[Thank you for your help yesterday. You were a great help]

When I handed back a book to Saito, who was waiting for me in the library, she bowed her head and thanked me.

[Yeah, how are you doing now?]

[Thanks to you, I’ve recovered enough to go about my daily life. However, I’m not at full strength yet]

[Well, good to know]

Her complexion is much better than yesterday, so it seems that she recovered to a certain extent. However, her voice was a little rough, so she’s not completely recovered as she said.

[Yes, and here’s the book]

Then she hands me another book of my favorite series.

This series is really interesting. No matter how much I read, unexpected stories keep popping up, and so many layers of foreshadowing.

I can’t stop reading these types of stories. As a result, my reading speed has recently improved, and it now takes me less than a day to read a book.

Maybe the reason why I’ve been feeling unsatisfied lately was related to the lack of books I was able to read..

[Thanks…… One book a day these days are a quick read]

I had no intentions telling this to her..

However, I said that out loud as if I was complaining, and Saito seemed to have heard me mutter.

[Do you want me to bring 2 books instead?]

Hearing my words, she furrows her brow slightly.

[I’m not going to make you do something like that. I’m grateful for what you have done for me up until now. I’d die of guilt if I had you bring me more heavy things everyday]

I lowered my shoulders and denied what she said after she reached a strange conclusion, but she still crossed her arms and thought about it.

She lowered her gaze and seemed to be troubled.

[…. Then, do you want to come to my house?]

[…. What?]

She was thinking for some time and finally opened her mouth, only to say something outrageous.

I couldn’t comprehend the situation for a moment, and let out a dumbfounded voice.

In response to my overflowing soliloquy, I was surprised by her unexpected suggestion.

[If you can come to my house, I can give you a couple books]

[No, that’s…]

I appreciate her suggestion. I really do appreciate it…

But would you normally go home with a guy you’ve barely gotten to know?

Even though she lends me multiple books, I am still the opposite sex and she only has known me for a short time. Wouldn’t she feel uncomfortable?

Besides, if I go home with her, rumors will start sooner or later. No matter how hard you try, it will be suspicious. .

Then someone will surely notice and use that as a rumor.

As I don’t want to stand out, I couldn’t possibly choose to go home with her.

[Are you sure? You’ll be able to read more books than before, you know?]

Saito said that as if she’s a little devil persuading someone, making me lose my will to disagree.

She may be saying this as a form of kindness, but please don’t lead me astray.

I know I shouldn’t, but when she said that, I felt like nodding.

[No… even that is…]

[Well, let’s do this instead. You don’t have to go home with me, just follow me from behind]

Perhaps sensing my reluctance, she made a suggestion that solved my concerns.

If she says so, I can’t refuse.

I wanted to read a lot of books if I could, and I had no choice but to nod when she made such an attractive proposal.

[…. because I asked for it]

[Yes, it’s fine]

[Don’t sue me for stalking just because I’m following you]

[I won’t do that]

I cowered my shoulders and made a joke, and she gave me a look that said “What are you talking about”

[But are you sure? Do you want this guy to know where you live? What if he does something dangerous to you?]

[If you do, I’ll just take proper action]

[Oh, I see]

If she narrowed her eyes and stared at me sharply, there was no way I could do such a thing. No, I never intended to do it in the first place.

[Besides, you wouldn’t do that kind of thing]

[So you trust me? Thanks for that]

[I have some trust in you, but anyways, you’re not even interested in me, are you? That’s the main reason]

[Ah, there you go]

I think it’s not surprising that she knows, but when she said it to my face, I can’t help but laugh.

[If you had tried to get close to me after you helped me, I would have wanted nothing to do with you.]

[I’m glad you think I’m a trustworthy person]

[Yes, your welcome]

This is how I obtained the right to read a lot of books, and go home with the most beautiful girl in school.