Tang Yue stayed for three days in Wu Taiyi's house. During this period, Wu Taiyi was summoned twice by crown prince Zhao. He clearly said that he would check his royal highness. In fact, he called people to inquire about Tang Yue.

Poor Wu Tai doctor is old, but also to join in the young love life, often come back with a strange look at Tang Yue.

He thought: this boy probably has accumulated eight life's good fortune to have this life's fortune?

Three days later, when the first batch of herbs arrived, Tang Yue led his new staff and Wu Taiyi, who was close to forgetting his old age, to the pharmacy.

The plaque is ready to be hung up, but covered with red silk. Tang Yue, in accordance with the practice of modern people, prepares to have a ribbon cutting ceremony, then unveil the plaque, and then hold a three-day free free free clinic, and then hold a small opening ceremony.

The herbs were all piled up in the warehouse in the backyard. Tang Yue strode in with people. The fragrance of herbs mixed in the room, which made several old people smile.

"I'm afraid Xiaolang is the biggest herbal medicine merchant in the Southern Jin Dynasty." Said Mr. Chen, stroking his beard.

In this era, business was not flourishing. Most of the merchants did small business, and occasionally a few large merchants who sold goods from north to South were supported by great nobles.

Now, there are only a few small varieties of medicinal materials that can be purchased from local medicine shops, so there is no stable source of local medicines.

The bird came over with a wooden box and laughed out a white tooth. "Xiaolang, fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life. This time I collected hundreds of medicinal materials. Here is the list."

"Have you settled all the money?"

"It's all settled up. The gold you gave is almost spent." The bird explained awkwardly, "there is a mountain full of Datura. I heard that this kind of medicinal material is very important, so I bought that mountain for 30 gold."

Tang Yue patted the sparrow on the shoulder and praised several "good!" This is really the right subordinate. It's really right.

The land of this era is not expensive, but it is only relative to the nobility. In the eyes of ordinary people, thirty gold is a sum that may not be earned in a lifetime.

"Mandala?" Wu Taiyi had never heard of the name of this herb. He was curious to see it and asked Tang Yue, "what's the use of this medicine?"

Tang Yue simply said that Datura can play an anesthetic role, and then took him to see.

Wu Taiyi said, "isn't this shaneggplant? But poisonous things

Tang Yue only knew that Datura was a plant of Solanaceae, but it was not known whether it was called Guoshan eggplant.

"The whole plant of Datura is poisonous. Its leaves, flowers and seeds can be used as medicine. It has pungent taste and warm nature. It has analgesic and anesthetic properties and can relieve cough and asthma. It is mainly used for cough and asthma, sore on the face, anal prolapse, rheumatism and bruise. Of course, the younger generation mainly wants to use it to make anesthetic

"Anesthetic?" Wu Taiyi pinched a small leaf and put it into his mouth. It didn't take long for the tongue to become numb. If you can master the dosage, maybe it can be used as a medicine.

However, he still felt that acupuncture with gold needles is the safest method of anesthesia. This kind of toxic substances can easily cause poisoning to patients if they are not careful.

The use of Chinese herbal medicine is a profound study. The preface to Shennong's herbal classic wrote: "the medicine is toxic and non-toxic, and it dries in the shade. When it is collected, it is fresh and fresh when it is raw and ripe. It has its own methods. If toxic, appropriate system, can be used to fear each other to kill, not to use also

Many medicines need to be burned, refined, processed and roasted. The raw and cooked medicines should be fixed. Either the skin or the flesh should be removed, or the roots and stems should be removed, or the flowers and whiskers should be solid. According to different prescriptions, different forms should be adopted.

Just like ginger, which most people are familiar with, if used as medicinal materials, ginger and dried ginger have different functions, and the functions of taking skin and removing skin are different. It is very exquisite.

In the next half month, a group of people ate and lived in the drugstore, and then all the herbs were properly disposed of.

Some herbs are simply dried in the sun and need further treatment. Some of them become damp on the road and have to be dried again.

Tang Yue ordered people to put the commonly used herbs on the cupboard that can be touched by the tentacles, and put the rarely used herbs in high or low places. Some poisonous herbs simply did not go to the cabinet. They opened a small room to install them. If they were to be used, they must have the consent of three doctors to take them. In addition, they must be careful in the process of dispensing, and can't make any mistakes.

By the beginning of December, the weather was already very cold. Every morning, we could see a layer of frost on the roof and grass. Tang was used to the warm winter. In this primitive ancient times, winter was particularly difficult.

