The night was illuminated by the fire, and half of the city of Chuzhou was shrouded in the light.

The people in the city stood in front of the window and peeped out, listening to the seeping battle, unable to sleep.

The towering city tower, which should have belonged to the Southern Jin Dynasty, was occupied by the North Vietnamese soldiers at this time. An assistant general pointed to hundreds of meters away and called out, "general, look, what is that?"

A general beside him took his eyes back from under the city wall and looked into the distance. His eyes were frozen. "It's like rushing to a car."

"But I've never seen such a big car before. Look at the height, it seems that it's more than twice as high as ours, and there seems to be something on the car! "

Even if there is a fire, the light is not as good as a hundred days, and it can't make the surroundings bright.

The people on the wall only heard the gurgling sound approaching, and then they saw the real face of the rush car.

Different from their common rush cars, this one is ten feet high and stands on eight wheels like a pagoda. The wheels are surrounded by soldiers and are moving forward with ropes.

"What does that mean? How can they pull the car out now? " This kind of siege equipment is usually used at the end of the siege to open the city gate, but now the war is just beginning.

"Are they contemptuous of our existence?" Said the general of North Vietnam.

As soon as his voice fell, eight long and thick iron arrows flew out of the rush car and shot at the center of the tower at a very fast speed.

"Not good, hidden!" An aide general quickly fell to the ground, only heard two "whoosh" sound flying through his ear, lifting his hair, a cool wind on the forehead.

"Ah..." Several screams came. When the rest of the people saw it, they found that there were a bunch of people on the eight iron arrows. The force was so strong that they all hung on the wall, and there was no sound in an instant.

"Is that a crossbow? How could there be such a big crossbow? " The man let out a cry of surprise.

"It's a heavy crossbow, but I've never seen an instrument that can launch eight crossbows together. When did the Southern Jin Dynasty have such a sharp weapon?"

"The archer is ready. Aim at the vehicle and shoot the soldiers around it. Don't let that car rush over!"

A bow and arrow flew out of the city wall like a drizzle, drew an elegant arc in the air and landed in the camp of the Southern Jin Dynasty.

In the Southern Jin Dynasty, however, there was a shield against it, but a sharp arrow hit the human body and set off a bloodbath.

Prince Zhao stood on the rush car and said, "step back ten steps!" When he withdraws from the range of the other's bows and arrows, Prince Zhao asks the catapults on both sides to get on first, covered by heavy crossbows.

Although the power of heavy crossbows is infinite, the number of them is limited. Prince Zhao wants to play their role to the utmost.

In the first round, the catapult fired not stones, but firebombs, which exploded on the wall and raised a piece of white smoke. The pieces of iron pierced into people's bodies, which were not fatal but painful.

"Did you get it?" Asked the general on the tower.

"General, you see, they are hanging leather outside the rush car, and the bow and arrow can't hit it at all!"

It turned out that the red chariot in the Southern Jin Dynasty was covered with thick cowhide, which well prevented the harm of bows and arrows.

"Keep shooting! They must not be allowed near the gate

"The catapult..."

"The catapult Yes, the catapult! The catapult must be destroyed

Despite the general's roar, the catapult moved forward bit by bit and finally stood 50 meters outside the city wall.

It's just the range of the catapult. They can't carry such valuables as stones with them, so they can easily use the things that the enemy left behind the wall. Sometimes even bows and arrows are picked up and reused.

The firebombs were soon used up, and the more the Tang Dynasty could provide, it was not too much for Prince Zhao.

"On both sides of the ladder!" Prince Zhao ordered.

The North Vietnamese army on the tower looked at the huge chariots approaching, and their heads were all big.

"Damn it, when did this siege tool of Southern Jin Dynasty become so powerful?"

"General, we have suffered heavy losses. What should we do?"

"What? Do what you have to do. Will general Ben teach you how to avoid stones and crossbows

Step by step, the ladder was close to the wall. When the ladder touched the wall, the soldiers who were hiding in it climbed out one after another and climbed up the wall along the ladder.

