The room was steaming hot and the mahogany step bed creaked for a long time before it calmed down.

"We won?" Tang Yuehong asked breathlessly.

Prince Zhao stroked his warm back and kisses his lips. "If you lose, do you think you can have such a leisurely life for your husband?"

The two men really held back a lot of days. Since they arrived in Qinyang City, they have been in a state of preparation for war. Even if they won the last time, they still have a bad feeling.

It was not until this time that the North Vietnamese led troops to unite with the enemy forces in the southwest to attack the city, so that they could understand what they had been worried about. Fortunately, this time, they had no danger and survived the difficulty successfully.

However, they also know that the two defeats were due to the word "surprise". Last time they used firebombs to frighten the enemy, so the local government did not dare to continue to attack. This time, the appearance of black armour guard was a powerful medicine. Like a sharp sword, it broke the enemy's psychological bearing capacity with overwhelming momentum, and the subsequent victory was natural.

Tang Yue thought and fell into a deep sleep, high-intensity work for 12 hours, if not for Prince Zhao strong pull him to sleep.

Prince Zhao kisses his blackened eyes, covers the quilt for him, and sleeps with him.

After sleeping, they slept until the next evening. Little Lolo came and went outside the door. Every time, they had to look through the small hole in the window to make sure that there was someone in the bed who was at ease.

He is not as lively as before. A five-year-old child can sit in his study and write for half a day. Sometimes he is in a daze about this tree or a stone. Fortunately, everyone is busy now, and no one has noticed his abnormality.

His servants will only take care of his body, but not his mind and mind, so he is allowed to think about life by himself.

When fighting outside, Zhang Chun would take him with him. They didn't go to the front to make trouble. Even Zhang Chun in Yurong street didn't let him go. The disabled people in a street were bloody, which hurt the children's hearts.

But in fact, when Zhang Chun was not around, Xiao Luoluo secretly went to see it. Unlike the prosperous Yecheng City, the wartime Qinyang City was dirty and chaotic. Blood could be found on the ground at any time, and bodies could be found on the roadside at any time.

Xiao Luoluo was brave enough to have a look at Yurong Street secretly. After coming back, he was just in a trance for a long time and didn't even have a nightmare at night.

As for the front line, let alone Xiao Luoluo, even Tang Yue and Zhang Chun don't have the courage to watch. The pictures of white knives entering and red knives coming out only stay in TV dramas. The real pictures really stimulate their fragile nerves.

"All right, don't look. Your two dads are exhausted. Let them have more rest." Zhang Chun picked up Xiao Luoluo, glanced at the door of the room and walked away with the child.

"Uncle Chun, the two fathers are so busy. Why are you so idle?"

Zhang Chun: Does this mean that he's useless?

he pinched little Lolo's buttocks and laughed, "who said I was idle? I'm not taking care of you yet? If even uncle Chun is gone, what can you do if you cry? "

Xiao Luoluo thinks about it. With Zhang Chun around, he is really not so afraid. Moreover, he can play with so many things. He has subdued all the children in this area into obedient clothes. Now they all recognize themselves as the king of children.

The task that the little father gave himself before was to look after the children nearby. After playing with them for a few days, he got a lot of admiring eyes, and his self-confidence was greatly improved.

"Where are we going now?"

Zhang Chun wants to find Wang Dingjun. The war is far from over. Wang Dingjun must follow Prince Zhao to Chuzhou City, but he can't always leave Yecheng. His business focus is still Yecheng. What's more, he can't help when he goes. It's better to stabilize the rear and make more money. In case they lack clothes and food, he can supply them.

There is also this child. Prince Zhao can bring him to Qinyang City, but he can't bring him to Chuzhou City. On the one hand, he delays his homework. On the other hand, he exposes his weakness to the enemy's guns. It's unwise.

So he thought that he and Wang Dingjun would not be able to share weal and woe again. Maybe they were so lucky that they would be separated from each other forever.

"Bah! What are you thinking about? " Zhang Chun threw his mouth a few melon seeds, the small Luoluo see a Leng a Leng.

"My little dad said," your condition is called Sherlock Holmes syndrome! "

Zhang Chun's mouth a draw, "boy, do you know who Holmes is?"

"Holmes is a man? No way Little Lolo shook his head firmly. He had never heard of a four word name.

