Late at night, a group of people in black quietly approached Huanghua village with a bundle of hay in their arms.

"Be careful not to be noticed." The leader in black whispered, and then slowed down to get close to the village.

He made a gesture, and the man in black nodded behind him and dived into the village in two directions. Bales of hay were stacked outside the tent, and the three remaining wooden huts, still in good condition, were surrounded by hay.

"Go With a light cry from the leader, the group of people in black quickly withdrew from the village, but did not leave immediately. Instead, they took their bows and arrows from their backs, lit the oil of the arrows and aimed at the tents and houses.

"Shoot the arrow!" At the command of the leader, more than a dozen arrows with fireballs flew to the pile of haystacks, as if they had heard the voice of the villagers howling and howling. The leader's face under the black scarf hooked up a malicious smile. He said in a cold voice: "withdraw!"

A group of people in black were turning to leave. They saw a row of people in black who were similar to them. The number was more than twice of them.

"As expected, your highness, these people are really unscrupulous in order to discredit his highness, and do nothing to save people's lives!" The man in black whispered.

What do you mean? If the purpose is the same, you can leave. "

"Well, the purpose is the same, but it's a pity that you are the people we want to kill!" The man in black here pointed to the sword, and the men in black on both sides drew their swords and rushed up at the same time.

"What do you want to do?"

"All said, killing people If it's all settled, don't leave any alive. Your highness says that their value in living and dying is the same. "

"Here it is."

There are a large number of people here, and one by one has excellent martial arts skills. After half a quarter of an hour, there are continuous screams. Then, it becomes more and more quiet.

Until this group of people all fell down, the black dress talent stops attacking, "cut off the head and take away, throw the body to burn in the fire!"

The fire became more and more fierce, and the red reflected half of the sky. The once bustling Huanghua village suddenly turned to ashes. Along with them were more than a dozen headless corpses.

When people from neighboring villages found out the tragedy the next day, it was only the villagers in Huanghua village who had contracted the disease and were burned to death by the government.

Even the people did not have the courage to investigate.

He went straight into the prince's study.

"Your Highness, here they are, fifteen in all." Wang Dingjun put the box down and didn't mean to open it. It's better to see the bloody picture less.

"Well, the villagers are all set up?"

"Yes, the ranch area is big enough to accommodate the villagers of a village. When the new village is built, they can move there."

Huanghua village was burned to ashes by a big fire, but the villagers of Huanghua village are still there. As long as another house is built, where is not home?

"Well, then as soon as possible Let's go and get the debt back, so that we can afford to build a house for them. "

Prince Zhao got up and walked out of the door. Wang Dingjun immediately carried the box to keep up with him. As soon as they left the study, Tang Yue ran into each other.

"Your Highness, where are you going

"A little business trip, you wait for me at home."

Tang Yue raised his eyebrows and did not respond to his ambiguous words. Instead, he looked at the wooden box on Wang Dingjun's shoulder and asked, "what kind of gold and silver jewelry are there for people? Who has such a big face? "

Prince Zhao's face appeared a strange expression, nodded, "go alone and come. You're not going to go back to the Marquis of queryang. You're going to come back together."

Just now, a servant of the Marquis's house reported that the mansion planned to marry the eldest lady after the new year, and told him to go back when he was free. It was also an idea for his sister's marriage.

Now the prince of hengguo has changed his face from inside to outside. Although he has not made great achievements, he is already a promising young man. Both the Lord and the wife are very satisfied with him. Naturally, he will not refuse to marry his daughter.

In the final analysis, all this is attributed to Tang Yue. If it were not for his determination and painstaking efforts to confine the son of the Duke of hengguo to his home for several months, and asked Prince Zhao to continue to reform under his command, it would be very rare for him to want a son with both talent and appearance.

Therefore, the Duke of Heng also wanted to marry his daughter-in-law into the house as soon as possible, so as to manage the housework and supervise his only legitimate son.

Outside the prince's house, the frame is ready. Prince Zhao gets on the carriage, kneels down and nods to Tang Yue.

