In the afternoon, Tang Yue saw the murderer. After several days of hard work, Zhao Sanjia looked haggard and gloomy. His beard was full of cheeks. He only had a pair of eyes and was full of spirits. He did not have the simplicity of the past.

"Ask what you want." After Tang Yue stares at him for a long time, Zhao Sanjia can't help speaking.

Tang Yue actually wants to know how he killed his father's concubine, but he is afraid to stimulate his sensitive point. The boy's mind is so fragile now, so we should be careful.

"Nothing, just curiosity Hehe, it's just a curiosity to lose. "

Zhao Sanying moved a position next to him, handed him the empty tea cup and motioned him to pour a cup of water.

Tang Yue is not angry, obediently poured him a glass of water, and then waiting for him to open his mouth to tell a story.

"In fact, it's not difficult. Now the whole town government is immersed in the grief of being deprived of hereditary power. The old man is busy running around and wants to enter the palace to plead for mercy. Naturally, the defense of the mansion is much more relaxed.

And I have a group of people under my hand. These people are my personal guards, even if I am expelled from my home. It is not easy to kill a woman in a familiar residence? "

Tang Yue knew that the process of the matter was not so simple, but Zhao Sanying could listen to what he liked.

"Now that you've revenged yourself, should you cheer up?"

Zhao San Ying rolled his eyes. "I think it's very good now. I'm full of energy. Everything depends on myself. No one wants to interfere with my private affairs any more."

Tang Yue touched his chin and said with emotion: "yes, you are full of energy, so the male hormone has soared and almost become an uncle. Look at your face, who can believe that you are one of the four beauties?"

Zhao Sanying's face turned red. He clapped his hand and warned, "don't mess around. You're the crown princess. If your highness knows you've molested me, then I'll die miserably."

Tang Yue corner of the mouth smoked, this touched to call to tease? Then when he was seeing a doctor, there were more people to tease.

"Ha ha Don't be angry. It's just a joke. How could your highness kill people so indiscriminately

As soon as Zhao Sanying's voice fell, a cold and deep voice came from the door: "lonely meeting!"

Prince Zhao didn't know this, but Zhao Sanying yelled so loud that he heard his princess flirting with people before he got close.

The two people in the room changed their faces at the same time. Zhao Sanying's proud expression had already disappeared. He stood up in a proper manner and retreated to one side with a low brow, but he did not dare to explain.

Tang Yue glared at him, then hung up a smiling face to greet him, "how did your highness come back? Not that it's urgent? "

"If you don't come back, how can you know that your wife is going to tease people when she is not here?"

"Ha ha There's nothing wrong with it. It's just to see the beard grow and ask him to shave it, so that he won't get his daughter-in-law in the future. "

Speaking of this, crown prince Zhao remembered that Zhao Sanying was still a single man, no more than the Duke of hengguo. Shizi was a married man, even if he was closer to Tang Yue.

It seems that it is time for him to solve the life problems of these subordinates.

If Zhongyong Hou was not too young, he really wanted to solve the problem together.

Zhao Sanying, who had nothing to do but stand aside to repent, sat down and said, "the envoys sent by the northern Yue kingdom said that it was the king of the northern Yue who proposed a truce to coexist peacefully with the Southern Jin Dynasty and proposed the idea of marriage between the two countries."

Tang Yue thought for a while and asked, "is it really a truce or just want us to relax our defense?"

"According to the information obtained from various places, 80% of them are true. North Vietnam has been fighting for many years, causing great loss of manpower, material resources and financial resources. Last year, the disaster was serious and the food was sharply reduced, which was not enough to support another war."

After listening to a few words, Zhao Sanying couldn't help but interrupt and said, "in this way, can we take the initiative to send troops? Take advantage of its unprepared to attack North Vietnam directly

Prince Zhao finally looked him in the eye, but his eyes were still cold. He directly retorted: "the idea is too naive. You think the city of North Vietnam is so easy to attack, especially the imperial capital of North Vietnam. The city wall is more secure than the border fortress. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. How many lives of officers and soldiers should be taken to fill in the Southern Jin Dynasty to be sure of victory?"

Zhao Sanlang's old face is red.

