"It's water It's out of the water... " In the silent night, a cry of panic awakened most of the sleeping people.

"What's going on?" A foreign language came from the front yard, and soon someone replied, "my Lord, there is water in the backyard."

"Oh? Is it man-made or accident? "

"I'll take a look at it."

A group of North Vietnamese soldiers rushed to the backyard and saw a row of houses that had been burned into flames.

The backyard was rarely approached, only two soldiers were guarding the back door. At this time, the two men disappeared.

"Come on, put out the fire!" Roared the general in charge of the guard.

"General, the fire is too big and there is no well nearby. I'm afraid it can't be extinguished."

"Asshole! Then try to tear down the surrounding houses and don't let the fire spread to the front yard. "

A group of soldiers immediately moved up, raised their swords, and cut down the stout wooden posts, demolishing the corridor connecting the backyard and the inflammable cottage.

However, the sword in their hands can kill people. It takes a quarter of an hour to cut off a stake. It's too slow.

Seeing the fire spread over, the soldiers were so scared that they became more inefficient.

"I can't do that. I'll send someone to help. There are still guards from Nanjin in the post house. Let's go and call them together! It was their post house that caught fire, and they couldn't escape their responsibility! "

"Here it is." A soldier ran out to convey orders, and soon, more than half of the guards in the post house were transferred.

In the bedrooms in the front yard, messengers who heard the news got up and dressed one after another. They had to pay close attention to the fire. In case of any wrong situation, they immediately withdrew.

In any case, it was the post house of the Southern Jin Dynasty, which had nothing to do with them. They could even accuse the Southern Jin Dynasty of treating guests improperly or framed them for murder. Hum, let's see what reasons they have to delay the peace talks.

The officials who can be sent to be ambassadors for peace talks are certainly not stupid. Almost at the same time, several people have an idea.

They came out of the house one after another, and sent people to the backyard to convey a sentence: "put out the fire and act like it is, ready to withdraw from the post house."

They want to see what explanation can be given to the officials of the Southern Jin Dynasty when they see the burnt post house tomorrow!

On a big tree outside the wall, the mountain, holding a bow and crossbow, is aiming at the messengers who walk out of the door one by one.

"Lang Jun said it's enough to kill only one person. Which one is to be killed?" The mountain hesitated a little, and then he aimed at the man who came out of the middle room. With a pull of his finger, the sharp arrow flew out and disappeared into the man's forehead in an instant.

Blood spatter, this scene shocked people around.

As the body fell to the ground, someone woke up: "Assassin! There are assassins! Come on, somebody... "

When the soldiers in the backyard came and chased out, there was no one on the broad road. The assassin hit him and left quickly.

The rest of the envoys looked at their colleagues on the ground, and they were angry. "Go, knock on the palace gate. This matter can't be let up!"

A group of North Vietnamese stormed out of the palace and immediately started a conflict with the guards of the palace, alerting the people in the palace.

"King The king... " The king of the Southern Jin Dynasty was awakened by a call.

"What happened?" he asked in a deep voice

The internal servant immediately reported the situation to him, and said anxiously, "now, the envoys are shouting outside the palace. Please tell me something about it!"

As soon as the king of the Southern Jin Dynasty heard that a North Vietnamese emissary had been killed in the post house, he knew the seriousness of the situation. He shook his hand and snorted coldly.

"Ah King, you hurt my body... " A charming cry came from the tent, and then a white jade arm stretched out from the brocade quilt and touched the chest of the king of the Southern Jin Dynasty.

"Don't worry, your majesty. Only one person died. The more difficult it is, will you dare to continue to fight against us?"

The voice was as clear and graceful as a yellow warbler, and it was very moving. However, the king of the Southern Jin Dynasty was not in the mood at this time. He pushed aside his new favorite and got up to get dressed.

If a North Vietnamese emissary died, the North Vietnam would not launch a war on this matter, but they could hold on to this matter and raise their price. After all, it was the Southern Jin Dynasty who was to blame.

"Come on, tell Prime Minister Ye and captain Xue ting to enter the palace!"

