
I didn’t expect to be asked for advice, and a stupid voice came out.

[I don’t mind if you don’t do it]

[No, no, I was just surprised. It’s okay! I’ll listen to your problems!]

The fact that I froze suddenly and didn’t respond was taken as rejection, and I hurriedly explained and tried to make it up by giving a testy manner.

It was something unexpected, but since she asked me to do it, I listened to her, and was determined to do what I could.

[… Today, I was approached by a man I didn’t know. I was cautious when he came, but he returned an item that I lost. I wanted to thank him there and then, but I was too surprised to do so…]

[In other words, you want to ask me what you can give to him as a thanks? That’s quirky…]

I’d like to help her, however I can’t do much with that little amount of information.

Even if we know about his clothes or age, it still would be difficult to find him.

[No, I know he is from my school, so I can find him myself. I’m thinking of giving him a little snack tomorrow as a thank you, however I do not know what he likes. So I’d like to have opinions, since I have never gave anything to the opposite sex…]

[Ah, so that’s what it is, I see]

It seems normal for her to say thank you to him.

As long as it’s a gift, she wanted something reasonable, so she asked me, who is a man, for my opinion.

I was thinking hard about it, trying to be helpful to her.

[First of all, I suggest avoiding something too sweet]

[Are sweet things a no go?]

Hiiragi-san looked at me curiously and was puzzled by my words

It’s very cute seeing her having an expression, compared to her usual expressionless face.

[No, it’s not like it’s bad, however boys, myself included, don’t like overly sweet things, so I’d prefer something less sweet]

[….I see]

The serious expression on her face when she listens to me shows that she wanted to thank him properly.

[I think it’s better to avoid cakes and things similar to that, because raw food is not good. Cookies, madeleines, or even… cupcakes might be good]

[That’s the kind of thing…. I understand. Speaking of which, wouldn’t this bother him?]

Hiiragi-san lowered her eyebrows and asked me. Perhaps she was feeling anxious if he would be disturbed by this.

[It’s okay, I don’t think it is annoying or unnecessary]

If you have such a feeling, it will be felt by the other party, since it’s food related, I don’t think it should be a nuisance, so I strongly encouraged her.

[Is that so….]

I guess she wasn’t used to handing something to other people often. She seemed to be unable to shake off her anxiety, even after hearing my words, and looked somewhat worried.
