Just when I thought I was finally getting used to the feeling of holding hands, we got to the front of the line and came to the money box, so I let go.  

The warmth in my palm disappeared, and I felt a little lonely in the chilly air.


[What did you wish for?]

After safely completing our visit and leaving, I got curious and asked.

Her praying figure, with eyes closed with a sidelong glance, was pretty enough to make it seem like I would be captivated without thinking

I remembered her praying in such a way and got interested. 

[Of course, it’s about books. “I hope I’ll find a good book”]

[I see]

I had a feeling that was the case, but sure enough, her book-related wish brought a smile to my face.

It was amusing that it felt just like her.

[Make a more normal wish]

[Isn’t it fine?! Anyway, what did you wish for?]

[Of course it was about books. I hope I can get an autograph session with my favorite author] (TN: Ma dude, you’re no better than her ffs)

[Isn’t that just like me…]

She looked at me with a slightly dumbfounded expression and gave me a small sigh. [How could you say that to me when you also have that wish] she had that kind of look. I decided to ignore it and shrug my shoulders.

[Well then, let’s go get a fortune]

I decided to go to the standard fortune next and held out my hand to her. (TN: !?)

It was less crowded than the one we just passed, but it’s still crowded and we might get separated again. 

That’s what I meant when I held out my hand, but she froze in place and blinked.

She looked down at my hand with her cheeks slightly blushed, and placed her hand on mine. (TN: ?!?!?!?) 

This time, I walked at a slow and careful pace. Every now and then I would check on her, and she would turn her head slightly and look at the hand I was holding. 

I headed to our destination while matching her walking speed.

[Um, wait a minute]

[What’s wrong?]

We were on our way when she stopped and I turned to her.

[I’d like to drink that]

In the direction she pointed, there were people handing out amazake and oshiruko. 

(TN: Amazake: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazake, Oshiruko:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiruko)

It was a little chilly and I thought a hot drink should help a bit, so I said [Ok] and headed over to where she pointed.

When we arrived, she started to ponder, wondering which one to buy. 

She seemed to like sweets after all, and compared the two with a sparkle in her eyes.

It was kind of cute to see her ponder about which drink to get, and I’d like to watch longer, but I couldn’t keep other people waiting, so I decided to order both.

[One Amazake and one Oshiruko, please]

The uncle filled up a paper cup and handed us some amazake and oshiruko. 

I held it just enough to not crush it and felt a warm sensation on my palm.

[…Thank you]

She seemed to notice my idea that we could enjoy both if we exchanged them, and she bowed and thanked me. 

I respected that she can say thanks in a way like this.

We went to the side of the road and took a sip of the amazake that I got.

The sweetness and richness of the taste soaked into my body, and I let out a sigh as I felt a slight warmth in my stomach. 

I glanced at her and saw that she was drinking like a cat. (TN: probably drinking with her tongue out) 

When she finally drank it, her eyes narrowed in happiness and her mouth relaxed and let out a sigh, just as I did.

[Is it good?]

[Yes, how about that one?]

[Yeah, it’s good, want some?]

I originally bought one of each so we can exchange them. I offered it to her, thinking that she would be willing to do the same, but she froze and looked at me while blinking a few times. 

When I pulled back the amazake, thinking she didn’t want it, she hurriedly accepted it. 

[T-Thank you]

[Yea] (TN: here is written as “あいよ”, but since there’s no exact translation, I’ll put in Yea as confirmation instead)

I thought she was going to drink it right away, but for some reason, she froze again as if she was hesitating.  

Her cheeks blushed and she glanced at me to see what I was doing. 

[What’s wrong?]

I looked back at her, not understanding what was wrong, and she gradually lowered her gaze and turned her head back.

[It’s… nothing]

She shut her mouth and sipped from the cup as if she made up her mind. As she did that, her cheeks blushed even more. 

[How is it?]

[Oh, it’s good…]

She said in a high tone and turned around. 

[Give me that one too]


She looked up with a surprised voice. Her eyes opened wide and met mine. 

[If you don’t want to, it’s fine…]

I didn’t expect her to be so upset and I was a little shocked by her reaction. I wanted to try the oshiruko as well but… 

[N-No, i-it’s fine. G-Go ahead]

When I was shocked, she handed me the oshiruko she was holding. 

As she handed it to me, I took a sip and noticed she was staring at me, with her cheeks flushed. 

[What’s wrong?]

[…It’s nothing]

I was worried about doing something wrong, so I asked her but she turned away. I took a sip, wondering what was happening to her. (TN: Mofo really didn’t realize he did an indirect kiss smh)