Sunny Holiday

The day after I went to visit her, Takane-san was feeling better and I was able to call her at night.

[I finished reading ‘The Goat and the Watermelon’ which I borrowed before. I will return it to the library.]

“Okay, I’ll borrow it when I’m done with my current book.”

[I’ll borrow the book that you borrowed, Nagito-san… Would it be a bad idea to continue to do so much…?]

“It’s not like I’m going to borrow it all the time, I’m going to read it right away, so I guess that’s alright.”

If the book loan history between me and Takane-san were consecutive, wouldn’t that be the way to find out our relationship as more and more books like that become available? If they attacked me from that angle, I would say we were in a usual relationship.

“I’d like to see the movie after I read the book. It hasn’t aired on TV yet.”

[…U-Um. We’re all going out on May 3, but… The movie is having a commemorative screening on its first anniversary.]

“Eh… Really?”

Takane-san didn’t finish her words. The fact that she did so on this topic meant that she was too embarrassed to start the conversation.

“Well, if you want… Let’s go together?”

[…U-Um… Nagito-san, you’re not pushing yourself, are you…?]

“Hahaha… I’m not. I’m actually quite excited.”

[…I am looking forward to it. Let’s arrange our schedule so I can go together with Nagito-san.]

“I’ll be there no matter what.”

It made my heart ache a little to hear her say so. When I met up with Asatani-san, she didn’t seem to be as eager to go as Takane-san, and I also thought that Asatani-san was busy so it couldn’t be helped.

But getting used to thinking ‘it can’t be helped’ must be a lonely thing, too. What a time to be thinking this, even though I had a day coming up to hang out with Asatani-san as a friend.

[I look forward to May 3 as well.]

“Yeah, hopefully the weather will be fine.”

The weather forecast so far was sunny. Maybe it will be hot around the holidays as usual.

We’ll meet at the plaza in front of the station building at 12:00. After lunch, we go to the shopping building to look around and then karaoke for a break. After that, we’ll have a cup of tea, have a chat, and then split up. That’s the outline of the “First Holiday Fun Festival,” as Nakano-san called it.

“Nakkun, your collar is crooked.”

“Ah, yeah… I thought I saw it earlier.”

When I came out of the bathroom after looking in the mirror, I was promptly checked by Ruru-nee. She looked at me from top to bottom and gave me an approving look just as she straightened my collar.

“I’m going out tonight too. Will you eat dinner at home?”

“If you’re tired after coming home, maybe we can get a delivery or something.”

“Then, let’s invite Ei-sensei over for dinner. She said she’d be at the gym during the holidays.”

“That might be a good idea. Well, I’ll leave it to my sister.”

“Fufu, good boy. Well then, have a safe trip.”

I was going out and Ruru-nee was very excited about it.

My sister was also well prepared for going out, and I thought that if she walked around town dressed like this, it would be a return to the days when she was treated like a high class girl in her junior high school. I wondered if that’s too much of a favoritism coming from a younger brother.

“I’m looking forward to hearing about Nakkun’s special story~. Everyone I meet is a girl, so they don’t seem interested in talking about Nakkun.”

If I were asked whether I would be interested if Ruru-nee had a boyfriend – I would probably want to know what kind of person he was at first in the beginning.

Did this mean that Ruru-nee, who was passionately interested in Takane-san, and I thought alike?

“When I tell people I have a younger brother, some of them ask me to introduce him to them. Because it’s an all-girls’ school, many turn to romance. It’s not so much for me, though.”

“Is that so…? Well, you’re just messing with me, aren’t you?”

“From now on, I’ll have to say that Nakkun has a girlfriend.”

“It’s kind of unsettling when people talk about that without my knowledge…”

“Ahaha, that’s probably the case. But Onee-chan is so proud of you, Nakkun, so she talks a lot when it comes to her sibling.”

I didn’t think she was a troublesome sister – I just thought she was just as much of an idiot as I was.

“Summer clothing is out now, so let’s go shopping for clothes again with Onee-chan. Or do you want to go with Nozomi-chan?”

“I wonder. Shall we go together sometime?”



“No, nothing. Have a good day.”

This time I was sent off and was out of the house. I could have cycled to the station, but I decided to take the bus today to go along with everyone.

The weather was fine. As it was typical during Golden Week, the area in front of the station was crowded with people.

“Ah, he’s here! Nozomi-chan, Nagisen is here!”

“Yes… Hello, Nagito-san.”

“Hello, you two. Takadera and Ogishima haven’t arrived yet, huh…?”

“It’s still before the meeting time, so just take your time and wait. Ah, also… About Kiri-chan.”

–Somehow, I had a hunch.. When Nakano-san and Takane-san were talking about today’s plan in the group chat room yesterday, Asatani-san was also in the conversation, and she said, [I might be a little late.]

She said that the voiceover job she mentioned yesterday had been rescheduled, and she was working on it right now.

