"Good boss..." Zhang Chun inspected his shop all the way and accepted the greetings from everyone.

He finally understood why everyone likes money. Money is really a good thing. Zhang Chun, as a mud dog leg from a gangster in his previous life, now wants not only his status but also money and money. He has risen from hell to heaven. How can he not sigh with emotion?

Every few days, he would visit his own industry and check his account books. He would supervise the enthusiasm of his employees. If he did well, he would get a bonus. If he dared to steal his sister, he would be punished severely.

So we all love and hate the arrival of the owner, but on the whole, it still shows a positive side.

Xiao Luoluo comes in after Zhang Chun's butt. He is short and blocked by Zhang Chun, so we don't pay attention to him.

He took the opportunity to get into the shelves and pick and take a lot of things.

"Isn't this a toy car made by daddy?" Little Lolo was frowning with a big red sports car toy in her hand.

If you want to say what he cares about most in the world, Tang Yue absolutely ranks first. He will not let others act rashly in anything that belongs to Tang Yue.

The servants of the prince's house all know that the little prince has a bad smell. He has to keep all the things that the prince and Princess give him, and never pass the servant's hand. But if it is something sent by others, he will not know where to lose it after playing for two days.

Little Lolo pulled a cloth from the shelf, swept a row of toy cars in, tied a bundle, and dragged it out of the place.

Such a big movement naturally startled others. Two young people came to have a look, and their eyes almost protruded. How could this little child make the shelf disorderly? Even dare to steal things!

This if in the usual education also calculate, but today the host is in ah, see this scene still have to fire them all?

Most of the employees in Zhang Chun's shop are employed civilians. Even if there are extra idle people in the prince's residence, he doesn't intend to use it. Maybe he is still used to the modern employment system.

You work for me, and I pay you. We don't owe anyone.

The two youths took a glance at Zhang Chun. Seeing that he had already entered the back hall and didn't notice it, they rushed up and tried to throw the boy out. As for the messy shelves, they didn't expect a child to help with the sorting.

"This young master, this is not a place to play and make fun of. You can't take things at random, or you will be sent to the government to eat the board!" One of the young people was very persuasive.

Xiao Luoluo is also five years old, and knows a lot of things. His father said that he is a son of the king and grandson. You can't do anything wrong when you go out, or you will hurt his father's face.

But Uncle Chun said that he was the eldest son of the prince's highness. Besides being in the palace, he could walk horizontally outside the palace. It didn't matter to offend anyone.

Combining the two, Xiao Luoluo has come to two conclusions: first, he has a high status, and no one dares to beat him outside the palace; second, he can't do big bad things, otherwise his father will know that the consequences are very serious, but he can do small bad things at will.

"This is my little dad's car. I'll take it back!" What little Lolo couldn't see belonging to his little father was randomly placed here for people to choose from.

His own one has been treasured for several years, even if the wheel is broken.

"Young master, these are the goods of our firm, which are used to sell. You have to pay for them when you take them back."

"How much is it?"

When the two young men heard him say this, their eyes brightened. The young man in front of them was finely dressed and had extraordinary bearing. Obviously, he was not a civilian.

If they can make the deal, the owner will surely reward them.

"It's not expensive. A toy car hardware. If you take all the cars, there are 52 in total. You have to pay 260 gold."

If you let other people hear this, you must be sniffing, a toy hardware is not expensive? This is the income of ordinary people for several years.

Apart from the nobility, ordinary people can't afford such expensive toys.

Even if it's a noble family, it's impossible to buy so much. For more than 200 gold, they can buy a house or hundreds of acres of good farmland.

"I have no money!" Xiao Luoluo was in a hurry to go out with no money. Even if he did, he could not have so much money. Tang Yue was strict with his son's education, and his monthly allowance was only enough for him to buy snacks and small things.

The two people's smiling faces froze down, the corners of the mouth smoked, "no money, you can't take these things away."

If it wasn't for the rich and noble clothes of the young master, they would not have been so polite and would have thrown people out directly.

Little Lolo frowned and showed some anger. "This is my family's stuff. Why can't I take it away?"

The two young men laughed again, but this time it was a mockery, "young master, don't be kidding. These toys belong to our firm. How could they be yours? If you want to have it, buy it with real gold and silver. "

They have not never seen a domineering childe. They have been used to it since childhood. When they see what they like, they just grab it. They never think there is anything wrong with it.

But little Lolo was not conceited at all. He was just paranoid about something."OK, I'm talking so much to a kid. I'm going to get people out of here. My boss will come out soon."

The two looked at each other, left and right, grabbed one arm of little Lolo and lifted the man up.

Even so, little Lolo held on to the bundle tightly, even though her fingers hurt.

However, he was a little bit small, and his strength was so weak in front of the two young people that he was easily taken away from him, and then he was thrown out.

Looking at his little childe was left on the ground, hiding in the dark of the dark guard frowned, hesitated to go out to help, the young master looked really pitiful.

"How brave you are Little Lolo clapped his hands, stood up, put his hands on his hips, and roared, "do you know who I am?"

The two youths couldn't help laughing at the standard dandy's opening remarks. Since their Chunshan business opened, they have heard such threats many times.

Don't have too many childe who can't buy things, those who don't want to pay and those who are preempted to buy things they love.

However, no matter who is clamoring in their business, the end result will not be very good.

They have a stake in the princess. Who is the princess? That is the heart of the prince's highness, or the miracle doctor who saves the dead and wounds. Who in Yecheng dare not give him face?

Even if you don't get revenge from the prince, you have to consider whether you have been treated when you are sick in the future?

To offend a miracle doctor is more self inflicted than to offend any powerful person.

"Ha ha, young master, don't stand at the door and say that. If you have the ability to call the biggest one in your family, I'll see if he dares to make trouble in our firm!"

Little Luo Luo is shy and angry, a small face is red, "this childe did not make trouble!" He just took back what belonged to his family.

Passers-by were attracted by the bustle here, many people stopped to watch, pointing at here.

Some people couldn't see it, and said: "I said erhan, you don't go too far. What do you do to bully a child?"

"Why did we bully him? It's he who wants to steal things from the shop, and we won't admit it when we catch him. "

"I didn't steal it, I took it!" Little Lolo denied that he wouldn't steal. The little dad said that all the thieves were villains.

"If you don't ask yourself to take it as stealing, you'd better go home and read and practice calligraphy."

When the onlookers heard that the child was stealing, their previous sympathy was all in vain. "What a man can't look like. How can this young master steal things when he looks at his noble spirit?"

"Didn't you hear that? It was taking, not stealing! Ha ha It must be getting used to taking things at home. "

"He's still young. It's understandable that he doesn't know how to buy and sell with money. It's just that the children of this family can't take other people's things, and it's not clear."

Listening to the small talk around, fortunately woman, little Lolo looked at the ground wrongly. At this time, he realized that he had made a mistake. Even if he recognized that the toys belonged to his little father, he should not take them casually. He should tell his father and let him take them.

Hum, don't think he doesn't know. Dad's possessiveness is stronger. Even if it's a hair of little dad, he won't allow him to stay outside.

Zhang Chun, who was looking at the account book, also heard the news outside. He thought that his shop was doing well, so he didn't pay attention to it.

After reading the latest account book, he walked out of the room and saw a black head at the gate before he realized that something had happened.

"No! Where's Lolo? " Zhang Chun patted his head and finally remembered that he was still carrying a small tail when he went out today.