From the beginning of the war, the whole Southern Jin Dynasty kept up with the wind, and all walks of life began to move.

It is not only weapons and food that need to be prepared for war. A slight mistake in every link may lead to a disastrous defeat in the war. Once the war is defeated, the money and manpower paid out will disappear, which is a fatal blow to the Southern Jin Dynasty.

Three days later, Xia Kui, Duke of the state of Lu, led 100000 troops to the city of Chuzhou. Chuzhou City is an important city on the North-South border. Once it is broken, the North Vietnamese army can break up into parts and attack Yecheng from any direction.

The people of Yecheng stood at the gate of the city before dawn, looking at this majestic army, silently praying that they could return triumphantly.

Each of the seven princes of the Southern Jin Dynasty once had military power. As they grew old and died, they inherited only the title of nobility, and the military power was taken back by the king of the Southern Jin Dynasty.

The 100000 army of Duke Lu, in addition to the 30000 troops of the Lu family under his control, was also the military power that the king of the Southern Jin Dynasty had regained in recent years, leaving some of them to strengthen the defense of Yecheng, and the rest were given to the Duke of Lu.

"I would like to wish you Aiqing a successful return, and I will surely be rewarded by then." The king of the Southern Jin Dynasty took the wine cup that the Chamberlain handed him, and raised his glass to all the officers and men under the stage.

"The Southern Jin Dynasty will win!" The Southern Jin Dynasty will win!... " A deafening cry spread out, so that people tears.

They believe that the Southern Jin Dynasty has such a lion, will be invincible!

Xia Kui dried a glass of wine and smashed it to the ground again. The clear sound was like a signal. The sound of beating drums rang through the clouds. Xiakui threw his sword into the sky and said, "go

The team left Yecheng in a mighty way. The king of the Southern Jin Dynasty looked at the distant smoke and pondered for a long time with both hands.

If he doesn't leave, the rest of the ministers who come to see him off naturally can't go. Prince Zhao and Tang Yue stand at the front of the line and talk.

"Your Highness, do you think they can win this battle?" Tang Yue had a bad impression on chongguogong. When he learned that the king of Southern Jin appointed him as commander-in-chief, he had a bad premonition.

Among the seven princes, Duke an was the most powerful, the Queen's mother, followed by Duke Heng, who was deeply trusted by the king. However, both of them were closely related to the prince's house. Therefore, it is understandable that the king of the Southern Jin Dynasty handed over the military power to the Duke of Lu, who did not deal with the prince's residence.

"The battlefield situation is ever-changing. It's not determined by the number of people or the equipment. It's important that the leaders and the weather, the place and the people are in harmony. So it's hard to say whether they can win or not. But as long as Xia Kui is not headstrong, he will not lose too much."

Tang Yue heard some disapproval from Prince Zhao's words. Obviously, he was not optimistic about Duke Lu.

"Your Highness sent a hundred dead men last night. Is the target southwest?"

Prince Zhao took a look at him and nodded his head gently. "I hope they can succeed. Otherwise, once the southwest and North Vietnam are in a state of attack, Duke Lu will be defeated.

Seeing that the king of the Southern Jin Dynasty had already stepped down from the tower and was escorted back to the palace by the guards, Prince Zhao pulled Tang Yue into his carriage and planned to return to the prince's house.

He knelt down and knelt down with the common people.

"Why did your highness stop me from sending the hundred nurses to the battlefield? Isn't it just for this day that they were raised? "

Prince Zhao held his hand and bowed his head without saying a word. He also had selfish intentions, just as his hands had grown to five thousand heavy cavalry and five thousand light cavalry, as well as many materials in Tang Yue's hands. He did not want to expose them too early.

These 100 nurses were originally set up in the name of learning from Tang Yue. Outsiders only thought that they were studying medicine with Tang Yue, and they did not know that they were prepared for the war.

In addition to this, the goods and materials prepared by the Tang Dynasty and Yue Dynasty were very abundant, ranging from grain and medicinal materials to cotton and cloth. Even the king of the Southern Jin Dynasty was envious when he saw it.

If such things are taken out now, there is no doubt that they will become the focus of the public. At the stage of the war, these things will only bring disaster to them.

"It's not that you don't want to send them out, but to choose the right time. If these people and things are too sensitive, they will be accused of cheating the emperor if they are not careful.

Those private soldiers alone were enough to make the king of the Southern Jin Dynasty uneasy.

Tang Yue smiles bitterly. He did not fight for fame or fame before, but now he thinks it is good to have the right in his hand. If Prince Zhao is not the prince but the king, then they don't have to hide so hard.

If you are doing a good job or spending your own money to do a good job, how can you cover it up in the end for fear of being held accountable?

However, if he was in the position of king of the Southern Jin Dynasty and learned that his son had built a strong army, he would have suspected that he had rebelled.

At the end of the day, it's a crisis of trust.

