"What's the name of your Highness's horse? walk in snow? Chasing the wind? Thunder? " Tang Yue touched Prince Zhao's BMW and asked.

The horse snorted at him, swung its tail, and continued to gnaw at the withered hay on the ground.

Prince Zhao obeyed his neck, and the other side rubbed his arm affectionately. Tang Yue was rather jealous. He didn't know whether it was human vinegar or horse vinegar.

"Unfortunately, it's too late for me to meet you. Otherwise, I can give you a precious colt called stepping snow. It's just a pair."

Tang Yue head melon seeds a turn, suddenly the great enlightenment: "no trace?" It's really a classical name.

Prince Zhao nodded and saw the joking smile in Tang Yue's eyes, which made him quite uncomfortable.

"It's not too late to send it now. Your highness, why don't you find someone for traceless?"

Prince Zhao pointed to one side of the foal alone Sahuan, "you have it, horses need to be raised from a young age, so as to cultivate feelings, and to be a man from one end to the end."

“……” Tang more blinked two times, always feel that he was teased, "then I can change Xiao Hong's name to step on snow."

At the beginning, how could he give his horse such a rustic name when he was so funny?

"Even so, they can't make a pair. They are old and lonely." Prince Zhao's eyes are a little sad. This horse has followed him for seven years. Occasionally, it's OK to run, but it's difficult to go to the battlefield.

Tang Yue wants to say, wait for you to change a horse to make a pair again, but looking at the horse's clear and innocent eyes, how can't say such cruel words.

"Won't your highness go to the horse race?" Tang Yue led his little red, let it and traceless more exchange feelings.

However, the gap between the two horses is probably too deep to carry out normal communication. Either you kick me or I bite you, so that we can fight for a piece of grass.

However, Tang Yue's foal is obviously impossible to be a well-known and traceless opponent. After being kicked down, he will not get up on the ground.

Tang Yue couldn't bear to look straight at it, and grabbed its leg and gave it a slap in the belly.

With a smile in his mouth, Prince Zhao turned his head and looked at the group of boys who were playing madly. "I don't like to play with people."

Tang Yue originally thought that these young people had some skills. They rode very smoothly. At least in Tang Yue's eyes, they were comparable to the professional level. Unexpectedly, in the eyes of Prince Zhao, they were just playing.

The two of them went back to the villa first, and met Princess Tangxi and xinlingjun at the gate.

Princess Tangxi, dressed in men's clothes, secretly followed the emperor of Xinling to come for the sake of Tang and Yue.

Tang Yue narrowed his eyes and turned to stare at Prince Zhao, waiting to see how he handled the matter.

He is not a jealous person, and he does not get vinegar, no matter what his status is, it is not easy for him to intervene in this matter.

"Tangxi, I remember you should be kneeling in the ancestral hall now!" Prince Zhao yelled.

"Cousin Zhao..."

"Come on, send the princess back to the house and tell the old princess for Gu. This is the last chance. If this happens again in the future, don't blame Gu for not giving him face!"

"Here it is." Two guards came forward and pulled Princess Tangxi out.

"Cousin Zhao, how can you treat me like this? I... "

Seeing this, xinlingjun pleaded for Princess Tangxi, "Your Highness is too rude to the princess, and the princess has not done anything wrong."

"What did you do wrong? It's not a mistake to kill innocent people, to neglect human life? " Prince Zhao has a straight face and exudes a kind of anger that Tang Yue has never seen before.

He has always wondered how a person like him who has been fighting in the battlefield for a long time is not so young. He feels that he is very introverted and does not look like a normal 14-year-old boy.

He even suspected that Li Zhao was also a passer-by, but the other party was obviously not his hometown. Otherwise, he should be the same as Zhang Chun. Once they communicate, they can have a resonance.

"Just two lowly pariah!" The princess Tangxi retorted loudly.

Crown prince Zhao sneered: "the so-called humble people in your mouth are also the people of my Southern Jin Dynasty. They were born and grew up in the Southern Jin Dynasty. They have their own right to survive. Why do you deprive them of their lives?"

"Cousin Zhao, do I still need to make amends to the two Dalits? You... "

"Shut up! Take it away With a big wave of his hand, the two guards no longer pay attention to xinlingjun's interference, and beat the princess of Tangxi unconscious and take him away.

Tang Yue also had such speculation before, but did not expect that the person who framed him last time was really this woman. It seems that this woman is not only brainless, but also ruthless.

"Your Highness, this is too much. The princess is of noble status. How can you compare with the cloth clothes?" Xinlingjun shook his head and sighed with emotion. Obviously, he did not agree with Prince Zhao's practice.

However, except for Tang Yue, the nobles all felt that Prince Zhao's action had the suspicion of revenge for public and private affairs. They thought that he wanted to take this opportunity to revenge on Princess Tangxi's divorce.

"You don't need to talk about a decision made by yourself." Prince Zhao took Tang Yue's hand, turned his head and asked him, "can we go down the mountain with loneliness?"Tang Yue understood that he didn't want to stay here. Naturally, he agreed, "I'll go and clean up my things."

Prince Zhao followed him in. At this time, the courtyard was empty, and only a few rooms could hear some ambiguous voices. Obviously, some people were still addicted to gentleness and couldn't give up.

When he arrived at the courtyard where Tang Yue lived, Prince Zhao felt a little strange and looked around, "do you like this courtyard?"

"Do you mean his construction or decoration or The view out of the window? " Tang Yue didn't bring many things, and they didn't come in urgent need, so they didn't need to clean up.

"What you like is what you like!"

"Then I really like the scenery outside. It's majestic. I'm in a fairyland. I feel like I'm an expert in the world when I live here." Tang Yue really thinks so. In TV movies, those hermits like to live under the cliff or on the cliff?

