There has always been a sense of doubt in the prince's heart, and there has always been a kind of absurd idea. This idea has become more and more affirmed with the deeper he contacts with Tang Yue.

However, he didn't want to find out the truth. Not only that, he even wanted to cover up some obvious traces for Tang Yue, such as his once famous name and his ten years of history which had nothing to do with medical skills.

"Go and ask the Marquis whether the discussion has been finished. It's too late. It's time to have a meal."

The housekeeper smiles awkwardly and runs away. As the host, it is impolite to leave the guests aside and not give them food.

The prince walked along the path in the courtyard at will. Outside a courtyard, he heard the hilarious laughter. He was about to turn around and leave. A ball with a big head hit him.

A little servant girl ran out with her skirt in her hand. She knelt down and saluted the prince in panic. "Excuse me, I'm sorry, but I'm going to pick up the ball."

The servant girl picked up the silk ball outside. Obviously, she picked up the silk ball and picked it up.

He was about to return the ball to her when a small head poked out of the wall and asked, "who are you? This is the backyard. You can't come

The prince looked up at the childish and lovely girl and asked, "is this yours?"

"Well, it's a gift from my brother to yun'er."

"Oh? Tang Yue did it? " The prince asked in surprise, "is the flower on this silk cloth embroidered by him?"

Tang Yun to the head to see him, "you this person is very strange, brother is a man, how can embroider?"

The prince's face suddenly became stiff. He was rarely asked by a three or four year old girl and retorted, "how do you know he won't..."

"So it is." Tang Yun held her hands and said, "brother can cook, make beautiful hairpins, and make beautiful clothes. It's not surprising that you can embroider..."

He looked at the hairpin on Tang Yun's head and the chic clothes on his body, which seemed to be different from what he had seen. However, from marriage to now, Tang Yue has never done this for him.

The prince's eyes darkened and threw the ball to the servant girl kneeling on one side. "OK, take it to play And you... " He pointed to Tang Yun on the top of the wall, "get down quickly, don't fall."

"You haven't told yun'er who you are yet?"

"Haven't you seen a lonely one?" The prince didn't expect that Tang Yun did not remember him. Naturally, they had met him. At least it was her brother-in-law. How could he know that a child's memory was so poor.

Tang Yun climbed forward again. A cry came from the yard, "Yun Niang, be careful to fall."

Voice just fell, Tang Yun a leg from the wall brush, one unstable, the whole person fell down.

"Ah..." Several exclamations were heard at the same time. The prince stepped forward quickly with his toes lightly. He jumped up with the strength of the wall and reached out his hands to connect Tang Yun in his arms.

For a moment, a group of people rushed out of the yard and asked Tang Yun, "Yun Niang, are you ok? Scared? Is there any discomfort? "

Tang Yun is still a little dazed, but can not see the symptoms of fear, but surprised at the prince.

The prince handed her to an old woman and told him, "take care of them carefully. Don't let this happen again."

The old woman met the prince, and knelt down with Tang Yun. "Thank you for your help."

"Oh, I know who you are." Tang Yun clapped his little hand and called.

"Yun Niang, don't be rude!" Tang Ya heard the news and ran out again, thanking the prince for saving his life. Otherwise, if he fell down from such a high wall, he would have to break his arm and leg.

"Elder sister, yun'er doesn't know how to address him. Is it his sister-in-law?" Tang Yun asked heartlessly.

"Cover up her mouth, don't look at her, too

"It's all a family, her name is It's not a mistake. The elder sister is too outspoken. "

Don Arden blushed and saluted: "yes Yes, the sisters left first. "

The housekeeper also happened to come, "Your Highness, the dinner in the front hall is ready. Please move!"

The prince nodded, and then took off the jade pendant hanging from his belt and put it into Tang Yun's small hand. "Little things can't compare with your brother's craftsmanship. Give it to yun'er to play with."

The jade pendant that can be worn by the prince's highness is not ordinary. Tang Yun doesn't understand these things at a young age. Tang Ya can see it clearly. However, since it was given by his "sister-in-law", there is no reason to refuse.

"Yun'er, thank your Highness for your kindness."

"Oh, thank you, sister-in-law." Tang Yun laughs out one or two rabbit teeth, which is very cute.

The prince couldn't help touching her head and said in secret: no wonder Tang Yue likes these sisters in the family. It turns out that women are not all boring.

