The excitement of the prince's wedding gradually calmed down after half a month. Ye City has not been so lively for a long time. Even though the snow is covered and the cold wind is piercing, it does not stop the enthusiasm of the people.

However, after the enthusiasm, many practical problems have to be put on the table.

Tang Yue stood in front of the carved window and lifted the thick cotton curtain to look out. It was still a vast expanse of white.

According to the old man in the mansion, this year's heavy snow is rare in a hundred years. He has never seen such a heavy snow since he was born, which makes people feel very flustered.

The housekeeper knocked at the door and saw Tang Yue standing by the window in thin clothes. He put down the things in his hands and went to pull the curtain well. "Lang Jun, the wind is strong outside, and my heart is cold."

Then he ran to get a cloak for Tang Yue. Tang Yue rubbed his cold hands and asked him, "when did your highness go out? Is the disaster serious?"

The snow continued to fall for several days, and news came from many places that houses had been collapsed. Not a few people died of freezing every day. As the death toll increased, their happiness of marriage gradually faded away.

Moreover, since they got gifts from each other, Tang Yue and Prince Zhao have both been busy. One is busy making paper, the other is busy separating blood from blood by centrifuge. They may not see each other once in two or three days.

Seeing that the end of the year is approaching, the two talents put down their things and planned to put them for a few days.

Tang Yue came back from other hospitals and fell asleep. He slept for a day and a night. It was almost noon before he got up from the bed.

Prince Zhao originally wanted to accompany him to lunch, but after several orders, he had to go into the palace to discuss disaster relief with ministers.

"Your Highness entered the palace as soon as the sky was polished. As soon as the news came, lunch was used in the palace. You can have your own meal."

"Let's set the table." After sleeping so long, he was hungry, too.

The food of the prince's house is as exquisite as ever. The whole table is filled with all kinds of colors, flavors and flavors. However, Tang Yue does not have such a big spectrum. After ordering the housekeeper, he can eat alone and make three dishes and one soup.

The housekeeper didn't dare to make decisions without authorization. He only said that he would report to his Highness for a ruling. Tang Yue did not embarrass him any more. He ate less and slept less in other hospitals these days. Now he feels delicious when eating anything.

After dinner, Tang Yue went for a walk in the courtyard to eat. The snow in the house was cleaned up all the time. The passageway was clean except for a layer of snow on the grass on both sides of the road.

"By the way, what courtyard do the people I bring in and do on weekdays?" Tang Yue thinks that he has hundreds of people, which is ignored by him.

"In Juyuan, your Highness has told us to make good arrangements for the people coming from the marquis. Who do you want to call?" The housekeeper himself served on the side, deeply afraid that he did not do well enough.

He saw how good his highness was to the newly married Princess. He saw that their husband and husband were affectionate and beautiful, their family was harmonious, and the housekeeper was happy to see it.

He was afraid that his highness would marry a troublemaker.

"No, show me." Tang Yue searched the location of the lower Juyuan in his mind and found that it was not far away from where he lived now, so he went out first.

On the way, he was still thinking about what to do if he could not help turning around when he saw the dead face of Mr. xuanjing. However, when he entered the Juyuan garden and saw a young man sitting in the pavilion listening to the piano and making tea, he immediately felt that it was too cheap for him to turn around and leave.

"What a leisurely life sir Tang Yue went to sit down opposite him and motioned him to pour himself a cup of tea.

Tang Yue peeked at the young man who was playing the piano secretly. It seemed that he had appeared in the band on the day of his marriage.

There are no women in the prince's mansion, and even the musicians are male. It is said that many high-ranking officials and nobles have sent dancers and beauties, but it is a pity that Prince Zhao sent them to the front line to comfort the soldiers.

After several times like this, people will not send the beautiful women, so as not to let the beautiful girls one by one in the border have experienced the hardships, and be arched by a group of hungry wolves.

"How can you compare to a busy man like Lang Jun?" Mr. xuanjing gracefully poured a cup of tea to Tang Yue. The tea was fragrant and overflowing. He said with a smile, "it is said that this is the cooking method invented by Lang Jun. it is fragrant and far away, and it is really much better than the previous tea making method."

Tang Yue's research on tea is not deep, but the tea that can appear in the prince's house must be no less than that. He felt that it was too bad for him to raise an idle man with a high salary.

"I was busy a few days ago, and I forgot to come to see my husband. It's so boring to see him. Why don't you find something to do?" Tang Yue raised a kind smile.