Prince Zhao glanced at him, bent the corner of his mouth, let people in to take luggage, then took Tang Yue's hand out.

Tang Yue ordered people to send a message to Zhao Sanlang and told them that they had gone back first. The explicit meaning was that they were afraid that they could not find someone. The hidden meaning was to tell them: stop playing, the prince's highness is not happy, and go with the eldest brother.

Don't mention, Zhao Sanlang still has some insight. When Tang Yue and Prince Zhao go down to the foot of the mountain, he will dare to come behind him. When he goes down the mountain, he will be smooth and natural. Another loyal fan of Prince Zhao will also come.

However, Tang Yue found that when he saw Prince Zhao, he was extremely calm, as if standing in front of him was just a stranger, not like seeing an idol.

I don't know if it's too deep or I misunderstood it.

Zhao Sanlang secretly seized Tang Yue and asked, "why is it so urgent to leave?"

Of course, Tang Yue would not say that it was because someone saw that his ex fiancee was in a difficult mood and was not in the mood to stay at the top, so he replied, "Your Highness still has an urgent matter, so he will go down the mountain first."

Zhao Sanlang squeezed his eyes twice and passed on: I asked you! Who asked the prince?

Tang Yue pretended that he couldn't receive the signal. After going down the mountain, he got into the carriage of the prince's house and waved to Zhao Sanlang: "why don't you finish your vacation ahead of time and go back to training?"

Zhao Sanlang rewarded him with a white eye. "Forgive me. I have to go home to visit my mother." It's rare to have a holiday. It's stupid to go back to work overtime!

"My son..."

Pingshun was very clever this time, and replied in a hurry: "my son also has to go home to visit my father. His old man is very old and he is at home alone. He is very poor."

Tang Yue thought: hengguogong is busy working all day and has time to relax at home. Otherwise, he won't let his son grow up freely. The longer he grows, the more crooked he will be.

He turned to the little princess, just opened his mouth, and automatically replied, "the prince's house is very boring. The prince doesn't like to go there."

Tang Yue wants to say, I did not ask you this.

He secretly glanced at Prince Zhao's face to see if he had the embarrassment of being rejected, but it was obviously impossible.

"Next spring, your highness will go out to battle, won't he?" Asked the little princess with a straight face.

Prince Zhao nodded, "you are still young. You can think about it in a few years."

"No, your highness is ten years old to go out to battle. The boy is already twelve. You can also fight against the enemy!"

“……” In addition to Prince Zhao, the other three looked at the little princess in a daze.

The news was so shocking that Tang Yue felt that the world was too unreal. All the little ghosts were so fierce and incredible.

However, the average life expectancy in this era is much shorter than that in modern times. Therefore, twelve years old is half of the age for getting married. At the age of 14, a large number of parents will become parents. However, after the tenth five-year plan, the average man will enter the second half of his career. Tang Yue was still in junior high school at that time.

Zhao Sanlang pulled the little princess and said excitedly, "don't make a fool of yourself Battlefield? Is that a fun place? If you are If What can the princess do? "

The little princess looked at him and shook off his hand. "What's the matter with you?"

Zhao Sanlang frowned, "you are still young. Don't you go to the battlefield and die?"

"Hi I don't know who was beaten up by the princess and couldn't get up! "

The more Tang held back his smile, Zhao Sanlang became angry: "that's this childe to let you!" You really think you're good, don't you?

The little princess gave a cold smile. Tang Yuehan stood up and listened to the other side saying, "if you don't believe it, the princess can still beat you until you believe it!"

That's really overbearing! Tang Yue had to give him a compliment and thought: the royal family is really different, that is, the arrogance side leak.

Tang Yuejian and his wife had a strong impulse to fight for the victory and defeat immediately. They quickly grabbed Zhao Sanlang and said, "well, don't you have to go back to see your mother? If you don't leave, it will be dark. "

Zhao Sanlang made a bow to the little princess, "I'll ask for your advice some other day!"

"I'll be with you to the end."

Is it really OK to drag like this?

Tang Yue closed the door, and the carriage began to limp in the direction of Yecheng.Across the board, he could hear the quarrel between Zhao Sanlang and Xiaojun Wang. However, it was almost that the former kept talking about it, while the latter gave a sneer or scornful retort, which added a lot of fun to the journey.

However, Tang Yue had no time for him to take care of it. After getting on the carriage, he was pressed under his body by Prince Zhao, and his lips were blocked before he spoke.

"Well..." What's the rhythm? Do you want a car shake?

"Don't think about it!" Prince Zhao bit him and explored Tang Yue's oral cavity more deeply.

However, the external cold could not extinguish the internal fire, and the two soon entered the state of preparation.

A hand touched Tang Yue's belt. When the clothes were opened and a cold wind blew into his chest, Tang Yue reacted and called out a word: "stop!"

Prince Zhao's hand pauses on his clavicle and looks at him with red eyes. The evil fire seems to jump out of his eyes and burn Tang Yue out.

He swallowed saliva, throat up and down move, was Prince Zhao in his mouth, muttered: "wife has no right to stop."

In this age when men are superior to women, women's obedience is manifested in any aspect, and naturally it also includes sleeping.

However, Tang Yue was a man, not a woman, nor a woman of this era. He kicked Prince Zhao away. "It seems that there is such a sentence in our treaty: no kissing without brushing teeth, no going to bed without washing feet, no special service!"

Prince Zhao came to him and said, "the tooth you sent It's very easy to use. I just brushed it before I came here alone. "

“……” Tang more Leng stupidly looked at him, this painting style how suddenly from the hungry wolf to the Chai dog?