Wearing a thick woolen banner, Tang Yue took a carriage from home to the drugstore. Today is the grand opening ceremony. Prince Zhao ordered people to calculate a lucky time, saying that it was the most prosperous time in the three quarters of the lunar calendar.

As soon as I turned around the corner, I saw the carriage of the prince's mansion stopped in front of me. The gray was not obvious at all. But Tang Yue still recognized the driver and the accompanying guard.

"Congratulations, Xiao Lang, it's a great opening." Hu Jinpeng sent a pair of gold Qilin ornaments. "You are opening a medicine shop. I don't wish you a lot of money for your brother. Otherwise, the people in Yecheng will suffer."

"Thank you very much." Tang Yue climbed onto the carriage of Prince's mansion, and the door was warmed by the heat coming from his face."It's still warm in your carriage." Tang Yue rubbed his hands and got into it. A hairy hat was on his head.

"Keep warm. Don't freeze." In fact, Prince Zhao wanted to hold people in his arms, but realized that Tang Yue was wrapped like a ball, so he had to give up.

He held Tang Yue's hand and warmed him for a while. Then he asked, "why refuse the kindness of the lonely and send those cooks back?"

"How can the cooks of your family go out at will? If those people are used to such delicious dishes, what will they do if they ask for cooks from you in the future?"

Tang Yue didn't plan to hold a banquet in his own house. In this era, it was not popular to hold wine in restaurants. Of course, there were no restaurants. There were only restaurants and few tables in small shops.

So Tang Yue is going to make a buffet in the courtyard behind the medicine shop, with more barbecues, a few large plates of vegetable salad and fruit platter, a few jars of good wine, and a few dishes.

You know, he didn't move a drop of the tribute wine given by the king last time. He was waiting for Kaifeng today.

When Tang Yue arrived at the door of the medicine shop, he found that some guests had come earlier than him. Several carriages were parked side by side at the door of the drugstore. Tang Yue got out of the carriage and saw a lot of people around him who were watching the excitement. They were all necked down, wearing not thick clothes, and their faces were frozen purple.

He walked over a few steps and said in a loud voice: "folks, today, I open a free free free clinic for three days. On the first day of opening, you can give free Chilblain Cream. On a first come, first served basis, everyone can also come and ask for a wedding drink."

Tang Yue's medicine shop had been prepared for a long time, and almost all the Yecheng knew about it. With his name as a miracle doctor, many people were looking forward to this day.

When they heard that there were free free clinics and free plasters, their faces were filled with joy, as if the cold wind in winter was not so cold.

An old man rushed over with his child and knelt down in front of Tang Yue, "doctor, can you cure my grandson?"

The old man came from a long way, and his money was used up early. He had no way to seek medical treatment. He came here to try his luck after hearing about the legendary story of the miracle doctor. He hesitated to come here. Once he heard of the free clinic, he would not delay any more.

Zhao Sanlang stood majestically in front of Tang Yue and said, "Hey, old man, this medicine shop has not opened yet. Wait for it."

"This childe, I can't wait, my poor grandson can't wait, he He... "

Tang Yue pulled Zhao Sanlang aside and squatted down to touch the little boy's pulse. His tentacles were cold. Even if the master wrapped all the cloth on the child, it would not have any effect on keeping out the cold.

Tang Yue noticed that both of them were barefoot, and their feet were red and swollen, and there were several holes in them. He sighed: "take the people in first. It's too cold outside."

He stood up, let a medicine boy lead the old man in, hesitated to go to the prince Zhao, "Your Highness, can you do me a favor?"

Today, Prince Zhao is wearing a crimson cotton padded gown and a snow-white fox fur cloak. He has a handsome face. Even if he doesn't have a smile, he is forced to be three points cute.

Tang Yue is not afraid of him, and points to the plaque covered with red silk with a smile, "this is for you. It is absolutely the greatest glory of this medicine shop to have a Buddha like you to open the tablet for the drugstore!"

Prince Zhao took his hand and promised to come down, "solitary let Ke take people to help, this time can't be refused."

Tang Yue quickly nodded. He was worried that he could not be busy today. He specially brought his own escort team. Even if these people did not know medicine, they could do some work of boiling water and boiling medicine.

He joked with Ke: "remember to wait a while, don't try to gather together, Wan Yi saw blood and fainted again, I don't have time to take care of you."

Ke's embarrassed face turned red. He looked down at his shoe upper and whispered, "maybe it's going to add trouble to Lang Jun!"

Tang Yue turns to enter the room, Wu Tai doctor and several other doctors are also busy to follow in, outside again lively as if has nothing to do with them.