"Well, if you have anything to do, please do not hesitate to ask." Mr. xuanjing looked at him indifferently, as if he could clean the toilet.

Tang Yue asked the housekeeper to get his dowry light, including several boxes of account books, all of which were given to each other. "Mr. A is the most trusted person of father A. The more natural he is, the more reliable he is. These money accounts are managed by his husband, including 56 shops and 3 mines. His husband will do the monthly income and reconciliation."

Mr. xuanjing's slender fingers flicked on the list and put them away with a smile. "If you can have such a heavy task, I will try my best to do it."Tang Yue felt at ease when he saw how happy he was. He didn't know much about the young man and his ability to handle affairs. It was a bit rash to give him the dowry. However, he would never know his details if he didn't try.

But the man who can be praised by his cheap father is not so bad.

"Then there is the old man." Tang Yue thanks again, the other party is busy to get up and return a gift, "dare not, this is the subordinate should do."

"If you are short of staff, you can talk to the housekeeper and let the housekeeper arrange it."

"Here it is."

Tang Yue took a sip of tea and got up to see the other rooms. Most of the people brought by Tang Yue were craftsmen with craftsmanship. They didn't need his arrangement at all. Prince Zhao dug them up at the first time.

Just like this paper-making, all the craftsmen and carpenters brought by Tang Yue were involved, and only a few blacksmiths were left to help Tang Yue continue to build medical tools.

Tang Yue's nurses can't go to battle empty handed. They need all the necessary tools. These people were also the first to make tools for Tang Yue, and then they helped him do a lot of things, including the pots and pans, which was a tacit understanding.

Coming out of Juyuan, Tang Yue strolled around the house. The housekeeper followed him behind his buttocks and handed him a hand stove and a cup of hot tea from time to time.

When he left, his whole body became hot, and then he returned to the study where he and Prince Zhao were half together.

Through the round door opening, you can see the messy desk and several large bookcases on the other side. It is said that when he was not at home, Prince Zhao spent his sleep and food studying his paper-making skills.

After reading for a while in the study, the housekeeper knocked on the door and came in, holding a stack of account books. "Lang Jun, this is the expenditure of the government recently. Large amount of money needs your review and signature."

Tang looked at him in surprise, "who was responsible for these things in the past? Your highness said it would be handed over to me? "

"The Royal Highness is basically responsible for the revenue and expenditure of the palace. When he is away, the old slaves will guard the house. However, these days, the royal guard is busy, and his Highness has ordered you to have a look at it when you have time."

"Wang Baowei refers to Wang Dingjun?"


Tang Yue nodded and said in his heart: it's really not an ordinary guard. It seems that he is one of the key training objects of Prince Zhao.

However, if you think about it, you can understand that a son of a city Lord can't simply run to be a guard. It must be developed in an all-round way and be entrusted with an important task in the future.

Tang Yue took over the account book and asked helplessly, "it's better to find a reliable person in charge of it." You're not afraid to go around like this?

Tang Yue had only a rudimentary concept of the price of this era, and was not proficient in it. He only flipped through it a little. It was all about the purchase of new year goods. He saw several items that he knew the prices of, and found no major problems.

Think of the modern enterprise procurement will generally compare goods, he said a few words, the housekeeper's mouth curved, "you're right, this can't be better."

"The purchase of the house..." Tang Yue hesitated whether to ask more clearly, such everybody, the work that buys is the most oil and water, want to say did not get a point from it, Tang Yue does not believe.

"The servants in the house were all wounded soldiers who had retired from the front line. His highness showed sympathy for them and found them a job in the house."

Tang Yue picked his eyebrows. Such an arrangement has both advantages and disadvantages. However, he has just entered the door, and some things are difficult to say and can't be done in a hurry. Therefore, we should first look at them.

He proposed to the housekeeper to prepare more new year's products as employee benefits. Even those slaves who were sold as slaves could receive some extra cloth and food during the new year, which was regarded as a reward for them.

Such a reward mechanism is common in modern times, but it is still rare in this era. The housekeeper hesitated for a moment, estimated the value, and nodded his head.

Prince Zhao can give the whole family to Tang Yue. Naturally, he doesn't care about his buying more things.

"Lang Jun is kind-hearted, and the people in the mansion know it."

Tang Yue waved his hand, "it's just generosity." If he is a poor man, no matter how kind he is, he can't do good.

People always have to take care of themselves before they can take care of others.

Now, he can only leak out a little from his fingers, which can make the servants in the mansion better off. Why not?