[Haaa…, I’m living alone from today. Even though, it’s so sudden isn’t it?]

I muttered to no one in particular, as I’m basking in the morning sunlight

The reason why I started living alone, it all started a week ago.

My father was overseas for work, and my mother decided to go with him. In the end, my parents left me and went abroad.

As it turned out, I started living alone in the middle of my 2nd year in high school.

Just because you’re living alone, doesn’t mean you can live freely.

Since my family isn’t wealthy, I had to earn my own expenses for food and other necessities.

My school bans part time jobs. But that doesn’t mean I can’t earn money.

The solution I came up with was to disguise myself and start doing part time jobs.

Fortunately… or not, I’m more of a background character, so I don’t spend much time dressing up.

So, if I go to the part time job with my hair properly set and dressed up nicely, I can work without being noticed.

Dressing up turned out to be surprisingly fun, and I ended up spending more time than I  should have.

Thanks to that, no one would notice it’s me if I dressed properly.

Today, I will start working at the part time job I applied for before.

While being a little bit nervous, I headed to my part time job.


[This is Tanaka Minato, who will be joining us from today. From now on, Let’s work hard together.]

[Etto, I’ll be in your care] (TN: it’s Yoroshiku onegaishimasu, but I don’t know what to go with, so I chose the formal one)

After being Introduced by the store manager, I bowed my head to the other staff members

[Now, who should I entrust Tanaka-kun’s guidance to..? Oh, can you do it, Hiiragi-san? You’re close in age, so talking to him should be easier]

[….I understand]

The one standing in front of me seems to be Hiiragi-san. Her bangs are long enough to cover her eyes, and she had a plain expression. Wearing black rimmed glasses, at first glance, she would seem like a plain girl.

[Nice to meet you, I’m Reina Hiiragi. I’ll be in your care]

I could tell she was a bit wary of me from her slightly cold and wallowing tone. It made me feel a bit uncomfortable, but she had never met me before, and she was the opposite sex, no wonder she was wary of me.

More importantly, I was a bit confused by her name. The name Reina sounded familiar to me. There’s a girl at my school named Reina Saito. She’s the most beautiful girl in my school and is so famous that everyone knows her

I don’t know much about her, but she stands out from the crowd and has a great figure just by walking by.

She has black hair that seems to sparkle and shine everytime light hits. Both her eyes are bright, with a sculptural nose, ripe red lips like a fruit, and her skin is fine and white. Put it simply, she is a beautiful girl who’s just lovely to look at.

I was a little surprised that she had the same name as such person, but since Reina was a common name, it wouldn’t be surprising if there was someone else with the same name. Hence, the feeling of discomfort soon disappeared.

[I’ll be in your care]

When I made eye contact with her and bowed my head, she suddenly looked away. I don’t think it’s bad to be cautious, but I’m a bit worried about my future, because it might be harder to do my job if she keeps her distance.

[Well then… First of all, let’s start with how to serve the customers…]

Hiiragi-san guided me through the work one by one. Surprisingly, her explanation was very concise and even though some parts were hard to remember, whenever I had a question she would always answer me. Although she was somewhat unsociable, she seemed to do her job well. I was relieved that I was able to learn the job. I don’t think I’ll be able to know her more personally, but I think I’ll get along with her at work.


This is how my life as a part-timer in disguise began, when I met a girl with glasses who was a little unsociable.

Hiiragi-san, who I thought was just a colleague, soon became my strongest advisor.