"This is not a good time indeed. North Vietnam has suffered a serious disaster. We are not in good weather either. The national treasury reserves are seriously insufficient. If we continue to fight, we will only waste people and money and hurt the foundation. It will be difficult to develop again."

Since the truce is probably true, the proposal of a marriage between the two countries will not be false at all.

Tang Yue is not too worried that someone will put his idea on Prince Zhao. After all, he is married now. If he wants to marry, he will either have a prince or a princess. If he wants to marry a princess, he won't find a husband, right?

It has to be said that Tang Yue was too early to be happy. In the whole royal family of the Southern Jin Dynasty, the only one who could be feared and cared about by northern Yue was Prince Zhao. If he was not elected, would he choose an old man who had already had three palaces and six courtyards?"Lang Jun Lang Jun... " The housekeeper trotted in with sweat on his forehead.

"What's the matter?" Tang Yue is reading huiantang's account books in his study. When he hears his urgent voice, he is nervous.

Can the stable old housekeeper be so anxious, should it be prince Zhao's accident?

At this time, March has passed into April. It is a good time for spring and flowers to bloom. Young men and women in Yecheng are invited to go for an outing in groups. In the morning, Tang Yue agreed with Prince Zhao to go for an outing tomorrow.

"What happened to your highness?" Tang Yue stood up and asked.

"No It is... " The housekeeper shook his head and nodded again, which made Tang Yue all confused.

"Don't worry. Take your breath first." Tang Yue poured him a glass of water to rest.

The housekeeper shook his head and took two breaths before he said, "it's a bad thing. Isn't the envoy from North Vietnam coming today? The other side even asked the prince to accept their princess as his concubine

"Ah Don't they know that the prince is married? " Tang Yue's heart surged with fire. Who the hell dare to think about his man.

"Certainly, I know. Besides, the king also said that they didn't mind that his highness had already married. Their princess could be an equal wife with you."

"Grass..." Tang Yue couldn't help being rude. Didn't they mind asking if they didn't mind?

"And your highness? What did he say? " Tang Yue doesn't care what other people say. As long as Prince Zhao doesn't want to, can this damned Princess force him?

"Your Highness was sent by the king to patrol outside the city this morning. He is not in the city at this time."

"Can you find out the king's attitude? Did you agree? " Tang Yue walked in the study for two times and had an idea in his mind.

"It's said that they didn't agree on the spot, but most of the officials supported it. We made a lot of money by marrying a princess of North Vietnam as a flat wife."

Tang Yue thought about it. Of course, they thought it was a good thing to lose the pie in the sky. Just by giving up the position of a fair wife, we could stop the war in North Vietnam. Moreover, whether we marry or not, we can make sure that we can make no loss.

But They think too beautiful, unless Prince Zhao nods, otherwise have him in one day, don't want other women to enter this door!

If Prince Zhao really dares to nod, it will also save the trouble, everyone bridge back to the bridge road, a pat two scattered!

"Send for your highness, tell him about it, and listen to him first."

The housekeeper stares at Tang Yue nervously, for fear that he will be upset. In his opinion, the marriage is a certainty. How can it not succeed?

"Don't be sad, Mr. lang. we all see what your highness thinks of you. The princess of North Vietnam is just the daughter of the enemy's family. Even if she is married, it's just a decoration."

Tang Yue didn't argue with him about anything. He answered without any expression on his face and let him go out.

After waiting for someone to leave, he didn't want to look at the account book. He simply left the account book and took a piece of the latest ebony carving.

The Marquis of Liyang is about to be born. He plans to carve him a decoration to celebrate his birthday. As for those annoying things, it's better to leave them to Prince Zhao.

However, he failed to spend the afternoon successfully. Soon, the news spread that Prince Zhao was going to marry the princess of Beiyue. Then, people came to the Marquis of Liyang and the Duke of hengguo. Half comforted and half enlightened, they gave him some ideological education, for fear that he would not think of it.

After the two families came, Zhao Sanying also came. The boy didn't come to comfort people, but to pay off the debt. "Tang Xiaoying, I still owe you a life. As long as you say who you want to die, I will kill him even if you go through fire and water!"

Tang Yue kicked him out, "OK, which cool which stay, don't add chaos!"

If he can count on Zhao Sanying to kill his rival in love for him, he simply does not want this position.