Distance Under the Umbrella

When it was time to stop, after one extension, we left the karaoke box.

I knew from the time we were doing the checkout that it was raining outside. Everyone had to go to the station, but they would get rained on.

I went to a convenience store and bought an umbrella, but there was only one left. Nakano-san and Ogishima brought folding umbrellas, and Takadera seemed prepared to get wet.

“I have a fold-up, too. What should I do?”

“I’m going in the same direction as Ogishima, so I’ll go with him.”

“Eh, you’re going under my umbrella?”

“I don’t catch colds, so it’s okay. I’ve been burned out of my mind by Noa… Asatani-san.”

“Takadera-kun, you really are my fan. Thank you for supporting me.”

“…No, I’m like a stone by the side of the road for Asatani-san… I had a great time today! If you ever need anything else, just call me and I’ll be there anytime!”

“I’m always up for anything fun, too. Senda-kun, please invite me again.”

“Yeah, I’ll invite you again.”

Takadera and Ogishima were leaving. The girls looked at me after seeing them off.

“Well then, do you guys want to play rock-paper-scissors to see who goes home with Nagisen? …Kidding, I’m not going to say anything so mean.”

“Nagi-kun, thank you for coming today. Everyone, too… It was nice of you all to come such a long way.”

“Nakano-san said we should go pick you up. Both Takadera and Ogishima agreed right away… Everyone thought it’d be more fun if Asatani-san came along.”

“Yes. If Asatani-san hadn’t been here, I would have wanted to set up another day to go out with you… But we’ve been promising all along that we would hang out together today, and another day is inevitably a different day.”

Even if the date you had decided on beforehand was not possible, you could always find another date.

To accept ‘it can’t be helped’ in that way was a lonesome thing.

It didn’t always turn out the way we wanted it to, like it did today. Still, I thought if something similar were to happen to us, we’d be willing to bet on the chances.

–That rainy day when I met up with Asatani-san and today will never be the same.

The lingering doubts in my heart will not disappear anytime soon. However, I was sure that I will be able to change by continuing to experience days like this.

“I was really looking forward to it. But I thought it would be a nuisance to join the group so late… That’s why I felt bad that everyone showed up, but I was so happy. I wanted to jump on Yui-chan and Takane-san.”

“Fuaaa… You could always do that. I mean, I’m hugging you now. I’m hugging you too, Takane-san.”

“T-Thank you very much.”

Takane-san, unable to be evasive, hugged Nakano-san and patted her on the back.

Asatani-san saw them and reached out her arms to hug and join in with them.

Good times pass quickly. I could tell it was hard to leave, so I didn’t say anything and waited.

“…Well then, I’ll be under your umbrella, Yui-chan. Nagi-kun, Takane-san, I wonder if we can meet again after the holidays.”

“Yeah. Take care, both of you.”

“It’s still bright, so don’t worry. Nagisen, Takane-san, I had so much fun today! From now on, let’s be friends in club activities, in class, and outside, too!”

“Yes. I look forward to it.”

Nakano-san opened her umbrella and Asatani-san went inside at the edge, making Nakano-san move her umbrella towards Asatani-san. They stuck together and walked toward the station roundabout.

“Shall we go, Takane-san?”


The umbrella I bought at the convenience store was reasonably large, but I moved it closer to Takane-san so that she wouldn’t get wet.

“You’ll get wet, Nagito-san.”

“…Thank you… But I think Takane-san is more important than me.”

“No, that’s no good. Because I feel the same way.”

“…No, I care for you more.”

Feelings weren’t something to compare. I knew, but I wanted to tell her.

About being able to be together today. About having a good time with my friends, and being able to meet up with Asatani-san.

Takane-san was the reason I could do this. The feeling was endlessly growing, and I felt happy just walking around with our shoulders touching each other.

“…Compared to Asatani-san, I… I couldn’t sing that well.”

“I don’t think so. You’ve been practicing for today.”

“Did you ever wonder why I sang a song from Asatani-san’s drama…?”

“A bit. You saw it, too, Takane-san.”

She nodded her head. Then, after walking forward for a while, she whispered,

“I thought she was really wonderful. Asatani-san looked so brilliant on the screen that I thought I couldn’t compete with her. Even though that’s something that should be obvious.”

That’s not true. But I couldn’t say it easily because I felt it would sound like a comfort.

I felt the same way as Takane-san. The more I tried to support Asatani-san, the more distant I felt from her.

I had a feeling that the world we lived in was different, despite my confession. I couldn’t resolve that contradiction within myself.

The more I realized what I should have done after being rejected, the more I realized the magnitude of my mistake.

“Every time I get to know Asatani-san, I feel like I understand why Nagito-san liked her so much… What I really don’t get is why you two broke up.”

“Now I’m convinced. I didn’t know what I was missing.”

“Does that mean that longing is not enough…? I… I don’t think so.”


“Shouldn’t I be longing for my lover? I long for Nagito-san so much.”

It was also a wish I had inside of me.

I was attracted to her standing on a sunny stage. I wanted to think that was one of the reasons I liked her, that it wasn’t all a mistake.

I knew that.

Not being aware of such barriers between celebrities and ordinary people was probably what was missing for us to continue our relationship.

“…Asatani-san’s singing was very beautiful. She has the talent to move so many people. I can never be that good… But…”

Takane-san looked at me. The sound of rain was far away and only her words were clearly audible.

“I want to move Nagito-san’s heart more than Asatani-san. And I’m willing to do whatever I can to make that happen.”

“…Even if you say that, just now… When you were singing, I…”

“I’ll do my best. I am good at piano. From now on, I’m hoping to practice singing while playing the piano.”

Really, she was too good for me. Takane-san was a girl that you will never find anywhere else in this world.

“You were very good. I don’t know how to put it, but… Takane-san has a cute voice when she sings, so I thought she sounded like an idol.”

“…T-That’s because… When I was singing, the octave went up…”

“Yeah. The high notes were so clear, I wanted to listen to them all the time.”


“If you’ve been practicing in secret, I’d love to hear what you practice as well.”

In a few more minutes, we’ll be at the station. I was sure I’ll be seeing Takane-san off many more times in the future. For me, this was the right place to be right now.

“…Will Asatani-san be performing live in the light music club activities?”

“I suppose that could happen… Though, it’d be a mess.”

“Yes. I, too, would like to hear Asatani-san sing again…”

“Karaoke is great, but singing in front of an audience is… Just imagining it, that’s amazing.”

“The crowd was so excited earlier, too. Nagito-san even played the tambourine for us… That made me and Asatani-san realize that we had to do our best.”

“Ah, that’s… you probably wonder why I was doing that all of a sudden. I guess I was like someone who suddenly got excited. Were you scared?”

“Fufu… That’s not true. That’s the thing about Nagito-san that I…”

Takane-san knew. She knew that we were already at the station.

She softly leaned against me in the umbrella.

A faint feeling touched my cheek and then pulled away. It was soft and pleasant. It was her lip.

“…I’m sorry. I might have left a mark on you.”

She was probably embarrassed. But I was the most embarrassed when she told me that.

Takane-san left the umbrella and ran towards the station. Then she stopped under the roof. She turned to me and gave a small wave of her hand, seemingly saying something.

Takane-san looked back once more as she entered the well-lit train station.

And as we waved our hands at each other, I wondered what Takane-san’s reaction would be if I asked her later what she had just said.