"Who were drinking flower wine with you last night and when did you leave? Please write them down one by one." Tang Yue said to the young man kindly.

The young man was flustered, but he was relieved when he saw Tang Yue. Although he had no right and no power, he also knew the famous doctor of Tang, the crown princess.

"What's the purpose of the princess inviting me here? There seems to be nothing wrong with you in my count's house? "

Tang Yue knelt down on the hay, pointed to the brush, ink, paper and inkstone in front of him, and said with a smile, "as long as you write the question I just asked, it's not to embarrass you."

"Princess, do you really think I'm a three-year-old? When did the Southern Jin Dynasty allow the crown princess to arrest and judge people at will? Do you know what you do

"It's said that childe yuan is ignorant and only loves beautiful people and wine. It doesn't sound like that. Does your father know that you are so smart?"

Prince yuan's mouth twitched, biting his teeth and spitting out a sentence: "thank you for your praise."

Tang Yue ordered the pen and paper on the table and looked at him calmly.

He must have a good relationship with Wang Zixian who can drink flower wine at the same table. Generally, such people are respectful of Prince Zhao. The reason why Tang Yue put up such an array is that he is afraid that they will deliberately conceal the truth.

Fortunately, the childe yuan was not sharp. He wrote a few words angrily, threw the pen away, stood up and said, "can I go now?"

Tang Yuexian read the content he had written, and when he saw the name of Wang Zixian on it, he asked people to take him out.

"Please have a cup of tea before you leave. You can't let the count's house think that we can't afford a cup of tea." Tang Yue specially explained the way.

Childe yuan glared at him and didn't argue. He was blindfolded and walked out of the dungeon.

Tang Yue compared with the first list written by Wang Dingjun, and asked Wang Dingjun to bring in the fish that had missed the net. Although there was no difference between one more person and one less person, prudence was the principle of doctors, and it didn't take much effort anyway.

Not everyone is so cooperative. There are also some people who don't want to yield to the influence of the prince's mansion. They are stunned and sneer at each other with their arms in their arms. They look like "you can treat Laozi".

"Not really?" Tang Yue asked again, "or can't you write?"

"Hum The other side still threw him a white eye, quite personality.

Tang Yue moved forward and supported his chin to see him. He had a small scalpel in his hand, which was turning leisurely.

"Do you know what it's like to cut a person open alive?" Tang Yue pointed to the other side's chest with the tip of his knife, "go down from here, separate more than ten layers of muscle layer, open layer by layer, and then You can see your heart beating, plopping Plop Young people are in good health. Their hearts must be bright red and active. Do you want to see them? "

The other side shivered, stepped back a few steps, and stared at Tang Yue in horror: "you Dare you

Why don't I dare? After you enjoy your heart beat, I'll sew the meat and skin for you to absolutely guarantee that you won't die. The wound will recover only after a few days' rest. Even if you say that someone believes you

Thinking of the rumors outside, the young man knew that 80% of what he said was true. When he thought of that picture, he couldn't help vomiting and his blood would freeze.

"Do you want to fight against the whole Duanmu family? Didn't your highness tell you that our Duanmu family controlled the timber of the whole Southern Jin Dynasty, not just ordinary people. "

Tang Yue digs his ears. He listens to such words too much today. When he goes back, he must tell Prince Zhao why he wants to know this?

"It's just wood. If your family doesn't do it, can't we? Do you know how many mountains and forests there are in the Marquis of Liyang? Besides, don't you think it's unwise to say such a thing in the prince's house? With a word from your highness, Duanmu family can disappear from the Southern Jin State. "

"You..." The young man was afraid, but his strong self-esteem could not allow him to bow his head, "hum, even if you kill me, I don't feel like writing."

