Chp 24

[… Thanks once again for letting me borrow your books.]

[No problem, here’s the next one]

I spoke to Saito at the library rather than at her house because I have a part time job today.

I’ve gotten used to Saito lending me her books because it feels like a book delivery nowadays.

Even though I was nervous because I gave her a birthday present yesterday, she acted as if nothing happened.

Looking unconcerned, she took a book out of her bag and handed it to me.

She had her usual expressionless face, and there was not a trace of the gentle smile she wore yesterday.

Of course, this is the normal Saito, but somehow the smile I saw yesterday seemed like a dream.

Well, I would be restless if I had to see the same expression over and over again, so I’ll just leave it at that.

I was relieved to see that she has the same attitude as usual.

As I looked at her again, I realized that she has excellent looks.

She has clear eyes, a well shaped nose, soft lips, and well groomed black hair that was so smooth that you could run your fingers through it seamlessly.

I can understand why so many boys like her, but my heart isn’t beating as fast as it was yesterday.

She surprised me yesterday. I won’t deny that she is normally pretty when I meet with her but my heart raced when she showed me her dazzling smile. It was at that time when I realized that she is, without a doubt, a beautiful girl..

As I exhaled softly, reminding myself that I held no romantic feelings towards her, I noticed something in the book she was reading.

A glittering bookmark could be seen between the open pages.

[What is it…?]

She noticed my gaze and asked me in a cold voice.

Her voice was cold as usual, but there was a sliver of softness slipped into her tone that somehow decreased the distance between us.

[No, I was just surprised that you’re actually using the bookmark]

I don’t think that she was lying when she said she would use it, but when she actually does it, I feel itchy.

I can see that she really likes the bookmark and what she said wasn’t just empty flattery And as a result, it made me warm inside.

[It’s fine right? It’s up to me to decide whether I use it or not]

[Yeah, use it however you like]

She replied in her usual cold way, but that was normal for her. I shrugged my shoulders and chuckled.

Her words are blunt as usual, but they seem to be less thorny.

Maybe she forgave me because I’m her friend.

[…….. Just so you know, it’s mine now and I’m not giving it back even if you ask, okay?]

[I won’t say that]

She must’ve misunderstood me when I looked at the bookmark, because she quickly grabbed it and covered it.

She must’ve really liked it. The way she hid it from me was funny and made me laugh.