"Of course it is, and he is a very powerful case solving expert. It is said that..." Zhang Chun opened his story telling function, and described one of the cases vividly and vividly. Even the people who followed him were fascinated by it and gave a cry of surprise from time to time.

Wang Dingjun and Yang Feng came in from the outside and were shocked to see these people walking close to their bodies.

As soon as they were about to say hello, they saw two boys holding each other, crying and howling. People who didn't know thought the master was angry and wanted to kill people."What are you talking about?" he said Wang Dingjun saw the culprit at a glance.

Zhang Chun, with a smile, picked his eyebrows and said, "it's nice to hear naturally, but it has nothing to do with you." That means we are not ready to continue to speak in front of Wang Dingjun.

However, we are listening to the climax of the part, one by one scratching the heart and lung, and dare not commit the following, can only bow their heads to protest.

Xiaoluoluo was more straightforward, holding Zhang Chun's arm and asking, "what happened later? Who was the killer? Did you catch it? "

Zhang chuntie whispered in his ear, "I'll tell you next time."

Little Lolo doesn't do it. In his father's words, isn't it deliberately tempting?

He turned to Wang Dingjun and held out his hands towards him. Everyone could understand this gesture. It was to hold him.

However, except for Yang Cheng Lord, the rest of the people were familiar with Xiao Wang sun. This little childe was only close to two people when he was young. One was Tang Yue, the crown prince's concubine, and the other was his nursing mother yangu. Even the prince's Royal Highness could not get his favor.

After years of unremitting efforts, the little Marquis can only get the approval of young master by using countless interesting and delicious food. I haven't heard that General Wang also has this honor before!

Wang Dingjun himself was stunned, some surprised and some cautious to take over the child, only feel a smell of milk to his face, the baby in his arms is soft, fragile and terrible.

He was at a loss and threw a cry for help to Zhang Chun, but the other side laughed happily, as if he had met a big happy event.

Zhang Chun is enough coke, rarely see Wang Dingjun this pair of embarrassed appearance, so only when did not see.

"Uncle Chun, let's find a place to sit down and talk slowly. You are thirsty." Little Lolo smile, showing a pair of tiger teeth, Sha is lovely.

Zhang Chun didn't agree. With a wave of his hand, he took a group of people to the pavilion in the backyard to make people hot tea and cakes. Facing Wang Dingjun's stiff face, he continued to tell his story.

When Tang Yue wakes up and touches the place, he will see this vivid picture.

A cold but not brilliant Pavilion, surrounded by a group of people, even on the channel are surrounded by people, a familiar voice from the crowd, Tang Yue stood too far away to hear what he was saying, and when he got close to it, he found out that it seemed to be a case solving story. Listening to it, it was a little like the case in Bao Qingtian, a young man.

Don't ask him how to know. He saw some mummies and ghost villages several times. What he heard was more wonderful than what he saw.

"Cough Don't you think it's too late to eat? " What time is it? Where's dinner?

The peripheral people saw Tang Yue kneel down and bowed their heads to retreat.

As soon as he was separated, Tang went into the pavilion with ease. He saw Xiao Luoluo sitting on Wang Dingjun's thigh, holding his chin, listening with great interest. He had never seen him like this when he told his bedtime stories before.

Tang more puzzled, went to pinch his cheek and said: "Hey, come back."

Xiao Luoluo turned his head and saw that Tang Yue rushed over immediately. He put his hands around Tang Yue's neck tightly. His cheek rubbed against him and made a few whines, which melted the hearts of all the people present.

Yang Feng's knee also has many children and many women, but no child has such intimate relationship with him, and he is immediately envious.

Zhang Chun was used to this style of painting. He turned his mouth and was dissatisfied that the arrival of Tang Yue distracted everyone's attention.

Wang Dingjun has also reached the age of wanting to have a family. Although his sexual orientation is not quite right, he is eager to have a child. Although he has no one of his own, it seems good to have one like this.

Wang Chunli thinks it's good for him to get along with Zhang Gongli secretly.

Because of this understanding, Wang Dingjun later picked up a baby at the border and came back to serve as his own son. When the incident reached Yecheng, it naturally became that he took a concubine and gave birth to a child at the border, which almost did not piss Zhang Chun to death.

Of course, these are afterwords.