In the prince's mansion, Tang Yue didn't close his eyes all the time. He lay on the bed and counted the sheep for a while, then continued to stare at the news.

This is the first time he issued the order to kill all the people. Although he did not kill by himself, the feeling that something was wrong was still very strong.

"Why don't you sleep?" An arm stretched out and held Tang Yue in his arms.

Tang Yue's face was buried in his chest and murmured, "I don't know if what I'm doing is right or wrong. It's just hard."

Since he embarked on the road of medicine, he never thought that he was not saving people but killing people in his life.

Prince Zhao didn't ask him what happened. He was alert to what Tang Yue wanted to do. He was not completely indifferent."Don't think too much. There is no simple right or wrong in this world. Sometimes, it is inevitable to sacrifice some innocent people for the sake of the general situation.

Just like before the battle, if the enemy forces are too strong and our army is weak, we have to sacrifice some of our officers and soldiers to cut off their tails, so as to ensure that the rest of them can be dispersed smoothly. "

"I know, but In the end, is it

He touched Prince Zhao's cheek. After years of wind and frost, although he was young, his skin was somewhat rough, but his facial features were exquisite. This roughness did not damage his beauty, but added a few manly tastes.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. Prince Zhao can't win all the time. The tangle and heartache he experienced must be beyond his imagination.

"When did your highness kill for the first time? Who was killed? Why is it stopped? "

Prince Zhao thought about it for a while, and quietly replied, "it was a very young time. I can't remember exactly how old I was. I was four or five years old. A maid of palace tried to assassinate Gu. At that time, I didn't have much resistance. She hurt my arm. Fortunately, the other side belittled the enemy and tripped me and then fought back. I still remember that she was stabbed 13 times in her body."

"Four or five years old..." Tang Yue lamented that the child at this age did not know what danger was. He was still the most naive and romantic age, but Prince Zhao had to face various kinds of endless injuries.

It's not easy for him to grow to such a big age.

"What's your Highness's feeling after killing people? Afraid

"Naturally, I'm afraid, but what I'm afraid of is not killing people, but the feeling of passing by with death. The palace is full of killing all the time. I'm used to it. But at that time, I often have nightmares at night."

"Who sent that maid of honor? Has the murderer been found behind the scenes?"

"Forget, perhaps which lady, perhaps which brother courtier, want my life can be many people." It was because he was disgusted with this conspiracy and calculation that Prince Zhao chose to go out with the army at the age of ten.

He would rather dedicate his life to the battlefield than die in the internal struggle of Gongwei.

But now, it's not so easy for these people to want his life.

Tang Yue's mood calmed down a lot. In such a position, it was too difficult to adhere to the principle of not harming others. He could only ask for a clear conscience.

Two birdsong came out of the window. It was a signal that Tang Yue and Shan had made an appointment. Tang Yue raised his eyebrows and slowly closed his eyes.

Prince Zhao glanced at the window. There was no other movement, but the next day, after hearing about what happened in the post house, his expression was somewhat surprised.

Maybe he didn't expect that Tang Yuezhen could take this step, and he did it perfectly.

"Your Highness, the king summoned the prime minister and Tingwei all night to find out the murderer within ten days." Although Wang Dingjun did not take part in this matter, he also guessed who did it. He was worried.

He didn't understand the move of the princess. What's the benefit of killing the envoys of North Vietnam?

"Then let them investigate. If you send two people to help, you will say that Gu is very angry about this matter, and you must let them step up their investigation."

Wang Dingjun glanced at Prince Zhao secretly. He was not sure whether he knew Tang Yue's action or not. However, he could not have been unaware of what happened in the prince's mansion. What can be concealed from him?

Then the intention of these two people to help is somewhat investigated.

"I see." Wang Dingjun nodded, thinking that after ten days, the two adults would not be able to make the difference.

After he left, a smile appeared on Prince Zhao's face and said to himself, "it's really It's a real person who doesn't show his face! "

He knew that the princess he married was not only virtuous but also virtuous.