Tang Yue failed to enjoy his son's shadow play. In the evening of the same day, the enemy launched another siege. Tang Yue asked five doctors in each group to take turns to rest and work. Otherwise, no one could stand the long time.

On hearing the sound, the doctors from the medicine shops and medical centers in the city came. On the first day, they just took a wait-and-see attitude, until they found that this group of mysterious doctors were all experts in the treatment of trauma, and the treatment methods they adopted were unprecedented.

Some people publicized the story of Tang Yue's recovery from the dead. These people were skeptical until they saw Tang Yue rescue a man who was about to die.

The ancient news was blocked, and several cases of Tang and Yue causing a sensation in Yecheng were transferred to Qinyang City, which completely changed the appearance of Qinyang City, so the local people just listen to the stories.

If it had not been for their own eyes, they would not have believed that such a wounded soldier could have survived.

For a while, both the older doctors and the younger medicine children all joined the medical team.

Although more or less he had the idea of stealing his teacher, Tang yuezheng could not get it. As long as they were not bad and could learn as much as they could, he did not care.

"Lang Jun, take a rest. You have been standing for six hours." He heartache to Tang Yue wipe sweat, again and again to persuade him to rest.

Tang Yue drank his saliva, and his brow had not been able to unfold. This war was more dangerous than yesterday, and more people were injured. He watched helplessly that many soldiers died without timely treatment. How could he stop?

"He, you go and tell me to transfer some seriously injured personnel to Xiang an and let him take over." We can't wait for him to die because he is too busy. Let Xiang an have a try.

He nodded to promise, left his things and ran to arrange.

Tang Yue took time to eat something, as far as possible to drink less soup water, or the operation of the half urgent urine is also a worrying thing.

After a busy day, Tang Yue learned from the young people escorting the wounded soldiers that this time the enemy was coming fiercely. Some troops attacked from the gate of the city, and another 10000 people were crossing mountains and mountains to sneak attack from the back through the mountains in the west of Qinyang City.

In terms of time, they should have carried out this plan from the very beginning. Yesterday's first siege was just a trial.

Fortunately, Yang Feng had already made preparations. Starting from the middle of the mountain, all the trees down the mountain were cut down. Even the weeds on the high point were cut off. Once someone went down the mountain, it was clear at a glance.

At the foot of the mountain, hunters were called in to dig a whole line of traps. Although they could not fill 10000 people, they could also slow down.

By the time they get through the trap and break into the city, they are exhausted and scarred. At this time, it is much easier to stop their attack.

Tang Yue once joked that the back mountain was so neat, just like shaving a bald head on his head. He also reminded Yang Feng that he should immediately replant the trees after the war, otherwise in the flood season of next year, there might be tragedies such as landslides.

"Your Highness, it's too dangerous here. I'll send someone to escort you and the princess to leave..." Wang Dingjun's eyes were red and his spear was stained with blood.

The war lasted three days and three nights. In addition to resting for an hour or two every night, they stayed here all the time. Seeing that the enemy's offensive was still going on, Wang Dingjun naturally had to take care of Prince Zhao's safety first.

Prince Zhao stood in front of the camp behind the city gate, surrounded by a circle of guards. Although he felt it was unnecessary, "is he a man who is greedy for life and afraid of death? What's more, Qinyang City is not so easy to break. They will still be defeated in this battle! "

The city wall has been damaged in many places, and the corpses outside the city gate are piled up like mountains, and the thick smell of blood wafts in the air, which is disgusting.

The sound of shrill screams is endless. The soldiers on the battlefield are also accustomed to this sound from their initial fear, waving weapons to block the enemy outside the wall.

"It is reported that the enemy soldiers have lost more than 10000 yuan and their morale is low. Lord Yang suggests that he should take the initiative to attack and ask his Highness the prince to make a decision."

Wang Dingjun "Pooh" a mouthful, "this Yang Feng is really worthy of the title of a madman, even want to take the initiative to attack, no way!"

He anxiously looked at Prince Zhao. It seemed that they had a good chance of winning the battle, but the number of troops in the city was much less than that of the enemy. Now they have occupied the favorable terrain to defend the city, relying on this solid wall to defend the city until now.