She didn’t say what kind of show it was, but Asatani-san had cleared her schedule but then she was rescheduled to record it.

“I heard that the place where they are recording is about an hour away by train. I guess she could come later.”

“That’s right… I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

Takane-san looked worried too. I knew that the agency seemed to think that this was an important time for Asatani-san, who was a successful artist – but I was sure everyone who had been waiting for today felt the same way.

If Asatani-san didn’t come… Of course it would be better if she came, but I couldn’t say it’s unreasonable if she didn’t.

“I can only say good luck to Kiri-chan, but I don’t know if that’s enough. I want to help, but I can’t do anything…”

“…I don’t think that’s true. I don’t think supporting Asatani-san is meaningless.”

“…That’s right. I’m sorry for saying something weird. Kiri-chan will definitely come, right?”

“Yes. I’m sure she’ll come.”

Takane-san said, and Nakano-san had a handkerchief around her eyes, then looked up with a snap.

“Well, it’s a nice day today, so I’m really excited and ready to have some fun!”

It was the usual Nakano-san. Takane-san’s eyes were blinking at the sudden change.

“By the way, Nagisen. How many points would you give me and Nozomi-chan for today’s fashion check? Ah, you only have eyes for Nozomi-chan? I knew it.”

“…Nakano-san. Um, everyone’s watching, so…”

Takane-san was wearing a cool white one-piece dress and a hat, perhaps because of the strong sunlight. She looked like a young lady who had come to a vacation home – She looked good no matter what she wore, but today she looked stunning again.

Nakano-san was wearing a blouse and a skirt. She was also wearing a hat. I had previously seen her in the reading club wearing a jersey over her outfit, so this kind of outfit seemed new to me. Surprisingly, I would say she’s dressed in a feminine attire.

“…W-What is it~. I’m embarrassed when you look at me so seriously. The skirt is too long and I don’t like it, but my mom said if boys are coming too, this is what I should wear.”

“I think your clothes are so cute, Nakano-san. I want to use it as a fashion reference.”

“Haha… What are you talking about, Nozomi-chan who is like a lump of cuteness, I can’t even compare… Nagisen, you laughed just now!”

“No, I agree with Takane-san.”

“Hmm… So that’s how Nagisen learns how to say sly things. Just because your jacket is kinda cool, don’t think you’ve won this one.”

“When have I learned that? …and I don’t think I won anything.”

Nakano-san said as she pulled on my jacket – Takane-san was laughing at us.

“Yo… Everyone is here. Eh… Where is Noarin?”

“I get really worried when you say things like that… Ah, hello.”

“Hello~. You two look close.”

“Well, we happened to meet on the way. Ogishima was walking around dressed like this, and he was mistaken for a girl…”

“From all accounts, I’m a man, so how could I be mistaken for a girl?”

Ogishima said so, but I didn’t want to say that from my point of view – because it could be a crack in our friendship. The way he walked with Takadera, it looked like a normal boy and girl.

At that time, Nakano-san took out her phone. After going a little far away and talking, Nakano-san said as if it was nothing,

“Well, it looks like Kiri-chan is taking a little bit of time, so I guess that means we can have lunch first. Are the boys’ okay with all-you-can-eat cake?”

“Well, I’m hungry, so anything goes.”

“Yeah, it’s good sometimes. It’s that place near here, isn’t it? There’s a buffet with snacks other than cakes.”

“Have you been there too, Ogishima-kun? I go there quite often. I have a stamp card.”

Nakano-san, Takadera, and Ogishima walked ahead of us – Nakano-san glanced back at us and beckoned us to come.

“Takane-san, have you ever been to a sweets buffet?”

“No, I’ve heard about it, but I’ve never been to one.”

“Do you like sweets? I like it a lot.”

“Yes, I like it. Come to think of it, when we were at the train station, there’s that cream puff store where you lined up for a long time.”

That was when I first got to know Takane-san. We talked about when I dropped her off at the station. I was glad that she remembered me – even if it was a casual thing.

“Please tell me what you like, Nagito-san. I can get it from the buffet.”

“U-Um… Asking you to do that… How do I put it…”

“…Can I not do that?”

“I’m not saying no, but I’m afraid if I’m too spoiled I’m going to be useless.”

“Fufu… It’s okay. Sometimes it’s better to be spoiled.”

It was time to catch up with the three people in front of us.

But before I could do so, Takane-san pinched the hem of my jacket and said,

“…Because I was spoiled a lot when you came to visit me.”

When hanging out with friends and your girlfriend together, that was not the same as a date. I thought that was the norm, but for me this seemed more than enough of a date.


Takane-san quickly pulled back her hand before Nakano-san, who was walking in front of us, looked back – She had amazing reflexes.

We both ran at a short pace and caught up with the three of them. Nakano-san smiled happily and led the way to the restaurant.