From the backyard to the front hall, the prince's mood also changed slightly. In the past, he only felt that he and Tang Yue had become a family. Today, he realized that he had a close relationship with the whole Marquis of Liyang.

He grew up in the inner court when he was young. Although the Queen's wife cared for him a lot, he could not meet every day. When he met, he had to abide by the etiquette. On the contrary, he was not as comfortable as the marquis."Ha ha, your highness is coming. Please take your seat." When the prince sat down, he took up his glass and said, "you have neglected your highness. I will punish you three times."

The prince raised his hand to stop him and said, "father-in-law is too polite. This is a family dinner. There is no need to be too polite."

The Marquis of Liyang glanced at Tang Yue and saw that he was concentrating on peeling shrimp for the prince. He said with a smile, "ya'er's marriage has been decided. On the first day of April, the weather will be warmer."

"It's very good. If you can find a lonely place, please tell me clearly."

"I don't dare. I'm afraid it will bring trouble to your highness."

"How do you say that?" Prince Zhao's expression did not change. He opened his mouth and ate the shrimp that Tang Yue handed over.

Taking advantage of his food can not speak of the gap, Tang Yue put in a: "dinner time do not talk about these bar." He looked up at them and continued to focus on the food.

Prince Zhao took a cloth towel to wipe his hands, "OK."

Seeing that they were getting along harmoniously, the Marquis of Liyang also had a big stone on his heart. He looked at the face of Prince Zhao to make sure that he was not angry because of the slight he had just made. He had a better impression of him in his heart.

Seeing the stagnant atmosphere, Mrs. Hou joked: "since yue'er left the mansion, the cook of Hou's house has no benefit any more. I really miss yue'er's time and can eat delicious food every day."

"That's a blessing in the mouth." Prince Zhao also missed the craftsmanship of Tang Yue. Unfortunately, both of them were busy after their marriage and seldom could eat the food made by Tang Yue himself.

Tang Yue looked up, "tomorrow I will make some snacks for people to send, and if I don't do it for a long time, it will be hand-made."

"No, no, I'm just saying casually that yue'er is now a crown princess. How can you cook in person?" Mrs. Hou was the first to object.

Although he did not like Tang Yue any more, he was now a noble prince and concubine. Madame Hou did not dare to sneer at him any more. His face was gentle and graceful, just like her own.

"It doesn't matter. When you have nothing to do, you can also cultivate your sentiment."

"Ha ha..." Mrs. Hou said she couldn't understand Tang Yue's thinking, but the other two men didn't object. She didn't say much.

After a meal, Tang Yue went back and got on the carriage. He thought that the new papermaking technology had not been given to Prince Zhao. He was about to open his mouth when he was pressed on the wall by Prince Zhao.

"What's the matter?" Tang Yue chin slightly raised, thinking that there will be a storm like kiss.

However, he had been waiting for a long time and there was no movement from the other side. He was immediately embarrassed, "Your Highness has been staring at me. Prince Zhao raised his hand and touched it one by one." how long are these hands? How can anything happen? "

After half a year's maintenance, Tang Yue's hands have been much better. The skin is white and delicate, and the nails are round and glossy. However, the bony joints left by years of hard work can't be repaired.

"It's just that I can cook a few dishes. Don't praise me so much?"

"No, I heard you can make clothes..." Prince Zhao showed expectant eyes, waiting for Tang Yue to respond.

Unfortunately, Tang Yue was not on his channel at all, "who did you listen to? I only know how to draw a few patterns. It was only after the Tang Dynasty became more and more aware of the fact that those clothes with bright colors and novel styles that were seen on TV did not exist. The printing and dyeing technology of this era was still very backward. The embroidery was mainly made of dark lines, and the overall color of the clothing was partial, which was just in line with the current aesthetic outlook.

Nowadays, men prefer spotless white clothes. It's really hard for their laundrymen.

"Can you draw some pictures for Gu you?"

Tang Yue's fingers frivolously touched his chin and said with a smile, "OK, how about we make some couple's clothes?"

"Couple's clothes?" What's that? Prince Zhao is confused.

Tang Yue sold a pass, "you will know when the clothes are ready." In fact, he thinks the most favorite couple's dress is the dress they wear on their wedding day. Unfortunately, it's bright red, which can't be worn at ordinary times.