(Damn it, I can’t focus)

While Saito was getting dressed, I opened a book, but I was so distracted about what was on the other side of the door that I couldn’t read anything from the book at all. 

Even though there was a door, the walls were thin, so if it was a quiet room, I could hear her getting dressed on the other side.

The sound of cloth rubbing against fabric was enough to stir up my imagination and bring indecent thoughts to mind. (TN: It ain’t only FMC who’s excited huh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) 

However, I managed to shake off my evil thoughts by telling myself that she trusted me.

Still, it was late. It had almost been an hour since she started. The noise had stopped, but what in the world was she doing? 

So far, I’ve managed to overcome my worries, but I don’t know what the future holds.

I was wondering if I should call out to her, as I felt uncomfortable waiting any longer. But then, the door opened with a loud bang. 

I was taken aback the moment I saw how she was dressed up. 

She was wearing a white sweater and a black denim skirt, with a brushed brown coat on top.

The clothes, which were a complete 180 degrees from what I was used to seeing, looked very girlish and suited her well. 

I knew she would look good in whatever she wore, but I never expected her to look this good.

The first time I saw her dressed like this, she was both maturely beautiful and girlishly cute, which complemented her in a very attractive way.

Her skirt had a similar design to her school uniform, but it was a little shorter, and the glimpse of her skin-colored thighs was somewhat s*xy. (TN: this guy has a thigh fetish now? Really?) (ED: Can you blame him?) (PR: You got a problem with thighs?)

Her glossy, shimmering black hair was curled up, creating a loose, feminine look. She also wore a pair of earrings that swayed on her ears, accentuating her femininity and attracting my attention.

She had a beautiful face to begin with, and thanks to the makeup she used, it enhanced it even further and emitted an air of innocence. 

Apparently it took time to dress up. 

She was so pretty I forgot to breathe, and my body stiffened. She looked at me with a curious gaze and tilted her head.

[What’s wrong?]

[Nothing… it looks so cute that I was fascinated]

I was embarrassed to tell her she was cute and my cheeks felt hot.

I don’t know why she dressed up so enthusiastically, but I think it’s only right to praise her for taking her time and effort to dress up properly while planning on going out with me. 

As expected, I thought of something very embarrassing, and when I put my thoughts into words, she fluttered her eyes several times. From that, her cheeks got faintly colored and she pursed her lips.

I guess I shouldn’t have said anything. 

I regretted it a little, remembering she doesn’t like being complimented on her looks very much.

[Sorry, I know you hate it when people praise you…]

[N-No, that’s not it!]


I flinched at her sudden strong tone. I was relieved that she didn’t hate me, but I couldn’t help but nod when she had a somewhat desperate look on her face.

She looked away and her cheeks blushed even more. Then, she muttered quietly. 

[…I don’t mind being praised by you. Rather…]  


She was about to say something and when I questioned her, she turned away until I couldn’t see her face.

[…Rather… I’m happy]


She said it in a way that could be taken as I was someone special to her and it made my heart beat faster. Then I felt a rush of heat in my face. 

Even though I know in my mind that I shouldn’t misunderstand her statement, I couldn’t help but be surprised. 

[I- I’ll say this beforehand, just a little! Is that ok?]


She looked at me in a panic, her face was red with a desperate expression on her face, and she strongly reminded me. I had no choice but to nod.

[Then we’re done talking about this. Come on, let’s get going]

She reverted to her normal, cold voice and turned away with a pout. I followed her as she strode out of the room, unable to hide my agitation.