Tang Yue asked people to burn two more pots of carbon in. He put on a long white shirt and carried the medicine box into the clinic.

The old man has been so exhausted that his face is full of anxiety. Only when he sees Tang Yue can he look more.

"The old man, wait outside. You will be informed of the conclusion as soon as possible." Tang Yue asked someone to ask him out, then put on his gloves and began to check.

Tang Yuexian inspected the whole body for obvious wounds. "The patient is about 1.5 meters tall and 13 years old. He is red and purple, has obvious frostbite, has long-term malnutrition, and has a shriveled abdomen. He has not eaten for some time. He has found some healing scars on his back, chest and thigh Injured by blunt instrument

The patient is having a fever and high fever. The temperature measured by hand is about 39 degrees. It may be caused by wind cold or inflammation in the body

He chose two assistants. One was the little boy he met in the Marquis of Yueyang. The other was one of the seven medicine children named Xiang an, whose father was a famous work of the Southern Jin Dynasty.

"You're going to write down everything I say, you know?" Tang Yue again admonished.They nodded and wrote quickly on the thick bamboo slips with a brush in their small hands. Although the fonts were messy, they could barely keep up with Tang Yue's speed.

Tang Yue opened the little boy's eyelids and observed the pupil. Then he looked through his nose, mouth, tongue, ears, hands and feet one by one.

Wu Taiyi nodded secretly, looked, heard and asked. Tang Xiaolang did "look", I don't know how he should diagnose next.

"Go and call in the old man. I have something to ask."

As soon as the old man entered the door, he fell down on the edge of the bed with emotion. He thought that the miracle doctor would help him. Sun Tzu must be ready immediately. How could he know that Sun Tzu still had the appearance of more breath and less air intake, and his heart suddenly cooled.

"Miracle doctor, this..." Don't be a trap, right?

Tang Yue gently smiles at him, "don't worry, I'll ask you a few questions first. Has your grandson lived with you since childhood?"

The old man nodded, "since he was born, my short-lived son died in the frontier. His mother couldn't bear the hardships and remarried. We were dependent on each other."

"Do you usually blame him?"

Old man's eyes full of vigilance, shaking his head, "No."

"Uncle, if you don't cooperate, we can't cure your grandson." Tang Yue went to the bedside, pointing to the scar on the child's back and lower leg, and said, "then how are these left?"

"This I'm busy with my daily work and neglecting to take care of it, so that my grandson is bullied. "

Tang Yue knows that things should not be so simple, but the old man is obviously not willing to say, and to see his nervous attitude, it is not like he hit.

"Hang some drops for him, feed him some warm water, and boil a bowl of thin rice porridge by the way Somebody get a hot towel and wipe him

As soon as Tang Yue's voice fell, they saw two brave middle-aged men open the medicine box and take out a bamboo tube hanging upside down on the iron bracket on the bed. One end of the bamboo tube is inserted with a pipe, and the other end of the pipe seems to be connected with a fine needle, and then the needle is inserted into the back of the patient's hand.

Wu Tai doctor repressed the impulse to ask questions. He looked at their every move and pondered over the purpose of this move.

"Eh Young master, come and see... " The male nurse, who wiped the little boy's body, exclaimed.

Tang Yue walked over, his eyes suddenly changed. He even forgot to check the patient's anus just now. Judging from the current situation, he was obviously invaded by human nature.

Combined with the old and new scars on his body, I'm afraid it's still one-time.

"What's the matter? Don't say you don't know. " Tang Yue only felt that there was a depression in his chest. No matter in that era, those scum with abnormal hobbies were indispensable!

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, the eldest brother said in tears: "I'm too old to support him, so I sent him to a local rich family to work as a small laborer, hoping that he could grow up smoothly.

A few days ago, a neighbor said that he saw my grandson being carried out of the city on the road. It seemed that he was badly hurt. When I arrived, I saw that the animals had left my grandson on the mound, wrapped only in a straw mat, which made me unconscious.

As for his injuries, I also asked him when he was sober. It turns out that since last year, the second master of the rich family took a fancy to him and took him to be a bookboy. I thought it was a good thing, but I never thought that the master had a cruel face and hurt my poor grandson here... "

Tang Yue wrote down a prescription while listening, and said rationally, "send someone to decoct the medicine Take the anti-inflammatory medicine prepared in advance. The wound has been seriously inflamed. Fortunately, the weather is cold. If it is in summer, I'm afraid it will have pus and fester early

In such an awkward position, if he really reached the level of purulent ulceration, he would not know whether to take a knife.