Before The Movie With The Most Beautiful Girl

[Is something wrong?]

I was stunned to see Saito walking ahead of me, and she looked back at me to ask a question.

[….No, it’s nothing]

[Really? Your face is red, you know?]

She must’ve been asking on purpose. Her eyes, looking teasingly towards me, told me that. Of course, there’s no way I could say I was embarrassed by her words. I turned my head away and tried to cover it up.

[Not really, you’re imagining things]

[Ufufu, is that true? Then we’ll leave it that way]

Saito, however, seemed to still be enjoying herself and had a satisfied smile on her face. 

[So, Tanaka-kun. Where are we going first?]

[Ah, right, I was thinking of going to a movie first. Is that fine?]

[Yes, by the way, what movie?]

[I could change my mind if I see something else that’s more interesting, but in the meantime, my plan is to see a romance movie that’s been in the talks lately]

[Ah, I know. I know that movie! If I remember, the book it’s based off sold very well]

As expected, Saito is also interested. She talked about it while her eyes sparkled. There’s no doubt that the book is famous, as it’s placed in conspicuous places whenever you enter a bookstore.

[Yeah, that one. I feel like I’m a fanboy, but I’m also curious about it]

[Tanaka-kun also pays attention to such topics, doesn’t he?]

Her eyes opened a little in surprise.

[Is that really surprising?]

[Ah, no, I kind of got the impression that you’re the type who’s only interested in what you liked]

[Ahh, well, you aren’t wrong. I’m not really familiar with these trends, and I don’t know much about rumors and stuff like that. But this time, it was based on a book…]

[I see, so that’s how it is. You really like books, don’t you?]

She smiled at me. Her tone sounded as if it was an off handed comment, but when I looked at her from the side, I saw her looking at me somewhat lovingly.

What a bad punishment, I thought as I faced the front again.

[Is it not good?]

[No? I just thought it’s typical of Tanaka-kun. Tanaka-kun is cute when he gets lost in thought about books, you know?]

[I don’t think being called cute is a compliment]

[Mouu, I’m giving you compliments]

There’s no way I’d be happy to be called cute as a man. Saito pouted a little, looking unhappy with my reaction.

[Well, when does the movie start?]

[I think it’s at 11:00]

[Then I guess we have plenty of time. Let’s walk slowly]

With a joyful shout, she fluttered her skirt.

Like she suggested, we continued to walk slowly and peacefully. Neither of us were talkative by nature, so we didn’t exchange any words, and there were many times where it was silent, but strangely enough, it didn’t make me feel awkward.

I didn’t feel like I needed to bring up a subject, and I was just happy that I was out together with Saito alone.

But what about Saito? She was smiling, her eyes were closed and her mouth was relaxed, unlike her usual blank, inexpressive face. I was happy to see that she was enjoying herself.

[You look like you’re having fun] 

[Do I really?] 

[Yeah, because you’re smiling. Your expression also seemed more relaxed today]

[….Eh? Eh!?]

She stopped and froze, her mouth agape. Soon after, as if she finally comprehended my words, her cheeks began to redden quickly.

Apparently, she didn’t realize. Her eyes were flustered and in panic. Perhaps she was embarrassed because she covered her face with her hands. 

She still seemed panicked, and only managed to get a few words out [Uh, uhm, that…], her voice changing each time she spoke. She glanced at me with an upward glance and turned to the ground immediately after.

I didn’t expect for her to be that surprised. When I saw her this flustered, I began to get flustered too. As a result, I said some strange things. 

[Eh, ah, no, I didn’t mean it in a bad way, you know? I mean, I think it’s really cute]

She looked shy, but it was cute to see her smile, and there was no need to worry about it. That’s what I meant. Saito, however, raised her voice even higher.


[Ah, that’s not it, that’s not it! No, that’s not right either, but what I wanted to say was, it looks like you’re having a good time] 

[Ah, i-is that what you mean…]

I wasn’t calm, I couldn’t help but let my true thoughts out. I corrected her, but Saito was even more embarrassed and turned her head down. The cheeks peeking from her fingers were now crimson. I also noticed that her skin, which was originally porcelain-white, turned to a light peach color all the way down to her neck.

I’ve done it now… I lost my cool with Saito’s situation and said some strange things. I let out a small breath as I watched Saito turn bright red and back.