Tang Yue did not continue to mention this matter. What should he do? He was also a busy man. He had to spare part of his time to educate his children and deal with the daily affairs of the prince's house. Most of the rest of his time was either in a pharmacy or in a patient's house.

"Lang Jun, this year's harvest is very good. Several Chuang Tzu have sent more grain than usual. Do you think we should keep 30% of the crop according to the old rules, or do we keep more?"In addition to the amount of grain stored in the farmhouse, the more grain he stored in the farmhouse, the more he moved out of the farmhouse.

"The war has begun?" Tang Yue said in a low voice, and raised his head to order the housekeeper: "this year's grain will not be hoarded. Half of the grain will be transported to the border secretly to supply the people at the border, and they will not be in a hurry to send all of them out. They will find a safe place to hide in case of emergency."

Based on the experience and lessons learned by Tang Yue from previous TV films, after the war, the war zone is easy to fall into a food crisis. If the enemy accidentally blocks the traffic channel or even is trapped in the city, the shortage of food can become a fatal factor.

The housekeeper understood his worries, and secretly praised the good character of the crown prince and princess. In the face of national crisis, how many aristocratic children are still addicted to fighting with each other, and how many noble children are still ignorant and doing nothing, but the prince and princess have already prepared for today.

The housekeeper felt that no one in the world could match such conduct and ability.

"I'm going to discuss with your Highness the matter of sending people to deliver grain. I remember hearing from your highness that he set up strongholds in several places when he was at the border, so it is not difficult to hide some food."

Tang Yue nodded, this kind of practical operation is not in his charge. He can do these things in recent years thanks to the talents of Prince Zhao. For him, these talents are capable.

As long as he has an idea, they can complete it perfectly or even beyond. If he is allowed to come by himself, I am afraid he can only stay on paper.

"It's almost winter. Go and ask the little Marquis whether the cotton padded clothes I asked him to make have been finished. If they are, they will be sent to the border."

"Here it is." The old housekeeper kept things in mind. After listening to the orders, he left the prince's house. There are few things in the prince's house on weekdays. But once the prince goes to war, he will have more things to prepare.

Fortunately, there are princesses and concubines in the palace. They can turn this huge Prince's house into the most solid and solid backing for his highness. I think when his highness went out on the expedition, he could do nothing but guard this mansion.

If your highness didn't get hurt in those days, I'm afraid the mother in this mansion would be princess Tangxi. What's the role of that one in addition to being able to live?

In this way, the housekeeper felt that it was not so unbearable that his highness had no blood.

If you lose, you will gain. If you can get a wife, what do you want?

As the days passed by in a tense atmosphere, the first news came from Songxi County, which was closest to Yecheng. As soon as general Fu Heng and his three thousand men arrived in Songxi County, they learned that the enemy had left the coast by boat, and were wandering along the coast. Obviously, they wanted to wait for an opportunity to continue to make trouble.

Compared with the number of people, they are equal in strength, they have their own advantages and disadvantages, and they have more patience and perseverance. Obviously, the officers and men of the Southern Jin Dynasty on the land are more durable. After all, no matter how good the water quality is, it is impossible for them to stay on the ship all their lives.

Fu Heng is not in a hurry to repel the other side. He remembers that his task is to stop the enemy from going ashore. As long as he can make the other party stay at sea forever, he will finish the task.

Together with several of his aides, Fu Heng mobilized the local government to build many watchtowers near the coast. As soon as he found the trace of the enemy ship, he immediately lit the peak smoke to report the news. Fu Heng then took people to guard it and gave the other party ten courage. They did not dare to go ashore to confront the soldiers of the Southern Jin Dynasty.

However, there was also a disadvantage. Sailing on the sea was not only short, but also fast. On land, it often took twice or more time. In this way, in order to rescue the soldiers in time, the soldiers of the Southern Jin Dynasty had to travel day and night.

After a period of time, the 3000 soldiers were extremely tired. Fortunately, the other party did not know that most of them were coming. Otherwise, if we seize this loophole, we could launch a conspiracy to attack the West and East.

"General, you'd better make up your mind as soon as possible. The officers and men are so tired that they can't walk. They don't know how many pairs of shoes have been trampled on. Half of the people's feet are bleeding. They can't hold on for long." One of the aides said with apprehension.

Fu Heng, a middle-aged general, was not very prominent among a large number of generals. Presumably, the king of Southern Jin thought that such a task was very simple, so he gave him a chance.

Fu Heng came with full confidence. He thought it would be very simple, but he ignored the actual situation. In only one month, he polished the ambition of the officers and men.

Even if the other side dares to go ashore, no one dares to take up the sword to resist.

He pinched his brow and said, "go to the hall and write a letter. In this court, only the crown prince can help this general."

They are absolutely afraid to listen to God, otherwise they will only be dismissed from his post, and they will not be able to do such a small thing well. Naturally, the king of Southern Jin will receive it from another general.

As for other ministers, it would be good not to grasp his pigtail with ulterior motives. Who would be willing to give advice to him?