Tang Yue took out a stack of paper from his sleeve and counted them one by one: "this is the testimony of gongziyuan This is Mr. Lu's This is Lord Li's And this is... "

After counting one by one, Tang Yue slapped on the table, "I don't miss you, but This attitude of Childe is really irritating. It must be that the whole Duanmu family wants to get close to Prince Xian and fight against Prince Zhao? "

"Nonsense! If you want to add to the crime, you have no excuse. My Duanmu family is the king from the bottom of my heart No matter how stupid the youth is, it will be a fatal blow to Duanmu's family.

He himself and Wang Zixian had a close relationship with him. After all, he was just a poor descendant of the family. But if the Duanmu family was crowned with the hat of supporting the three princes, the first one who could not spare their family was the king.

"How to prove it?" Tang Yue squints at him.

"Hum, don't you just want to use the method of arousal to make my son yield? What does it have to do with proving the sincerity of Duanmu family

"Why doesn't it matter? The prince's highness was attacked in the Shuying pavilion that night, and you And Wang Zixian is here. Who knows if you are the murderer of the prince's highness? ""What?" The young man glared at him and roared, "don't be bloody! Do you want to depend on us if you behave improperly and run off to get involved with others

"Tut, it seems that this prickly head is a little difficult to bluff."

"What do you think?" Tang Yue changed a posture and relieved his numb legs.

"If you want to frame us up, we left early that day and didn't see his highness at all."

"Oh? When did you leave? "

"The second quarter of Haishi." The young man looked at Tang Yue triumphantly, and in his small eyes, he wrote: ask, you continue to ask, and see how you want to plant and frame up.

"You all left together? I'm afraid not? Maybe some of you left first, creating the illusion that you have left, while others will stay behind to plot a plot and then sneak away. Who knows if you are really not at the scene? "

"Why don't you know? At that time, we were sent out by the Madame of the tracing Yingge Pavilion. There were also several beauties accompanying us. These are all witness documents! "

"What about Prince yin? With you? "

"This..." The young man hesitated for a moment. That night, Wang Zixian said that he had a crush on a new beauty. If he wanted to stay overnight, he would not leave with them.

But do you want to say that?

The young man took a glance at the paper in Tang Yue's hand. He must have said it even if he didn't say it?

"I don't know when Wang Zixian left. You have to ask him." The young man thought: This is the struggle between the three princes and the crown prince, which he can not participate in.

What does it have to do with who wins and who loses? At best, what he lost was just a friend who could drink and pick up girls together.

Wang Zixian is not magnanimous on weekdays, and the purpose of his friends is not pure. Everyone is willing to play with him, but there may not be a few people who really confide in him.

Although the crown prince Zhao has never been associated with them and even can't recognize them when they meet, the youth is still convinced of him all his life.

"It's enough to have a childe. You see, I'm not trying to embarrass you. I just want you to provide some information and say some truth. Why is it so difficult?" Tang Yue shook his head and sighed.

The young man was furious and pointed at him and yelled: "you are the one who makes me tell the truth? I dare to threaten my son. I must go and say to his highness that the rules of the prince's house are so lax? "

Tang Yue collected the paper and put it under his armpit. He got up and looked at him with a smile. "The prince should have come back at this time. How about a light meal in the mansion?"

Tang Yue said, regardless of whether he said yes or not, took the lead to go out, and behind him, two bodyguards subdued the youth, blindfolded and took out.

Tang Yue did what he said. As expected, he prepared the youth's bowls and chopsticks and a table of rich food.

The young man and Prince Zhao eat together at the same table. They are so scared that they don't know how to put them. They often cast angry and begging eyes at Tang Yue.

"Eat, don't mention it. You've wasted a lot of time. This meal can be regarded as compensation." Tang Yue said politely.

Young people want to cry without tears. If they knew this, it would be better if they started at the beginning, or let them open their stomachs directly. It was better than that they couldn't eat and had to bear the great pressure of his Highness the prince.

Grain by grain of rice was sent to his mouth. The young man had a meal that was tasteless and tasteless. In retrospect, he regretted it. He had heard that the food in the prince's house was delicious and delicious, but he wasted it. What a pity! Hateful!