee their moral character. I don't accept people with poor medical ethics."

"If so?" Wu Taiyi was really moved when he came here. He said solemnly, "although the Taiyi department doesn't care about the military doctors, it sends a group of doctors to the border every year to support them. Few of them can come back. There is not enough medicine, and they are helpless at the border."The Taiyi department is training students every year. Those who can get out of the school will be assigned to practice in various places, and many of them will be sent to the battlefield. Only those who can come back alive and make progress can be qualified to enter the Taiyi department to become a Taiyi. It is a bit similar to modern interns, but the conditions are more severe and the test is more severe.

Wu Tai doctor pondered for a while and frowned and asked, "I'm ashamed of Xiao Lang's medical skills. What I've learned and taught is totally different. I'm afraid I can't use it."

"You are too modest. The medical skills of the younger generation are indeed different from those of the current medical system. However, in terms of level, naturally, you are better than others. Doctors do not have to separate families. As long as they can cure and save people, it is useless to say so."

Wu immediately felt that this younger generation was not bad. His previous prejudices were dispelled. He admired Tang Yue's medical skills, but he was also awed and even curious about the unknown medical skills.

These days, people from the Tai medical department have gathered together to study Tang Yue's treatment methods, but they have not come to any good conclusions.

Wu Taiyi got up and grabbed Tang Yue and went out, "ha ha It's very true that doctors don't separate families. That's just right. I have a difficult and complicated disease. I'll help you to distinguish. "

Tang Yue trotted along with Wu Tai doctor's steps and entered a study. The room was full of bookshelves, with messy bamboo slips and many books scattered on the ground.

"There is a patient who is over 60 years old and is in good health on weekdays. However, he always suffers from epigastric distension, vomiting, chest tightness and chest pain at regular intervals. The most serious one has even stopped breathing, but after a few days' rest, what is the disease?"

"Did you find arrhythmias?"

"From the pulse, it is true that the heartbeat is unstable."

Tang Yue was initially diagnosed with myocardial infarction, which is a common disease in the elderly, but it may also be heart failure.

Of course, the best examination methods are ECG and white blood cell count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, but there is no instrument to detect these at present.

Tang Yue asked him about the daily living habits of some patients, and he was more and more sure that it was myocardial infarction.

There are several causes of myocardial infarction: overwork, overeating, constipation, emotional excitement or cold stimulation.

"There is no good treatment for the time being, but there are several things that the patient must do, and the elder can tell the patient."

"Just a moment, please." Wu Taiyi ran to the desk and took the pen and bamboo slips and sat down in front of Tang Yue.

Tang Yue found that he used the brush, it seems that the diffusion of this kind of pen is quite fast, he asked a lot: "how is the brush used?"

The doctor stopped and then laughed: "good! Great! It's much faster than a carving knife. I'm old and my hands are unstable. I don't have the strength to use it. It's much more light. "

The more he wanted to do something, the more happy he was.

"Your Highness invented this thing is really the gospel of the common people. It will be much more convenient to write Chinese characters in the future."

Tang Yue knew that the most important invention was paper, which really changed the status of literature.

"You remember, from the diet, such patients should avoid overeating, should eat less and more meals, can not eat high fat and high calorie food, can not eat too stimulating food, can not drink, can eat more medicinal porridge."

"Wait, what is High fat, high calorie food? " Wu Taiyi was confused.

"In short, fried food, meat food and some pickled food are easy to eat Accelerate the deterioration of the disease. " Tang Yue originally wanted to say hypertension, but some difficult to explain the definition of hypertension, so he directly ignored it.

In addition to these, there are also some western medicine treatment, such as aspirin enteric coated tablets, Tang Yue did not say for the time being, and planned to try to collect a few bottles of oxygen for the patient after he went back.