The prince's house was full of lights all night. Prince Zhao worked hard to relieve the spring medicine from his body.

Poor Zhang Chun is not old, and he can't get rid of the drug when he wants to. Only a few old doctors work together to find a way to disperse the drug effect by other ways.

At noon the next day, Tang Yuecai wakes up. His body is sore and soft, and his eyelids are sour and swollen.

Prince Zhao is sitting by the bed, looking down at the latest information from the dark guard. His face is dignified and solemn, emitting a breath of no admittance.

Tang Yue asked him, "how is Chun?"

Prince Zhao put down the paper in his hand, helped him up and touched his forehead first. After the intense and lasting movement last night, Tang Yue's fever had not subsided.

At this time, in addition to his exhaustion, it seems that he is OK. Prince Zhao is relieved, "Wu Taiyi, they are still healing. Do you want to go and have a look?"

Zhang Chun is the most innocent one in terms of the fault that happened last night. He was implicated and suffered a lot, so Prince Zhao tolerated him a lot.

Tang Yue nodded, lifted the quilt and got out of bed. Only when he lowered his head, did he find that he had nothing on him. His messy traces were shocking. People who did not know thought he had been abused.

Prince Zhao just didn't see it. He put on his clothes and went out with him in his arms.

"I can walk by myself!" Tang Yue was ashamed to dig a hole in the ground. The more conscious he was, the more clear he knew what he had done last night.

"Don't move!" Prince Zhao warned: "I don't want to settle accounts with you for the time being

Tang Yue buried his face in his chest, an old face red can not see people.

After entering Zhang Chun's yard, Prince Zhao let him down. People in a courtyard saluted one after another when they saw two masters coming.

Tang Yue saw that there were not only more than a dozen young men standing in the yard, each with medicinal herbs in their hands, but also more than a dozen imperial doctors walking in and out, with a strong smell of medicine.

Wu Tai doctor saw them coming, put the last medicine in his hand into the bath bucket, wiped his hands and came out. He took Tang Yue's arm and wanted to diagnose his pulse.

Tang Yue held his hand and asked, "Wu Lao, how is Zhongyong Hou's health?"

Wu Tai doctor glared at him, broke off his hand and continued to feel his pulse. After half a ring, he said, "the medicine has been solved, but the body is weak. Take a medicine diet which can strengthen the foundation and cultivate the yuan for a month, and then reduce the sexual intercourse."

Tang Yue nods, his body is actually nothing, is the reaction after excessive indulgence, how to regulate himself also knows.

"Zhongyong Hou was young, and his body had not yet grown up. He was suddenly attacked by such a violent spring medicine. He couldn't vent and accumulated in his body, which did great harm to his body. Therefore, after discussion with several colleagues, I decided to steam the medicine to evaporate the medicine in his body.

But in this way, his body is still injured, and his mental deficit is severe. He has to take good care of it for several years before he can recover. "

"I know that this is the end of the matter. As long as I can get rid of the drugs in his body, I will take good care of his body. I believe that he will be fully recovered in three or five years."

Tang Yue walked into the room and looked at Zhang Chun, who was soaked in the medicine barrel. His face was white and transparent, and his hair was wet and wet. He was very embarrassed.

He was just about to reach out his hand to say hello, so he was patted back by Wang Dingjun on one side, "soak well!"

Zhang Chun rolled his eyes and looked at Tang Yue pitifully. "Brother Tang, you're here just in time. I'm so angry with him that I'm very angry with him. The patient should be calm. He's seriously affecting the progress of my recovery."

Tang Yue naturally saw the care of Wang Dingjun's eyes and didn't take the small report seriously. He squatted in front of Zhang Chun and wiped the steam on his face. "I've hurt you. It seems that I have to be responsible for you all my life."

"Ha? Don't be kidding. You are a married man. I dare not rob the prince. "

Tang Yue couldn't help but pat him. The child was cute when he was in trouble. Usually, he had no way to shut his mouth.

"If you think too much about you, I'm not willing to do it, but I'm going to recognize you as a dry brother. Are you happy?"

Tang Yue thought that Zhang Chun had no relatives in the world. Although he had a title with money to spend, he lacked the warmth of his family, so he came up with a brother of the opposite sex with him.