Tang yuechao waved his hand and felt the happiness of his wife sending her husband to work. When the carriage was gone, he was still standing there with a satisfied smile on his face.

Like this, the two have their own careers. In their spare time, they eat together, take a walk, and show filial respect to the elders on both sides. They are no different from ordinary couples. This kind of feeling is very good.

Plain light, is the most real.

The carriage turned two turns, and Prince Zhao said, "go up to the third prince's house."Wang Dingjun asked suspiciously, "Your Highness, you know that there must be other masterminds behind this. Why do you want to go to the third prince's house?"

"Who is the person behind that? I can't be sure. But Wang Zixian's accusation is real. Who should I look for if I don't ask him for debt first?" Prince Zhao glanced at the wooden box and said faintly, "as for others, it's time to settle."

The carriage went directly into the gate of the third prince's mansion. The porter ran to report, but Wang Dingjun whipped him back.

"What are you doing so fast? Your highness and the third prince are brothers. Why do you say those rules

"This This My Lord, the master has told me that I can't see any visitors today. "

"Well? Is our highness here and he's gone? Although the brother is close, his identity can be considered... " In the end, the monarch and his subjects are different!

"Yes, yes, I'm going to report it to the master."

"No, your Highness has not been here before. You can find your way. What should you do?" Wang Dingjun will whip a whip, the man was immediately thrown away 10 meters away, heavily fell on the ground, issued a scream.

"Oh, I'm sorry I missed it." Wang Dingjun apologized for his lack of sincerity, and then led the team on its way.

When Prince Xian gets the news and changes his clothes, he hears the other side's deep and joking voice when he thinks about Prince Zhao's coming, "brother three Wang is at home."

Wang Zixian stood up, his eyes narrowed, and his face was full of smiles. "It turns out that the prince has come. There is a loss to meet. Don't blame."

"It's a lonely initiative to visit. Don't be polite, brother Sanwang." Prince Zhao went straight to the throne and sat down with a straight back.

Wang Zixian secretly took a glance at his face, which was still the same bitter gourd face all the year round. He didn't want to guess his intention. He asked directly, "if the prince doesn't go into the palace to greet his father, how can he come to my little temple?"

"Gu is here to give a gift to brother Sanwang."

"Oh?" Wang Zixian didn't believe it at all, and said sarcastically, "is the sun coming out in the west? When will our noble and upright prince give gifts

Prince Zhao did not answer, but asked people to send the box up, "also please three Wang brother personally check."

Wang Zixian winked at the eunuch who was waiting on him. The other side bent down and walked forward.

When he opened the wooden book carefully and looked at it carefully, he was scared to death and fell to the ground with a scream.

"What?" Wang Zixian stood up and saw the black and bloody head. His face changed, "prince, what do you mean? Are you trying to frighten the king with these things? "

Prince Zhao glanced at him faintly. "Brother Sanwang, please look carefully. Can you know these people?"

"I don't know!" Wang Zixian denied that he recognized these people as the one sent out last night at the first time. He didn't know that the situation had changed before dawn. However, it had nothing to do with the investigation of these people. He was not afraid that things would be exposed.

"These people are bold and reckless. They rushed into Huanghua village last night to kill people and set fire to them. Unexpectedly, they were killed by the lonely people one by one."

"What does that have to do with the king?"

"Gu just looked at these people with good looks. It seemed that he had met them in the third prince's mansion, which brought him to be recognized by brother Wang.

"Nonsense! What's the matter? Is the prince trying to be bloody? " Wang Zixian dares to affirm ten percent. Prince Zhao has never seen these people.

"If it's bloody or not, let's go to our father's side and argue with each other."

"What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing. I just want to ask brother Sanwang to pay for his hard work. Anyway, he has worked so hard to bring people back. The reward is always there."

It was money, but this conclusion made Wang Zixian gape.

Will the prince be short of money? Certainly not, then his behavior of asking for money is very unusual.