Tang Yue's injury recovered after more than ten days. Fortunately, he didn't hurt his heart and spine. Otherwise, Tang Yuezhen had no place to cry.

Xiao Luoluo was so frightened that he was much quieter. He often had nightmares at night. On weekdays, he slept with yangu, but since this happened, he must be in Tang Yue's arms to sleep safely.

At that time, it was Tang Yue who protected him in his arms, which made him feel safe.

Tang Yue didn't matter, in addition to being woken up several times every night, calling people to come in at night to put excrement and urine and feed some food, it was tolerable.

In the daytime, Zhaozi is not even deprived of his daily work, but he can't sleep well.

Because he was still young, Tang Yue strictly hired them to have sex. It can be said that crown prince Zhao was particularly looking forward to and serious about every sexual intercourse.

But since such a small thing on the bed, the number of times they love each other plummeted. Tang Yue agreed, but on the way, he was interrupted by the boy's cry.

The feeling that the pleasure was suddenly contained almost didn't let Prince Zhao cut off the man's instinct at a young age.

In the face of such a small thing that can't be beaten or scolded, Prince Zhao felt like crying for the first time in history.

But because the sexual blessing cannot satisfy, the prince's highness will naturally vent his anger on a cadre of subordinates.

Wang Dingjun had been resting for three nights for only two hours. He had a pair of panda eyes on his face, just like being beaten.

Zhang Chun ran into him again at the gate of the gate. He told him that he was unlucky, and then he laughed: "Oh, how did you become a national treasure? Isn't it the new girl who's been having sex lately

Naturally, Wang Dingjun didn't know what the national treasure was. After listening to Zhang Chun's description, he knew it was a kind of animal named cat bear in his hometown.

But when did it become a national treasure?

"Do you like it?" Wang Dingjun asked Zhang Chun inexplicably, but he didn't care about his ridicule.

"Panda? Of course I like it! " Are there any Chinese who don't like pandas?

Wang Dingjun heard him say the wrong name again and again, only if he remembered it wrong. It seems that this kind of animal only exists in Yuxin city and Taiyang city.

Thinking of this, he had an idea in his heart. Since the little Marquis likes this kind of animal, the Crown Princess must also like it. If he can make the princess happy, his royal highness must also be happy. If he is happy, his life will not be so sad.

As soon as Wang Dingjun's eyes brightened, he patted Zhang Chun on the shoulder and said, "it's still a wise little marquis. I'll show you some real national treasures some other day."

Zhang Chun's shoulder ache, grinned and took a cold breath. He scolded with a smile: "neuropathy!"

He ran into the backyard and saw that Tang Yue was pruning and cutting leaves for a tree, and there was a little bit standing at his feet, which was destroying the flowers.

He took the poor flower from Lolo's hand, lit his nose to teach: "little Lolo, the flowers are for people to see, not for picking, but you are not old enough to pick flowers."

Xiao Luoluo saw that he immediately hugged Tang Yue's legs and hid people under Tang Yue's clothes. He looked as if he could not see. He also scolded: "bad man!"

"Hey, didn't you just scare you last time? It's not like that, right? How can a man be so timid Zhang Chun curled his mouth. Last time in the garden, he saw Xiao Luoluo chasing butterflies, so he deliberately hid in the grass. When he approached, he suddenly jumped up to frighten him.

His goal is to achieve, but also let little Lolo completely blacklist him, has not seen him for several days.

Tang Yue took a look at him and said, "you can't live if you do evil by yourself! Deserve it

It was not easy for him to let Xiao Luoluo forget the fear. As a result, he was frightened by Zhang Chun, and xiaoluoluo had nightmares for two consecutive days.

For this reason, Prince Zhao almost didn't take the sword to chop Zhang Chun. We should know that Xiao Luoluo's psychological trauma recovered one day later, and his sexual blessing came a day later. Can he not be angry?

"And he picked up the flower on the ground, and he wanted to apologize for slandering people."

Zhang Chun chuckled, scratched his head, pulled Xiao Luoluo out of Tang Yue's clothes, picked him up and gave him a kiss. "OK, OK, uncle Chun is wrong. Uncle Chun apologizes. Uncle Chun can ride xiaoluoluo as a horse?"

Hearing this, little Lolo's eyes brightened, and there were some smiles on his face. Obviously, he still remembered the joy of riding that day.