The city wall is high and thick. It is very difficult for them to get up in peacetime.

A Heavy Crossbow shot on the wall, three points into the wall, just as the Southern Jin soldiers climbing, soon, there was a fight on the tower.

Prince Zhao calmly stood in his camp, one by one orders were issued in an orderly manner, so that the army a little bit closer, reapers the lives of the enemy.

Looking at our soldiers successfully boarded the tower, several generals beamed with joy and praised one after another: "the prince's highness is wise enough to come up with such sharp siege equipment. With these chariots, what city can't be broken?"Prince Zhao glanced at them and said faintly, "don't be too happy too early. This is just the beginning. The enemy was frightened by our weapons for a moment, and there was no time to react. When they reacted, the effect would not be so good."

Most of the weapons used in the Southern Jin Dynasty were modified by the guidance of Tang Yue and Zhang Chun. Although they could not do it by themselves, they could basically make their demands as long as they told the craftsmen their ideas.

"Rush in, open the gate!" With a big wave of his hand, Prince Zhao's car sped forward. When a soldier fell down, another soldier came up and pushed the vehicle straight into the gate.

The gate of Chuzhou City was made of iron and steel. In the whole Southern Jin Dynasty, only Chuzhou and Yecheng were able to consume a lot of iron to make the gate.

However, the advantage of the iron gate was quickly reflected. After hitting more than a dozen times in a row, the door was still motionless. On the contrary, many soldiers on the city wall were shaken down.

"General, you can't go on like this. No matter how strong the gate is, it can't withstand such a collision."

The general gritted his teeth and said, "prepare the fire oil and burn up their chariots!"

Barrels of kerosene poured down from the tower. Prince Zhao smelled the smell and asked people to retreat back. He looked up and saw a row of archers on the tower with rockets in their hands, and their bows were full, shooting rockets into his chariot.

Whether it's a car or a ladder, it must be made of wood. Once it's on fire, it's hard to put it out.

The fire spread on the ground, several wounded soldiers who did not have time to escape were affected by everyone, and the shrill cry resounded over the city of Chuzhou.

Prince Zhao was unable to give birth to compassion. When the fire was small, he ordered: "attack with all our strength."

Above the tower, an order was issued at the same time: "guard every entrance of the tower, do not let them come up!"

In this war in full swing, the streets of the city gradually emerged simple dressed civilians.

They get together, make eye contact, and quickly plunge into the dark.

"Open a trench and burn it with fire!" When an urgent order is given, the soldiers of North Vietnam will carry out it as quickly as possible.

Prince Zhao fought with North Vietnam many times, and had a certain understanding of the military discipline of North Vietnam. In terms of physical fitness and equipment level, the Southern Jin Dynasty was far inferior to the northern Yue in the past. However, after years of improvement, the equipment of the Southern Jin Dynasty is getting better and better. Just like the siege equipment offered today, it is enough to make the enemy startled.

"What's the matter? What about kerosene? Why is it all water? "

"Ah No, there are hundreds of dogs coming out of our rear, attacking people

"Newspaper General, the granary and armory in the rear are surrounded by fire. There are only a thousand bows and arrows left. "

One by one, the general of North Vietnam roared angrily, "what's the matter? There are also agents in the Southern Jin Dynasty in this city? "

"It's the people No, general, all the livestock in the city have been driven here, and the rear is in chaos

"Kill! It's all gone! We must hold on here, reinforcements are coming soon

Apart from a wall, Prince Zhaozi ordered to step up the attack outside the city. The city was also in chaos, with chickens flying and dogs jumping, and even pigs came to join in the fun. Even though these animals had no offensive power, they could completely disrupt the deployment of the North Vietnamese army.

What's more, vicious dogs and chickens jumping up and down are not so easy to burn.

And in such chaos, a fully armed army suddenly appeared in the city, and the sharp sword and spear easily reaped the lives of the enemy.