(Damn, when should I give it to her…?)

The next day, as usual, I was sitting at the table facing Saito while reading a book. 

Normally I could concentrate on reading, but not today.

The reason being the wrapped gift in my bag. 

I got a present for her as a show of appreciation for the cake she got me yesterday. 

However, I’m not used to giving presents to people, and I’d feel embarrassed and nervous when the other party is the opposite gender. 

As a result, I didn’t know when to give it to her and I couldn’t remember the content of the book I read because I was focusing on her gift. 

I was also nervous when I gave her the birthday present, but it isn’t something I could get used to. 

Maybe I’m being overly conscious, but I feel like it’s kind of special to give a gift to someone of the opposite gender on Christmas. 

I just want to thank her for the cake. I’m just returning the favor. I’m trying to convince myself with that, but I can’t stop thinking about it. 

As I glanced at her while she was reading, she looked up and our eyes met.

[What’s wrong?]

She seemed to notice that something was off with me and tilted her head curiously.

Her lovely, round eyes stared at me.

For a moment, I wondered if I should lie to her but I realized if I did, I wouldn’t be able to give her the present. So I took the paper bag out of my backpack and placed it in front of her. 

[…Here, take it]

[U-Um, that…]

[Thanks for yesterday’s cake]

When I gave it to her, she froze and her eyes blinked, but she gratefully accepted it.

[Can I open it]

[Yeah, go ahead]

Saito slowly and carefully removed the smaller wrapped package from the paper bag. 

With a small rustle, she untied the ribbon and took out what was inside.

[A scrunchie. It’s cute]

Her expression relaxed, and she looked at the scrunchie in her hands while squinting with some happiness.

I chose a white colored scrunchie with pale pink red lines.

I didn’t have much time to choose because it was so sudden. I followed the advice of Hiiragi-san from when I last worked at my part-time job, and it seems that Saito liked it. 

I chose it because she’s been tying her hair up in the room lately, and I was relieved inside that she seemed to be satisfied by it. 

[Can I put it on]

[Hm? Sure]

She glanced over and asked a question and I gave her my permission. She then began to tie her hair with the scrunchie. 

Her beautiful long hair swayed. The well-groomed and shiny hair reflected the light and shimmered beautifully, it was a sight to behold. (TN: Ngl, this dude is pretty detailed in explaining things)

[Well, how is it?]

When she finished tying it up, she raised her voice a little and asked me embarrassedly.

Her cheeks were slightly red, and the way she looked up at me, as if to ask about her appearance, combined with her good looks, made her very attractive.

[It… looks good on you]

It was good manners to give praise at times like these, and it’s a fact that the white scrunchie on her black hair looked great on her.

I’ve never seen her use any hair accessories before, so it looked more attractive than usual.

[I-I see. I’m glad to hear that]

While biting her lips, she let out a small smirk. She looked happy as she smiled and it made me feel warm inside. 

[Oh, wait]

[What is it…?]

There was dust on her hair, it must’ve gotten there when she tied it up. So I leaned over and reached for it. 

When I put my hand close to her head, she froze and trembled slightly. She blushed and looked at me. 

I looked at her and touched her hair. I could feel the softness and slight warmth from my fingertips, more than I imagined.  

When I saw her frozen under my hand, I had an urge to pet her. However, I suppressed these urges and removed the dust diligently without doing anything unnecessary.

[There was dust on it]

When I showed her the dust I removed, she looked satisfied. Though her cheeks were still red. 

It’s not often that I get this close to someone, even if it’s just to brush a dust off their hair. She was still a very pretty and beautiful girl when I got close to her. 

She has beautiful eyes and soft lips. Her long eyelashes are now downcast and pointing down. Her well-groomed face is attractive and captivating, and I couldn’t get tired of it.

The best thing about her is her beautiful hair. Reflecting the light, a beautiful halo could be seen above her head. Her hair swayed and shimmered, and now a scrunchie was tied to it, making it more attractive. (TN: Hair fetish confirmed?)

[Yeah… Still looks good on you. You’re really cute]

[T-Thank you…]

She was so cute that my thoughts slipped out of my mouth. 

At my complement, she glanced up at me and let her gaze wander. 

What’s wrong? When I was about to say that, she turned her hair down again.

[I-I’ll go get us some more drinks!]


I noticed that when she left the table by giving a flimsy excuse, her head was down and her nape was red. I watched her hurry to the kitchen in confusion.