It's rare that they are fellow townsmen, and they have mutual care.

"Do you want to make a vow?" Zhang Chun's eyes were bright. If Wang Dingjun was not staring at him, he would have to jump up.

"Good, good, then the prince will be my sister-in-law, ha ha Can't I walk sideways Zhang Chun felt beautiful when he thought about it.

Tang Yue glanced at the prince Zhao, and nodded when he saw no objection from the other party and said, "then you should raise your body for a few days. When this matter is over, we will hold a ceremony and let my father accept you as an adopted son."

Zhang Chun, a thief, asked him, "does the production capacity of the old Marquis be shared with me?"

Tang Yue wanted to roll his eyes, "have you spent all your money?""I can't spend it all. Don't I have sons, daughters, grandchildren? I have to leave a legacy for those who are not good

Tang Yue doubts where his son and daughter come from. Is he wrong? Zhang Chun is actually a woman?

Ordered him to recuperate well, Tang Yue took Prince Zhao out, and they went straight to the study and sat face to face.

Tang Yue lowered his head and didn't speak. Prince Zhao also watched him not speak. One of them didn't know how to open his mouth, and the other was waiting for the other to admit his mistake. The study was quiet for a moment.

After a cup of tea time, Tang Yuecai said, "Your Highness, have you found out who is behind the scenes?"

"What if you don't? What are you going to do? Go back to Yingge again Prince Zhao's voice is obviously angry and has reached the edge of the outbreak.

Tang Yue rubbed his face and looked at the crown prince Zhao, "this time it's my fault. For a moment of anger, I ran to that kind of place without any precaution. You can remember this account first."

At this time, it is no longer meaningful to investigate why he went back to Yingge.

"Will your highness leave this matter to me?"

Prince Zhao eyebrows pick pick, "how do you want to deal with it?"

"Naturally, there is revenge and complaint." Tang Yue always thought that he could only concentrate on being a doctor when he was standing under the umbrella of Prince Zhao. He would hand over the guns and hidden arrows to Prince Zhao, as well as intrigues to him. But what happened last night let him know that if he only wanted to protect himself in this position, he would not only be naive but also selfish.

He and crown prince Zhao are a whole. They are both prosperous and damaged. If Prince Zhao arrived in time last night, they could be drowned by rumors today.

People can't believe that a man who can't protect his wife can be a good monarch.

And the court could not let a flawed person continue to occupy the crown prince.

Prince Zhao walked up to him and held him tightly in his arms. Last night's thrilling feeling still remained in his heart, which made him feel both remorse and heartache.

He is not at all wrong. In the final analysis, it is he who makes Tang Yue fall into such a dangerous and embarrassing situation. If he did not marry himself, would he have been so troubled? How can again and again be treated as a thorn in the eye?

"It's for loneliness. You don't have to pay attention to it. Just forget what happened last night." He knew the nature of Tang Yue, and this dark and dirty thing must be a great blow to him.

"But I'm a princess, aren't I?" Tang Yue pushed him away, raised his head, and firmly looked at him, "since sitting in this position, we should advance and retreat together with you, and blindly let you protect will only make me more and more incompetent."

"No, if you are incompetent, there will be no one who can." What Prince Zhao said was not against his will. From Tang Yue's appearance to the present, he not only saved his own life, but also offered brush and graphite, and even helped him to create such strange things as paper.

These achievements alone are enough for a country to protect him for a lifetime.

"You should let me exercise, and correct the deficiencies." We must always take this first step.

When Prince Zhao heard what he said, he would not agree. He handed him a stack of intelligence from his sleeve. "Look, this is the information from last night to now. You can choose the useful one from it. The traceying Pavilion is still sealed, and there are not a few people, but there are also some distinguished officials in it. The sealing time can't be too long."

Tang Yue carefully looked over the pages of paper. When she saw Qiuju leave the room last night and saw a strange man, he knew that the incident should be here.

His intention to go back to Yingge was temporary. No one could ambush there first. Qiuju went back and forth, and deliberately prescribed medicine to them must have been instigated or intimidated.

That is to say, the mastermind of all this must have been in Shuying Pavilion at that time, because the people who saw him had this series of arrangements.