We went through the woods and back to the town of Ninolich.

relieved from the relief of returning,

"Ah! Shiloh, brother!

Oh, my God.

Didn't Aina wait at the entrance to town?

When Aina found me, she got up from Marutai, who was sitting there.

Just, you know, rushing over and stopping in front of me.

And look at me,

"Welcome back, brother Shiloh"

"I'm home, Aina"

"... eheh"

Aina shook my hand happily.

Apparently, he wants to hold hands.

"Mmm, is that your daughter?

Seeing us holding hands, Mr. Ryer asked.

Behind that, Kiki collapses deliberately, saying, "You said you were 'cute' about me, but you had a kid."

Here. Aina will be confused.

"No, it's not my daughter. This girl is Aina. He's a kid who helps us with our shop."

"Was it? I'm sorry I said something weird."

That's what Mr. Ryer says, crouch down and gaze right at Aina.

"I am Ryer the Adventurer. I think I'll continue to take care of your store, my dear lady."

"Yeah. Uh... Ah! Oh - I'm in town!

"Ha ha! You're still a fine employee, though. Take care of him, honey."

"Of course, sir."

"Oops. Then I'll report it to the mayor. You can go back to the store."

"Huh? I'm coming with you to Mr. Cullen's."

"You can say it. Were you tired of doing things you weren't used to? I'll take care of the report. You need to rest."

"If that's the case...... I get it. Say hello to Karen."

"Whoa! I'll keep you posted."

That's what Mr. Ryer said and walked his people to the hall.

I was just a little concerned that Mr. Ryer was laughing at me when we broke up.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

I broke up with four people in "Pale Flash" and came back to the store with Aina.

"Phew. Adventurers are tough."

"You're annoying, Shiloh brother"


Sit in the chair behind the counter and take a breath.

Keep the Murder Grizzly material that has gone into space storage.

Mr. Ryer's story says that the space storage stuff stops time and doesn't rot even if you leave it in.

It's kind of convenient, isn't it?

That's why The Pale Flash, which no longer required me to rush to sell the material, would be staying in the town of Ninolich for a while now, and whatever, when I went to sell the material, they took me with them.

Looking at other towns and doing market research is also important to doing business with.

"Brother Shiloh, what the hell is wrong with you?

"Mm-hmm. It was a great experience. You want to hear it?"

"Mmm! I want to hear it!

"Okay. Then I'll talk to you. We're in the woods..."

I told Aina about what happened in the woods, funny and funny.

It was served only in the woods.

"So Mr. Nesca..."

"Wow. Wow."

"Then suddenly..."

"So what?

Aina listens with a serious face and changes her face by the way.

"- Well, it was a dark two days."

"Pfft. Ainah, I had a good time getting together. Shiloh, your brother is amazing at taking out Murder Grizzlies."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I was just covering for a little bit."

"What? Eina, your brother Shiloh, he's so funny."

"Haha. Probably. Honestly, I was in a hurry when the big bear came out, but I managed to get back safe. Plus I figured out what adventurers might want... yeah. Good adventurer experience."

"Good for you, brother Shiloh"

I snort, too, at Aina, who giggles.


Five more days until the visitors arrive.

We don't have much time, but using a home center and an online shop would be enough.

"If that's the case, once you get home..."

I got up from my chair, and once I thought - at the right time I'd go home to you.

Dong Dong Dong Dong!! Dong Dong Dong Dong!!

The entrance door was knocked hard.

"Shiloh! It's me. It's Karen!

The Lord of Knock is Mr. Karen.

You look pretty panicked, but what the hell is going on?

Unlock and open the door.

"What's the matter, Calle? - Ugh."

Open it. No, Mr. Cullen's been holding it all together, hasn't he?

"Shiloh, are you all right!? I heard you ran into Murder Grizzlies in the woods. It doesn't hurt much, does it? Are you hurt? Are you okay?"

and Karen.

Oh, I see.

Did you hear from someone with a pale flash that you had a fight with Murder Grizzly?

So you flew in worried about me.

Even though I'm the one who said he wanted to have an adventurer experience, I'm sure Karen thinks he's the one who made that cut.

Really, he's a very responsible person.

"I just asked... sorry! I'm so sorry!! Injury - Are you hurt?!?

I'm going to ask you in a crying voice, Mr. Karen.

I can't imagine it from my usual cool standings. It's rushing.

But I'm holding Mr. Cullen with all my might.

Especially since my face is buried in Karen's chest, all I can say is "fugafuga" to talk.

"Hmm, what's up? Can't you speak up? No way - they smashed my throat!? Just wait. I'm taking you to the pharmacist now!

You're the one currently crushing your throat in a progressive form.

It sucks a lot as it is.

Specifically, I can't breathe and it sucks.

"Mayor, Shiloh, your brother can't go."

"Hmm? Eina. Were you there too?"

Eina distracted me, or I loosen the hold slightly.

Not yet!

I grabbed Mr. Cullen's shoulder and succeeded in pulling the fluff out of his rich chest.

Safely recover from the frontier of life and death.

"- Pfft.... I could finally face it"

"Good. You can talk, Shiloh."

Mr. Karen gives a relief look.

"Don't worry. Your throat isn't crushed, and you're not injured anywhere in the first place. Everyone in" The Pale Flash "protected me."

"But the pale flashing leader told you you got ahead of the line in the fight against Murder Grizzly, right?


Mr. Ryer, what the hell did you say to Mr. Karen?

That's bear-repelling spray I used... hmm. The adventurer criterion. Is that going to be within the battle, too?

But as far as Mr. Cullen is concerned, he seems pretty talkative.

"I didn't mean to fight myself, though. I just used an item that works a little on the Murder Grizzly to support" pale flashes. "


"Yes, because I just used the item from afar and didn't fight directly"

".................. good"

Suddenly, Mr. Cullen walks into the floor.

I think I lost my mind in peace.

"The leader of the pale flash told me you fought alonely against the Murder Grizzly opponent. Murder Grizzlies are horrible monsters. Even the skilled adventurers are so strong that it is difficult to win unharmed. So I knew you..."

Looks like we were having a conversation after all.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who talked about it.

"I'm sorry I made you worry."

"No, this is the one I'm sorry for making this quick. More than that..."

Karen, who stays in, reaches right hand all the way.

"Apparently, he lost his hips. Can you help me stand?

I hold Mr. Cullen's hand and wake up to help.

Still, his hips were still falling out, so he was going to lend him a shoulder for a while.