Princess Liyang looks at Tang Yue with a critical look, and she looks "how could this man be a princess".

Tang Yue didn't care to smile, "the princess is really beautiful, but Women should be reserved and lovely. "

Princess Liyang retorted, "has the prince's eyes been pecked by geese? I can't believe in a man like you. "

"It is because the prince likes my type, so you can't get into his eyes, princess." Tang Yue's appearance has been commented on a lot, and he has long ignored it. He turns to ask Prince Zhao, "am I right?"

Prince Zhao took hold of his hand, took the man to his side, nodded and said, "it's time for lunch." A woman who can't miss his time.

With that, she led Tang Yue into the temple. Tang Ya followed her sisters closely. When Princess Liyang wanted to catch up, she was stopped by Wang Dingjun.

, he said in a businesslike voice, "Princess Royal, the rules of my Southern Jin Dynasty, and the place where Prince Edward has gone, must be cleared."

Princess Liyang only regarded him as an ordinary guard. She threw the whip hard and patted Wang Dingjun directly, "what can you do to stop this princess's way?"

Wang Dingjun side to hide, face cold three points, "princess, please self-respect!"

"Do you dare to hide? Somebody Take him down to Princess Ben A dozen soldiers of North Vietnam drew their swords and rushed up.

Tang Yun lies on Prince Zhao's shoulder, covering his eyes with a pair of fat hands, and secretly looks through the cracks.

The little girl was once held by Prince Zhao. She liked to sit on his arm. She felt more secure than her elder brother, so she directly asked him to hold her.

Tang Ya is also worried that Prince Zhao will refuse. Unexpectedly, the other party has no expression to pick up the seven younger sister. She has a model in her arms.

Wang Dingjun hesitated to fight back, so he heard Prince Zhao's voice from afar: "do not kill animals in Buddhist forbidden areas." It's not good to kill people in front of children.

The subtext is: as long as the person is not dead, do whatever you want.

Wang Dingjun was not stupid enough to fight with ten enemies. He lifted his fingers and led a group of bodyguards to fight with each other.

Princess Liyang was a little arrogant at first. She wanted to show the people of the Southern Jin Dynasty the strength of their soldiers from North Vietnam. However, after only two quarters of an hour, all the people she brought with her fell down and howled incessantly.

Wang Dingjun pinched her wrist, smiled and made a bow, "offended, Princess your highness please come back!"

It was clear which one would win or which to lose. Princess Liyang couldn't find a chance to entangle again, so she had to run away with her.

Tang Yun's eyes were shining at Wang Dingjun and said, "you are so powerful!"

Wang Dingjun was praised by such a small lady for the first time. His face turned red, "Your Highness is more powerful."

"Is that so? Sister in law? " Tang Yun asks Prince Zhao for confirmation.

A "sister-in-law" called everyone in a daze. Tang Ya covered her eyes for fear that the next moment Prince Zhao would throw people out.

Tang Yue was stunned for a moment and then laughed. It was not in vain that he was so kind to the little girl. The food and clothes he gave were indeed a kind little cotton padded jacket.

The rest of them were afraid to smile, but the face of the party was calm as water, and did not feel that the title was inappropriate.

"Ah Yun thinks it is."

Tang Yun showed a pair of rabbit teeth, smiling eyes narrowed into a slit, "I think sister-in-law must be the second most powerful person in the world."

"Oh? Why second? "

"Because elder brother is the first one. The one who can match the first must be the second."

A child's words and children's words amused everyone, and the joy scattered by Princess Liyang was picked up again.

The monks in the temple have prepared the vegetarian dishes. Although they are not plentiful, they are full of mountain treasures. In addition to the flesh and blood, the wild vegetables and wild fungi that can be eaten in the mountain are probably all here.

Tang Yue asked Tang ya to lead his sister to open a table alone. He himself and Prince Zhao did not deliberately separate them. After eating, he took a bowl to feed Tang Yun.

"Brother, I can eat it myself." Tang Yun frowned and stressed.

Naturally, Tang Yue knew this. When he first went to the Marquis of queryang, he saw the appearance of this little adult eating. It was very funny.

"Brother, do you want to feed you?" Tang Yue likes children in his heart, but his sexual orientation is doomed to have no offspring. In this era, it is impossible to have a test tube baby.

Tang Yun hesitated for a moment and nodded happily: "yes, but you can't tell your mother."

Tang Yue knew that Zhao's demands on several daughters were strict, and that the legitimate and common daughters were the same. In addition to Tang ya, the most popular, the rest of his sisters were somewhat stereotyped.

