Zhang Chun just called a girl just for fun. When he saw people, he said that he was not disappointed. He was beautiful, but his makeup and clothes were not flattering.

The girl who is good at it won't let her pick it up.

Tang Yue Old God sat at ease. He didn't move a mouthful after the food and wine were on the table. Zhang Chungang got up from the bed and didn't have time to eat. He was already hungry now, but he couldn't eat the second one after one bite.

He is glad that a fellow townsman has come to this era, and he is still a cook. Otherwise, just thinking about the three meals a day in his life will make his life boring.

He squeezed to Tang Yue and sat down, stabbed him, "Hey, I'm not talking about you. You're really stupid. You haven't been in love before?"

Tang Yue gave him a look and pretended to be stupid and said, "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Zhang Chun didn't know why he came here at first, but with his personality, there must be his reason. He just asked he secretly to find out the answer.

"If I were you, I should have led the whole house's bodyguards to Heyue building to find someone and smashed the shop in a big way to let others know that your princess is not a vegetarian."

"What good is that Tang Yue never advocates violence, and he thinks that such behavior is silly and only shows to others.

"The advantage is that you can use your power openly and uprightly. You are the crown prince and princess. The future queen, mother of the state, will smash all the green buildings in Yecheng, and no one dares to say anything about you."

Tang Yue felt that he and Zhang Chun's thinking were not in the same line. "Other people's business is good, but it doesn't hinder me. Why bother you?"

"Hey, your men have been drinking flower wine, and it's not in your way? What are you doing here? "

Tang Yue admitted that he was angry when he came to Yingge, but he did not doubt that the crown prince would go to drink flower wine. If the man was really playful, would he have to wait until today?

A group of men were drinking and rowing in another elegant room in Shuying Pavilion. A young man dressed as a bodyguard knocked on the door and walked to Wang Zixian and whispered a few words.

Wang Zixian raised his eyebrows and asked, "are you sure? Do you see it clearly? "

"Yes, the villain watched him go in with his own eyes, and asked Qiuju to accompany him."

"Ha ha Good! Good thing The more I heard of Tang Daoxian, the better I got out of it.

"Shall we inform the prince?"

"No, what's the notice? Isn't it all happening? What's the use of a quarrel when you come? "

"What do you mean?"

Wang Zixian touched his chin and thought about it. He asked him to come over and ordered a few words in a low voice.

After hearing this, the bodyguard praised, "as expected, the master is brilliant. In this way, he is afraid that the position of the crown princess will not be protected."

"Does Li Zhao think that if he wants to find a man, others will not know his intention? Although the Marquis's house of queryang has little power, its financial resources are first-class. It's really a pity that he can think of marrying a man to get closer to each other. "

"If this is a big deal, I'm afraid the crown prince will easily spare the princess."

"This is the day I'm waiting for. Go ahead and do it."

"Here it is."

When they left, the young master of the Duke of Lu asked, "has the third prince received any good news? Let's have a good time together."

They were all Duzi brothers of different families who were ignorant and incompetent. Prince Zhao of this group despised to associate with each other. However, Wang Zixian felt that cats have cat's way, and dogs have dog's way. As long as they are people, they are all useful.

"It's a good thing, but it can't be said yet. Let's open our eyes tomorrow."

"Then I'll wait." Everyone laughed and soon forgot about it. "Next, Wang Zixian was not in a hurry to drink. He asked people to change the wine into water and wait for the result in peace of mind.

Tang Yue and Zhang Chun couldn't appreciate this kind of art, so they didn't care.

When the girl approached, she raised her eyebrows and asked Tang Yue, "young master, are you satisfied with my piano?"

Tang Yue looked at her once, waved and said, "good, there is no need to accompany here, you go out first."

The Qiuju was stunned at the speech, bit her lips and left. She could see that the young master was of noble status. Although he was ordinary, he could not be more gentle. If he could serve him for one night, he might be able to leave this place.

She couldn't give up any more, so she left with Qin in her arms.

As soon as she left the front foot, a girl came into the door and asked in a hurry, "two young masters, was Qiuju waiting on her just now?"

Tang Yue nodded and said, "yes, but she has gone."

"Oh, what can I do?" "What's the matter?" the girl asked naturally

The girl swept over with her eyes full of water, bit her lips and said, "you don't know. Recently, a bully has taken a fancy to Qiuju. She comes to see her every day, but she can't hide. She thought that Qiuju could serve the young master tonight and push her. This is terrible..." The girl sighed for a long time, but did not ask for help.With a smile on his lips, Zhang Chun said indifferently, "in this kind of place, who is selling himself to is not selling?" Is the bully bad?

The girl did not open her face, tears fell down her cheek, "you are right, but that bully is weird in character and cruel in means. Half of his life has to be taken away overnight to accompany him. Although we are cheap lives, we are also afraid of death."

She said frankly, but let life out of a trace of sympathy.

"In that case, you can tell him that Qiuju is my son's bag tonight, and let him come back tomorrow." Zhang Chun didn't have much kindness, but he was willing to do it.

As for what would happen to the girl tomorrow, it was not his concern.

Tang Yue did not express his opinions from the beginning to the end. His kindness does not represent the father. The girl in the Ying Pavilion who is not pitiful, he can save one but not all.

"I dare not hide it from you. The bully is the nephew of the young master of the imperial court. If you..." The girl looked at Zhang Chun and Zhang Chun, meaning: if you can't make it up, it's OK.