Once the city gate is opened, even if the city of Qinyang is changed, and in the scuffle, how can he protect the integrity of his royal highness?

In Wang Dingjun's view, even if the city of Qinyang changed its master, the safety of his highness was not as important.

"Prince Zhao shook his head," take the initiative to avoid attack, but to strengthen the counterattack, so that Yang City Lord will be prepared in advance to carry the firearm to the city building. "

"Your Highness wants to attack with fire?"

Prince Zhao looked up at the bloody wall and calmly replied, "I just want to try the fire bomb of the princess."

In the past few years, Tang Yue did not want to get explosives out. As a science and engineering student, he knew how to configure both liquid bombs and solid bombs, but he finally gave up the idea.

The power of the bomb is too strong, which is not a good thing for this cold weapon era. Once the secret recipe is leaked, the harm caused is immeasurable.However, although he did not intend to contribute the bomb, Prince Zhao offered a method of making firebombs.

The firebomb is simpler than the bomb, its lethality is also weaker, and its influence is small. However, when the first firebomb is dropped and exploded in the middle of the way, the shock is still huge.

"This is What? " At the rear of the army of the king of Qi, someone yelled in horror.

Sparks splash, with sharp porcelain into the human body, scream incessantly, for a time, the corpse hill under the tower added another layer.

Seeing that the soldiers were afraid, the commander-in-chief of the enemy knew that his morale was insufficient. If he continued to fight, he would only weaken his troops and ordered the retreat.

"Withdraw Retreat... "

"Quit The enemy retreated We won... " There was a cheering cry on the tower, and the news soon spread throughout the city.

Tang Yue also stayed in Yurong street for three days and three nights. At night, he and his two assistants huddled together in a hospital bed and slept casually.

The first thing to do when you wake up is to check the recovery of each patient before you start a new operation.

The battle cost them nearly 2000 soldiers and soldiers, and the number of enemies annihilated and captured was ten times that. It was a perfect city defense battle.

After that, some people counted the wounded soldiers who were cured in this war. In addition to nearly 100 people who were disabled for life, the number of wounded people cured by Tang Yue reached 3000, and a little scratch might have killed them.

This is very different from today's treatment. How can we not be extremely loyal to the court and work hard to defend our country?

"After the war, the king of Qi's allied forces were afraid that they would not be able to continue to attack." Yang City Master stroked the goatee and said with a smile.

I thought that Qinyang City would not be able to defend without reinforcements, and could only delay time. Unexpectedly, they both successfully defeated the enemy in two successive campaigns.

This time it was a fatal blow to the enemy. The city Lord Yang thought of the last fire bombs, and his heart became hot.

"It is said that the fire bomb was created by the crown princess. Is the news true?" Yang Feng stealthily goes to Wang Dingjun hall.

Wang Dingjun didn't mind making some fame for Tang Yue. He said, "it's not just firebombs. Nowadays, many of the weapons used in our army are also improved by the crown princess. In addition, the popular brush, ink, paper and inkstone used before were all thought up by the princess."

"This I don't know if he has a great master

"Don't ask me. If you can teach the prince and Princess such some disciples, they must be hermits from the outside, but they will be disrespectful to them." Wang Dingjun fooled Yang Feng Dao.

He was also very curious about the origin of Tang Yue, but his royal highness obviously knew it, so he specially told the dark guards to erase the traces of the princess, so that no one would have a chance to find out.

"It's just that the number of firebombs is too small. This time, most of the inventory is used, and the rest can only be used again."

"Be content. The fire oil used in the fire bomb was prepared by the Crown Princess himself. It is the Royal Highness's attention to Qinyang City that they can be divided into these

Yang Feng thought about it. The main battlefield of the Southern Jin Dynasty was still in the north. The spearmen of North Vietnam were not the soft footed shrimps of the Qi King's army. They could be cut down with one knife.

"North Vietnam I'm afraid it's going to attack, too? " Yang Feng sighed. When can they completely suppress North Vietnam and protect the people from the war?

"It's not so easy to fight with our 100000 strong teachers in the Southern Jin Dynasty."

"I hope so."