However, this era does not need a woman who is too independent. It is not bad to be strict and follow the rules.

"Well, don't tell your mother. Eat it!"

"It's not as good as brother ah."

"After eating these, there will be delicious food in the afternoon.""Well."

Tang Yue used to see friends to feed children are particularly difficult, a meal to eat an hour is normal, but Tang Yun is obviously not that kind of children, one bite after another, feed what to eat, eat do not like will obediently swallow down, just a small face will wrinkle into a ball.

Prince Zhao did not know when to sit next to him, staring at the scene did not make a sound, the expression on his face obviously softened down.

After everyone finished eating, Tang Yue asked people to take them down to have a rest. As soon as they entered the wing room, Prince Zhao locked the door and hugged Tang Yue.

"Hello, this is a temple!" This person doesn't want to be here Amitabha! Sin!

Prince Zhao just hugged him, no extra action, asked: "you like children very much."

"Like better kids." Like their sister.

"If you have an idea, would you like to hear it?"

Tang Yue turned and stood face to face with him and asked with eyes: what's your idea?

"Sit down!" Prince Zhao pressed him on the cushion with a solemn look. After brewing for a while, he said, "you also know the identity of loneliness. There must be an heir in the future..."

As soon as Prince Zhao said this, Tang Yue's face became gray. It was not that the two had not discussed this topic. Tang Yue would not deceive himself. He knew that he would face it one day.

"Don't worry. Listen to me Prince Zhao holds his hand, and the warm temperature is transferred to Tang Yue's palm, which makes him more comfortable.

"I'm 15 years old this year. It won't be long before the palace and the courtiers will ask for a concubine to be taken alone, so as to ensure the continuity of the royal blood. Instead of waiting for them to speak, we should prepare ourselves first."

Tang Yue shook off his hand, and his face was like ice. "Do you have to choose today to talk about such a bad topic?" It's a murderer who destroys the atmosphere!

"Prince's mansion has many eyeliner, but it is cleaner here." Prince Zhao put his own ideas together: "at the border, many women's husbands died in war or died in vain. Some women lost their husbands as soon as they became pregnant. It is very difficult for such children to be born, even if they are forced to be born.

So I think it's feasible to secretly select a few such women to take Yecheng and put them in other courtyards. It's said that they were concubines who served at the border in those days. They were brought back because they had a body. Can they be regarded as our children when they are born? "

Tang Yue looked at him in shock, "you Do you mean to let other people's children be your own sons? "

"Why not? Children are naturally good-natured. As long as we teach them well, they may not become masters in the future. "

"No Is that what you are willing to do? " Tang Yue thinks that even in modern times, few men can have such a mind. They raise other people's children as their own sons, and let him inherit the whole country in the future.

This is more lucky than the phoenix flying on the branches. It is like opening the door and changing from a poor common people to a prince with inheritance right.

"This is a safe way for Gu, otherwise the throne will not fall to Gu's head when his father's time comes."

Prince Zhao knew what the father in the palace was up to. He suppressed the development of his power when he was young. In the future, if he wanted to be himself, he would force several women to give him, so that he could trust the throne to him.

If he had no offspring, the throne would be isolated from him. The king of Southern Jin agreed, and the ministers could not agree.

Royal blood is not a joke.

Tang Yue felt that his head was still a little confused, and the blood was hot all over his body. He lowered his head and could not control the corner of his mouth. He bent up a solitary degree.

A man is willing to sacrifice his power and love to this point. Tang Yue has nothing to be dissatisfied with.

"What if someone finds out?" Tang Yue asked.

"As long as you don't find out before you ascend the throne, you can rest assured that since Gu has put forward this proposal, it will be arranged properly."

Tang Yue moved to his side and sat next to him, joking: "to be honest, when you were at the border, there were no concubines around you?"

"No Crown prince Zhao answered categorically.

"No man's favorite? What about the bed warmer? "

Prince Zhao pressed him to the ground, pressed him on his body and asked for a kiss, "are you doubting the chastity of solitude?"

Tang Yue chuckled and kissed him in the face. "What kind of chastity a man wants is to ask casually."

Even if there is, he is not responsible for his past.

"How many are you going to pick? Too many people are too fake? "

"It's natural. If you come one by one, it's a lonely room. If you're jealous, you'll have to stand the baptism of gossip."

"Then you're not afraid to be scolded for being ungrateful and inconsiderate?" Thanks to all the people in the world, he is a devoted man.

"It's the nature of men to be playful. When the news gets out, we'll just say," this should be the case! " As a crown prince, it is common sense to have several concubines.