Too much has happened today.

I let out a sigh from mental exhaustion.

In the middle of my part-time shift at the end of the year, I couldn’t concentrate well because I remembered the events that occurred earlier today.

I need to continue my work, I thought. But suddenly the feeling of patting Saito’s head came back to me. 

I couldn’t forget the indescribably soft and silky feeling of her hair.

I thought she would hate me when she knew I patted her, but I was surprised when she forgave me.

I understand it’s wrong to carelessly pat a girl’s head, and that’s why I’ve been hesitant all the time. 

The fact that she trusts me enough to allow me to pat her makes me both happy and nervous. 

That’s why I felt like I wasn’t in the right place at the right time, and as if she was worried about it, Hiiragi-san started to talk to me. 

Her eyebrows lowered in a heinous manner, and she peered at me with a bit of concern. 

[What’s the matter? You’re acting strange today]

[Actually, I can’t concentrate because I patted my friend’s head that I talked about before…]

[I see… What did it feel like to pat it?]

She shrugged at the sound of my voice and asked me a question, while biting her lips and raising her voice a notch. 

Her voice was a mixture of anxiety and curiosity, and she glanced at me questioningly.

Her cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes lit up a little in anticipation. 

[It was good, if not better, than I imagined. Her swaying hair was so beautiful to look at, and it was so smooth it felt good just to touch it]

Just remembering it now makes me want to pat it again.

Her hair was so charming it made me want to stroke it again. (TN: this is literally the author saying, not me. Don’t blame me ;-;)

[I-Is that so…]

At my words, her cheeks blushed even more, and her eyes began to wander around as if she was surprised.

She seemed to relax her mouth slightly, and slowly turned her head.

She turned her head away and wriggled uncomfortably, then glanced as if she still wanted to ask more questions. 

[So why did you decide to pat it? From the way you talked to me before, it sounded like you were reluctant]

[Her sleeping face was so cute. It was like a little animal, and that’s why I wanted to pat her. Of course, there was also the fact that her hair was so alluring]

I couldn’t say “She was sleeping and defenseless”, so I had to lie. 

Of course, her sleeping face was so cute that I wanted to pet it in a loving way.

[W-Well, is that so…]

She shut her mouth and turned away with an indescribable expression. 

When I wondered what was going on, she faced me again with a wry look on her face and blushed a little.

[You’re not telling her that she’s cute or something?]

[I’m not going to. It’s embarrassing. Besides, I think she’s gotten used to being told that, so even if I said it, she wouldn’t think anything of it]

She sees me as someone she trusts. Of course, I feel the same way, but if I make such a statement, she might distance herself from me. 

And she looked like she disliked being seen in that way. Of course, I couldn’t say that. 

It’s okay to compliment someone, but if I say it so easily, I’d be seen as a frivolous person. I wouldn’t want to be seen like that.

[Is that so…]

When she heard my explanation, she gave me a reluctant look, and dropped her shoulders with a sigh.

She lowered her eyes and looked a little depressed.

[What’s wrong?]

[…It’s nothing]

I asked her why she was acting that way, but she refused to talk.

She said [I’ll do some work over there] and walked away.