The days without worries always passed quickly. Tang Yue had already passed his second year in the Southern Jin Dynasty and officially entered the ranks of adulthood.

Of course, in this era, 15 represents adulthood, and Prince Zhao still leaps over this age.

With the growth of age, the crown prince Zhao has also been completely opened up. His facial features inherit all the advantages of his parents and become more and more attractive.

His character is mature and steady. After getting rid of the shadow of youth, he looks like a successful young man.

In the first day of spring thunder, an ordinary carriage passed through the gate and slowly drove into the city.

The guard saw that there was a young woman in the car, with a baby under the age of one year in her arms.

About an hour later, the carriage stopped outside the prince's house. The cry of the baby attracted the attention of the guard.

When they saw a young woman approaching with her baby in her arms, they opened her mouth in surprise. After a moment, they yelled in a cold face: "stop! Do not stay outside the prince's house. "

The woman was scared to step back a few steps, the baby in her arms is crying, she hastily pacify for a while, and then took out a jade hook from her arms, "my body is to find the prince, please inform me."

"Chi Chi..." The two guards seemed to hear the sound of heartbreak, swallowed their saliva, frowned and asked, "who are you looking for?"

"My concubine has come to seek the prince's highness, and is also the child's father."

The child, his father The child, his father children!

All of a sudden, four eyes stopped on the baby's face. The eyes were so keen that the baby's cry became louder.

The two men did not dare to delay. One of them turned around and ran into the mansion.

However, he did not report to his royal highness at the first time. Instead, he found the housekeeper and told the story in a flustered manner. Then he urged: "housekeeper, go and inform the husband!"

After that, the prince's highness actually kept the prince's concubine away from home. She even had children. She didn't know whether she could bear the blow.

The housekeeper was scared out of his wits, but he was more stable in the end. Instead of going to Tang Yue immediately, he said, "let's go and have a look first."

Anyway, he watched his highness grow up. If the woman dares to take a child as his Highness's child, he will never spare them.

When he got to the door, the housekeeper saw that the woman had returned to the carriage and lifted the curtain to look at this side.

Seeing an old man with rich clothes coming out, the woman came down with her baby in her arms. Yingying said goodbye and said the request again.

The woman was not blind at all. She could see that the old man had a certain position in the mansion.

The housekeeper's eyes were fixed on the baby's face in her arms from the beginning to the end, and the longer the gaze was, the more he felt that the child looked like his royal highness.

The eyebrows and eyes are similar, and the thick eyebrows are also like this. Maybe people are like this. When they take a child to compare their looks with an adult, they always feel like everything. But in fact, the combination of facial features is not like at all.

"Housekeeper, don't you inform the husband?" The guard asked in a low, uneasy voice.

"You are stupid. How can you tell Lang Jun about such a thing? Hurry to send someone to inform the prince's highness, and make sure to deal with the person before the husband knows it. "

When they heard this, they ran nonstop to guard outside the palace gate. On this side, the housekeeper also welcomed the mother and son into the mansion. However, he had a heart in the end. Instead of taking people to the main hall, he went to a side hall and hired a servant to serve him.

The woman watched curiously with a pair of big eyes all the way. When she got to the side hall, she didn't dare to sit down. Instead, she stood by with her child in her arms. She really didn't come from a big family.

The housekeeper examined the jade hook, and it was indeed the property of the prince's house. However, he could not believe that the prince's highness would give birth to a child with the woman in front of him.

It's not that he looks down upon others, but that the woman is so ordinary and small that she deserves his royal highness?

"This I don't know? The baby is hungry Asked the woman carefully.

The housekeeper nodded, staring at the child's face like a torch, "I don't know how old the child is?"

The woman smiles. "I'll be one year old next month."

The housekeeper calculated the time. If it was the Royal Highness's child, it should have been conceived at the border, and he did not follow him. Therefore, I don't know if there are women around the prince when he is at the border.

However, this matter is not difficult to investigate, just ask the bodyguard who went with him at that time.

"Just a moment. I'll send for the milk." Because Tang Yue has the habit of drinking milk, the prince's house has fresh milk supply every day, but there is no shortage of children's rations.