The normal man hears this words will be filled with indignation to clap the case, for the sake of face, can't afford to also fill the fat man.

However, the two present didn't have this worry. They were just nephews of an official. With a marquis and a crown princess, they didn't have to be afraid at all.

"Well, don't be so wordy. Go and get people." Zhang Chun waved his hand indifferently.

He is not famous in Yecheng, maybe no one will be afraid of him, but he knows that Prince Zhao will come at any time, and he will worry about his fart.

After a while, the autumn chrysanthemum came in with red eyes. As soon as she entered the door, she gave a big gift, kowtowed three rings and said thanks.

Zhang Chun was impatient, so he sent her to sit aside and let her play or embroider.

Ai Ai Di in the autumn chrysanthemum period looked over, "I can't help but repay the great kindness of the two young masters. I don't like listening to the piano either. Why don't I make some small dishes for you to eat?"

The sooner Tang heard Zhang Chun's stomach growling, and he thought he was hungry at his age, he nodded and agreed.

Zhang Chun took the opportunity to order two kinds of recipes, a chicken stewed with mushrooms and a plate of barbecue, which could be eaten by anyone with a little bit of cooking skills.

Tang Yue calculated the distance between he Yue tower and Su Ying Ge, and secretly regretted that he should not have chosen such a far away place, otherwise Prince Zhao would have been informed to come.

After two quarters of an hour, Qiuju came in with the meal. As soon as she entered the door, a strong smell of chicken soup floated out.

Zhang Chun smelled more hungry and couldn't wait for a drink. He praised: "good drink Don't you want some soup, too? "

Tang Yue ate less dinner, smelling the fragrance, but also eat a bowl.

This soup with medicinal materials, a bowl down, the whole person is hot up, there is a kind of smooth feeling.

However, this feeling only lasted for a moment. Soon, he found that it was getting hotter and hotter. A stream of hot blood rushed into his brain, which made people excited.

His eyes changed, staring at Zhang Chun for a few times. Seeing that he did not feel any discomfort, he thought that he was full of blood and drank tonic soup, so his blood was boiling.

He carefully savored the taste in his mouth, and recognized the herbs in the soup one by one. His face suddenly changed. He reached out and knocked out the bowl in Zhang Chun's hand.

Zhang Chun was frightened and asked nervously, "what's the matter?"

Tang more cold face to see autumn chrysanthemum: "what did you add in the soup?"

Qiuju was scared to kneel on the ground, "what's wrong with you, young master? I just added some common herbs, which are good for your health. "

"Really?" Tang Yue Leng snorted, "I'm afraid you don't know. I know exactly what you added."

Zhang Chun clenched his neck to induce vomiting, and asked in a hoarse voice, "is it not poison? Damn it, I'm just beginning to enjoy happiness. "

Tang Yue poured a cup of cold tea down, pulled him over to feel his pulse, checked his tongue coating and eyes, and asked him if he was uncomfortable.

Zhang Chun didn't know whether it was a psychological effect. He always felt something wrong all over his body. "It seems that the whole body is uncomfortable. I'm not going to die." He just drank three bowls in one breath.

Tang Yue called for people to come in, "take this woman back, and then send someone to ask Wu Tai doctor to pass the house."

"What's wrong with Lang Jun?" He was surprised and looked up and down around him.

"Go back and talk about it." Tang Yue doesn't know whether this is Qiuju's personal behavior or someone instructed her to do it. If it's the latter, staying in this smoky place for another second will be more dangerous.

He only took four bodyguards and he today. One of the guards has just run away. Now there are only a few people around him. It's better to be careful.

Moreover, Zhang Chun's body should be carefully examined by Wu Taiyi. He is not good at internal medicine, and he does not know whether the impact of such medicine on children's health is big or small.

Two bodyguards carry autumn chrysanthemum to go out, just arrived at the door to see the colleague who fell outside the door, startled to drop the hands of the people pull out the sword.

Two people will protect Tang Yue behind him, step by step to the door, suddenly, a basin of powder from the head down, two people sneeze, together collapsed.Tang Yue and Zhang Chun take a look at each other, catch he, kick the door with their feet, and drop the lock. For a moment, they don't know how to do it.

Tang Yue calmed down and asked in a loud voice, "who is making trouble outside? Do you know that the prince's highness will arrive at once

He didn't ask the other party whether he knew his identity or not. If he could design so carefully, the other party must have come for him, and the ultimate goal must be for Prince Zhao.

Now he only hopes that the other party does not know that Prince Zhao will come, so as to let the other party have scruples.

There was no sound outside the door. Tang Yue took Zhang Chun to sit down and looked at Qiuju defensively: "who ordered you to do it?"

Qiuju sits on the ground with her head down. She has never opened her mouth since being exposed. Her expression is flustered, but her hands and feet are not disordered. She is obviously mentally prepared.

"I was also forced." Autumn chrysanthemum only repeated this sentence, to Tang Yue means, it seems that is not to ask what.

He can only pray that Prince Zhao can come in time.

With a wry smile, he said to Zhang Chun, "it seems that we were careless."

Zhang Chun blushed, curled up in his chair and sighed: "the world is dangerous everywhere. Let's go back to earth."

Tang Yue poured a few glasses of water for him, and filled him with a health pill that he usually took with him. He said with guilt: "it's all from me."

"Let's not talk about this kind of talk if you are a fellow townsman. If you don't have me, you may have left early and you may not be able to point out who implicated whom."

Both of them were not children. After comforting each other, they calmed down and began to look for a way out.