[Thanks for walking me home]

She thanked me when we arrived at her doorstep. Her hair shimmered in the moonlight as she bowed her head. 

Although it was only for a short time, our rare outing was more enjoyable than I imagined, and I felt a bit sad that it was already over. It’s hard to say goodbye. 

[Ah, wait. I’ll do this]

Then I pulled something out of my pocket and handed it to her. It seemed a little heavy, but it was just the right thing to return the favor, so I bought it while she was engrossed in her fortune.

When she took it, she looked at me strangely and shook the thing I gave her. 

The red-colored triangle glittered beautifully in the dark.

[…A charm?]

[Yeah, it’s a good luck charm. It seems like you’ll be able to meet good people, like friends and lovers]

[I see]

[Well, It’s… I was hoping you’d meet someone special who would take care of you properly]

I wanted her to meet someone who would look at her more on the inside and not just her looks, and laugh happily together.

However, it was somewhat embarrassing saying my honest feelings, so I used a somewhat vague reason.

It was a little cold, but when she heard me, her mouth relaxed and she smiled very gently. 

Her cheeks blushed slightly, her eyes narrowed, and she smiled softly and happily.

[Thank you. But, I’ve already met one, haven’t I?]

[Is that so?]

[Mouu… It’s none other than Tanaka-kun, right?]

She smiled at me with a hint of s*x appeal. I was fascinated by that and my heart started beating faster.

I had a feeling she thought of me as someone she trusts. Her statement made me happy but also embarrassed.

I felt my face heat up, but more than that, I was surprised to hear her call my name for the first time. (TN: Wait really?)

[Just now, my name…]

[I’ve been wanting to call you that for a while, but I couldn’t change it because our names had already been established. Is… Is it okay if I call you that?]

When I looked at her, she glanced up at me. 

Her eyebrows lowered slightly as she asked for permission. It was so cute that it made me want to protect her and pat her head.

[Yeah, I don’t mind]

[Thank you very much]

When I gave her permission, her eyes brightened and she seemed very happy.  

She blushed slightly and glanced at me expectantly.

[Then… I want you to call me by my first name too]

[Okay. I’ll call you that from now on. See you later, Saito]

[Yes, thank you for today]

Even though I only called her name, I felt both excited and nervous. I felt happy to be close to her again and that’s maybe why my feet felt light when I was walking home. 



What did you think? This is the end of the New Year’s arc. I hope you enjoyed it. (*>∇<)ノ

I haven’t been able to write any part-time jobs at all, as the title says… I’ll be writing about it soon, so please look forward to it.(*・ω・)*_ _)