Chapter 65:

Name:I've Become a Genius Actor Author:
Chapter 65:

Yooil had been at a Chinese restaurant with Jin Hayoung. With his schedule packed since the start of the year, from shooting to preparing for the Berlin Film Festival and a fan meeting, Yooil barely had time at home. Jin Hayoung, who teased him saying she might forget her nephew's face at this rate, managed to catch Yooil during a rare break in his schedule for a meal near her workplace.

"Yooil, have you lost weight again?"

Mid-bite into his jjajangmyeon (black bean noodles), Yooil looked up, startled. He had even indulged in a late-night chicken snack with Younghyun just the night before.

"No, I've been eating well these days, really."

In fact, he had even gained 1kg.

However, Jin Hayoung didn't seem to hear him.

"You're too busy, that's why. Keep this up and you'll ruin your health. I've seen people like you before. Overwork isn't a joke. A patient I once had"

Here it goes again.

Yooil listened to his aunt's nagging, pushing more jjajangmyeon into his mouth. He didn't mind though, he knew her concern well.

"Yooil, where did you say you're going after this meal?"

"To the company. I was supposed to go in later, but a last-minute meeting came up."

The meeting was so sudden that Yooil had only found out about it the day before. The person he was meeting was none other than PD Yu Jihyeok.

Yu Jihyeok, ten years ago, burst onto the scene as a rising star in the healing-entertainment field, hitting it big with seasonal variety shows like "Bright Night" and "Welcome, Yard Restaurant."

Recently, after leaving NBS and transferring to YTBC, he was continuously trying new things, practically a guaranteed success in the entertainment industry.

"Yu Ji?!"


Yooil put his hand to his mouth, prompting Jin Hayoung to lower her voice.

"That person, the famous PD, right? What kind of shooting is it? Are you, Yooil, going on something like Yard Restaurant'?"

"Not exactly, it's more like a cameo in a travel variety show."

Jin Hayoung kept muttering in amazement.

"It's even more surprising than you being in dramas, Yooil."


While she busily ate the plump shrimp in her jjamppong (spicy seafood noodle soup), Jin Hayoung suddenly spoke up.

"Right, I bumped into a neighbor the other day. Said they were your fan."

"A neighbor?"

"Yeah. A new face, apparently a student who doesn't come home often because they're studying away."


"Did that person recognize you at once, Aunt?"

"Do we look that much alike?"

Seeing his playful aunt, even the serious Yooil had to relax his expression.

"Are we done eating? Should we get going? And are you sure you don't need a ride?"

"I've arranged to meet my manager nearby."

After the hearty dinner, Yooil watched as Jin Hayoung got into her car. He felt a bit concerned watching his aunt go in alone.

I bumped into a neighbor the other day. They said they were your fan.


He was a public figure, an actor whose face was known, but Jin Hayoung was a civilian. And she was living a very ordinary life.

As Yooil's worries persisted, Brion's voice resonated in his mind.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

At present, it is only possible to detect an intrusion by an outsider. There is an option to add an additional alarm system for security.

"An alarm system."

I should think about it.'

It seemed like a pretty good idea.

* * *

After sending Jin Hayoung off, Yooil, who had met with Woojin and entered the company, immediately headed to the meeting room where PD Yu Jihyeok was waiting.

In the meeting room, Director Jang Jaeyi was already seated. And opposite him, PD Yu Jihyeok, the second assistant director, and one writer had taken their places.

PD Yu Jihyeok, with his round face and boyish expression, looked remarkably youthful for someone in his fifties.

"Ah~ Thank you. Really. You must have been surprised when we asked to meet so suddenly?"

He said with a bright smile.

"You've heard about our program, haven't you?"

"Of course."

*Is This Your First Time with a Wandering Theater Group?*

It was an entertainment show where rather older actors planned plays overseas. The actors backpacking and acting was both a healing and a fun point of the program.

"This time, Um Jiyoung, Moon Yuhwa, Yoon Seula. These three will be traveling"

He knew from articles. All three actors, in their forties, were renowned for their distinctive acting. Yooil also liked these actors.

"This time you're going to Berlin, right? We're going to Germany too. Right around the end of the film festival in Berlin~ I was wondering if you might be able to join us for just a day or two after the festival."


Was it his imagination, or did the PR team member's smiling eyes look particularly tired?

"Also, we've collected suggestions for the fan club name on Otube, Shasta, and BlueChat. Do you want to check them out?"


Yooil nodded eagerly, his face full of anticipation.

However, Han Yooil had overlooked one thing.

All those name suggestions were decided by the fans.'

Yooil, Yooil, what are you doing?


One and Only

The Only Yooil

The Only Person in My Life


This felt just like the time he had watched a video alone with a projector during the surprise party.

It was gratifying yet embarrassing, enjoyable yet shy, a feeling of wanting to hide but also feeling ticklish

"Yooil, why that face? Did you eat something bad?"

Considering that fans had written these, each one felt special and precious.

"I really can't decide."

Ultimately, Han Yooil had to step back. Director Jang Jaeyi chuckled and added,

"I knew Yooil would say that. Then we'll just hold a meeting and put up candidates. You wont change your mind later, right?"

"I trust Director's judgment."

"Oh, saying that makes me feel pressured~!"

The atmosphere in the meeting room lightened significantly.

Yooil began to slowly read through the script that the junior staff members of the PR team had drafted.

Introduction and Q&A, live questions The last part is about deciding on the fan club name.'

Just as he was carefully placing the agenda of the fan meeting in his mind, it happened.

Mr. Yooil!

Brion's voice, uncharacteristically loud, rang out.


There is an emergency.


The following words almost made Yooil drop the cup he was holding.

It appears that an outsider has intruded into your house.


Yooil, who had been standing in a daze, quickly checked the time.

Around this time

Its when my aunt gets off work.'

Yooil sprang up from his seat.

His heart began to race wildly. His breathing became erratic.

Damn it.'

Seeing the sudden change in Yooil's expression, Director Jang Jaeyi looked at him with a surprised and concerned gaze.

"Yooil? Are you okay?"

"I need to I need to step out for a moment."

"What's the matter No, go ahead. It's alright."

Yooil left the meeting room and immediately called Jin Hayoung.

The person you are calling is currently unavailable. After the beep, please leave a message.


For a moment, he felt as if the power to his brain had been cut off. The surrounding noise gradually became muffled.

Yooil clenched his now cold hands to regain his senses.

Mr. Yooil. We just received a report that the police have been dispatched to your house. The caller is

The single thought of needing to get home overpowered everything else, to the extent that he couldn't properly hear Brion's voice.


Han Yooil, almost reflexively, moved his fingers to answer the ringing phone. A desperate voice came through from the other side of the phone.

Are you Mr. Jin Hayoung's nephew?