After he turned around and walked out, he immediately took a big step to the courtyard where the guards lived. He grabbed a man who was resting today and dragged him to the corner. He asked, "Xingli, can you tell me the truth, is there a woman close by when your highness is at the border?"

"Hey, why did the housekeeper suddenly ask about this? Is Lang Jun suddenly concerned about this? ""Don't be so garrulous, say it!"

Seeing that his expression was serious, the bodyguard did not seem to be joking. He blinked and replied, "yes, but..."

There was no need to say anything behind him, for the housekeeper had gone away like a gust of wind, but his steps were slightly disordered.

The bodyguard looked at the background of his departure and muttered: if he had known that it was so easy to pass, he would not have to carry so much back all night.

When the housekeeper appeared in the side hall again, his attitude changed completely. However, his face was respectful, but there was still a trace of resistance in his heart, which was mixed with a trace of excitement.

Since the prince's highness married a man's wife, he has been worrying about the issue of the prince's children every day. Now he has sent one to the door automatically. If it is true, it will leave a trace of blood for his highness.

Tang Yue was playing checkers with Zhang Chun in the backyard. After killing Zhang Chun, he threw aside the chessboard, lay down on the rocking chair and said, "are you ok? Have you seen Doctor Wu Tai? "

Zhang Chun patted his biceps brachii: "don't worry, strong like a cow, that old man said as long as in 15 years old not close to the female sex line."

Tang Yue raised his eyelids to look at him, hit way: "he said is female sex is right, but you can't think you can approach male sex."

Zhang Chun shrugged, "what do you say? What's more, Lao Tzu didn't plan to break up before he was 15 years old. Who the hell is a pedophile

Tang Yue eyebrow eye a black, stare at him one eye, the heart way: this kid should not be in pointing mulberry curse locust? People all over the world know that when he married Prince Zhao, he was only 14 years old.

Doesn't that mean he's a child lover?

Recently, Zhang Chun has not stopped to show some of the small muscles of Ye.

He deserves to have been in the entertainment industry, and has a natural sensitivity to this kind of gossip.

Tang Yue was still interested in listening at the beginning. When he heard more, he began to feel sleepy, which was boring. He asked people to take out half of his toys and continue to do them.

Zhang Chun squatted beside him, watching him skillfully under the knife, the block immediately round a little.

"Is this a small car?"

"Yes, Aya is about to give birth. I have to hurry up and stock up some toys for my nephew." Last month, the government of hengguo sent someone to report the good news that Tang Ya was pregnant. Tang Yue's first thought at that time was not happy, but worried.

After all, Tang Ya is still young. As a modern person, he naturally does not want her to be born so early.

But the custom here is like this, and the child is already in the stomach, he can not take him away, can only be happy and worried to accept this fact.

Zhang Chun curled his lips and said, "what's going to be born? It's only three months. Far away, do you think a woman's child is a hen's egg?"

Don't you know that he is a doctor? Although it's only three months, the baby was born in the blink of an eye. In the next few months, I have to prepare some clothes for the child He's very busy.

"Yes, yes, Doctor Tang. When will you have a baby to play with?" Zhang Chun joked.

Tang Yue's eyelids straight puff, wish to stab the knife in the past, countered: "I'm waiting for you to be born to play for me!"

Don't you think he has no children?

Two people have the same sexual orientation and do not intend to aggrieve the girl who has harmed other people's family. They will not have their own son in this life.

"Well, you wait. I'll send you a fat boy some other day." Zhang Chun said half jokingly.

Now he is rich and powerful, and he has such a big supporter as the prince's house. In fact, he has nothing to worry about. If he can't find someone who can live together in his life, he will raise a child's daughter-in-law. If he wants to be round, he will have a flat one. How good!

"I haven't done the gymnastics yet. Get out of here!" In order to make Zhang Chun recover soon, Tang Yue not only made a series of dietary plans for Zhang Chun, but also asked him to do a set of exercises every day to strengthen his body.

I don't expect him to practice martial arts. I can only do some small sports to make up for it. I hope he can thrive!