Zhang Chun put him around his neck and ran around the garden with him. He was very tired and panting, but he finally won the approval of Xiao Luoluo.

Yangu stood aside with a smile on her face. She was finally sure that it was right to bring the little prince into the prince's house. Otherwise, she alone would not have given him such happiness.

The prince's highness and princess are both good people. They are sincere to the young master. She looks on coldly. I'm afraid that no one will interfere in their feelings in recent years. That is to say, I don't need to worry about falling out of favor for the time being.When the prince's Highness has his own son, the young master will grow up a little, and then tell him the truth. I don't think he will be lost?

Taking advantage of these years' efforts, she will give young master some useful people, and when he grows up, there will be no one around.

The wild goose Gu thinks like this, eyebrow suddenly frown, the crown prince imperial concubine sends a few of the young childe's servant, one seems to be a little strange.

She went to Tang Yue and hesitated to open her mouth and said, "Lang Jun, are you familiar with the man named Tu?"

Tang Yue stopped the action in his hand and turned his head to look at her? Which is it? " There are too many servants in the prince's house, and he doesn't know all of them.

After all, he was more familiar with the Chamberlain than with the housekeeper.

"It's a 13-4-year-old, with beautiful features, about this high..." Wild goose Gu drew a height, "there is a tear mole in the corner of the eye."

"It's him." Tang Yue thinks that there is such a person around Xiao Luoluo, "what's wrong with him? But the service is not attentive? "

Brother yangu bit his lip, shook his head and said, "it's not so It's just that he's been acting weird lately

"What do you say?"

"At the beginning, he was the most active one among a group of boys. He was particularly attached to the young master, so he was quickly recognized by him. However, in recent days, he seems to have something on his mind. He is in a low mood. He even has a few words. He is still worried about this.

Tang Yuexian was surprised that he was worried about Xiao Luoluo at such a young age, and then replied, "did you ask him in person? Is there something wrong with my family? "

The wild goose girl lowered her head and said with shame, "I didn't ask him in person, but he didn't have any relatives in his family. I don't think it's because of this."

Tang Yue's face changed, "you said he didn't have a family member? It's impossible! " When he told the housekeeper to choose a man, he said that he wanted to have a son from the prince's house.

Because this kind of boy has a higher loyalty to the prince's house, and his family are all servants of the prince's house. If they are concerned, they are not easy to be bought off.

"It seems to have been mentioned by the housekeeper that although he has no relatives, he has been in the prince's house since he was seven years old. It seems that he was picked up by the housekeeper."

Tang Yue wondered why he had not heard of such a person, but this was not the focus of his concern. He didn't care about the origin of a boy, but he would pay more attention to the people around him.

"Apart from this, is there anything else he's been doing lately? When did it start? Before that? "

Yan Gu thought carefully, "it seems that it started after the accident of young master. Before that Ah, it was he who told the young master to take him out to play. Although he only mentioned it a few times, I still remember it very well, because I had disciplined him about it. "

"He suggested that I take little Lolo out to play?" It's not like a normal guy would do.

The wild goose girl recounted the scene at that time, but she didn't think it was wrong at that time. The princess was busy and xiaoluoluo was not happy. The little girl named Tu said that when the princess was not busy, she could let the princess take him out to play.

She could see that the young master agreed with him. He was young and the colorful world outside was very attractive to him.

But now think about it, he will have something to do with the young master's assassination? After all, if you don't go out, you'll be fine.

Although this reason is far fetched, yangu will not let go of anyone who is suspected. She cares more about Xiao Luoluo's life than anyone else.

Tang Yue's eyes were cold. He called Ke over and asked him, "do you know Tu?"

"I know it."

"How about others? What is the background? "

"I don't have much contact with him. I only remember that he was a child picked up by the housekeeper from outside. He was raised in the Mansion because he had no relatives. But because he was too young to do anything, the housekeeper kept him in the cottage in the back street. I think he was brought into the mansion to serve him when he was old."

The children in the prince's house are no less than 12 years old. No matter how young the children are, they are usually heavy hearted and not stable enough. The prince does not like them.

Tang Yue attached to his ear to explain a sentence, let Ke's face changed greatly.

"Do you suspect..."

Tang Yue shushed for a while, shook his head, "just guess, let Wang deputy general to check again."

Ke nodded, "I know."