Chp 30

The Girl at My Part-Time Job is Acting Suspiciously. 

On the night I played cards with Saito, I also had a shift at my part time job.

I was able to concentrate on the work itself, but I couldn’t forget that ever-changing expression on Saito’s face when we played Old Maid, and I couldn’t help but remember at a moment’s notice. 

[You seem kind of happy today]

When I was cleaning up after my part-time job, Hiiragi-san, who hadn’t taken a shift for a while, came over to talk to me.

I feel like the wall between me and Hiiragi-san has gotten thinner since we talked about the gift. 

Since that day, we had started to talk about everyday things from time to time.

[Is that so?]

[Yes, you have grinned a little a few times, didn’t you?]

I had no idea I did such a thing. 

I guess it’s because I was amused by Saito’s expression, which led me to smile.

I felt a bit embarrassed at the fact that she saw me smirk. 

I let out a chuckle to hide my embarrassment.

[Actually, something interesting happened today, and I think it’s because I remembered it]

[What happened?]

Hiiragi-san tilted  her head, looking a little strange. The eyes behind her lens are curious. 

If it had been the old her, she would have just let the conversation stop, but lately she had been prolonging our conversations.  

It makes me happy to feel like we’re getting to know each other better. 

[The girl I told you about, we played Old Maid together]

Her body quivered as if reacting to my words.

[…I see. But I don’t think there’s anything funny about Old Maid that would made you laugh]

She wasn’t convinced and tilted her head. 

Certainly, there would be nothing to laugh about if you were playing  Old Maid normally.

[Normally, yes. But her expression changed from time to time]


[Yes, her expressions. At the end of the game, when you have two choices, you choose a card, right? When I tried to draw the joker card, she looked very happy. And when I tried to draw the opposite card, she became depressed]

[Is that why…]

She was surprised as if she noticed something. She said something in a small, inaudible voice. 

[What’s wrong?]

[No, it’s nothing. Is that amusing to you?]

[Yes, it is. She’s someone who doesn’t change her expression much, so it’s quite refreshing. And the way she changed her expressions quickly was so cute…]


Hiiragi-san asked in a small and somewhat panicked voice. 

Her cheeks colored slightly and her body shook as if she was startled.

[Yes, it’s very cute. It’s soothing to watch. I’m glad, it makes me feel that I’m trusted enough for her to show such a changing facial expression]

[I-I see… Well, surely the fact that she shows a different side of herself to you means you are trusted by her?]

She turned away and hid her face whilst letting out those words. 

I couldn’t see Hiiragi-san’s face clearly because she turned away, but her voice was gentle and somewhat warm.

[That’s right. That’s why I smiled, because it’s fun to see all kinds of expressions on her face when she trusts me like that]

[I see…]

When I explained to  her why I was laughing, she finally understood and nodded her head. 

She seemed to be convinced, so there was no reason to say more, but I felt like I hadn’t said enough, so I kept going. 

[I think she’s the cutest when her eyes are shining, and when she looks happy. She has a very attractive smile because it feels honest. Just remembering that expression is soothing]

[A-Already! It’s fine! I understand!]

[Is that so?]

When I tried to tell her more about Saito’s charm, Hiiragi-san stopped me in a hurry. 

I guess because I’m talking about someone she doesn’t know, it might’ve been not interesting, and she got bored of it.

Feeling a bit of regret because I talked too much, I looked at Hiiragi-san, who had turned over a little and her ears were dyed bright red.