Chapter 83:

Name:I've Become a Genius Actor Author:
Chapter 83:

The day after episode 6 aired, revealing Yoo Dohwa's immunity to the epidemic, Kang Hyesung arrived at the set in a foul mood.

"Are you feeling unwell today, actor?"

"Just couldn't sleep well~"

Kang Hyesung's manager, with a good-natured smile, eyed his actor with a narrowed gaze.

Always so meticulous about image management.'

As soon as Kang Hyesung entered the van, he started venting his frustration.

"Shouldn't articles focus on the main character? Isn't that the basic principle?"

"But you received a lot of praise for your acting"

"Minjae, are you blind? Even a cursory glance shows there are far more articles about Han Yooil."

The manager nodded resignedly. Pacifying an irate Kang Hyesung was one of the most challenging parts of his job.

"If I knew it would be like this, I would've taken the role of Yoo Kwon."

Kang Hyesung's mumbles continued, casting a doubtful glance from the manager. Monitoring the actors was part of a manager's job, and often, he found himself so engrossed in Han Yooil's performance that he missed parts of Kang Hyesung's. If caught, he would've been in hot water for months, if not a year.

Good thing I wasn't caught'

The character of Yoo Kwon, and Han Yooil's portrayal of it, demonstrated a stunning sync. Now, it was hard to imagine anyone else in that role. While Kang Hyesung continued to fume, he muttered as he glanced out the window.

"They say even a tiger appears when you talk about it."

Kang Hyesung exited the van with a lifted corner of his lips, a seemingly casual smile. The manager followed him with a worried look.


At Kang Hyesung's call, Han Yooil slowly turned his head, dressed in Yoo Kwon's iconic white robe.

"Hello, senior."

"Feels a bit cooler today, doesn't it~?"

He quickly got to the point with a sly smile.

"Not that it's a big deal, but maybe we should sync up our scenes a bit?"

The worried manager sighed in relief when he saw the making-film camera continuously filming Kang Hyesung. The actor was meticulous about his image, so there was little to worry about in front of cameras.

"So you're living alone now? That's nice. By the way, how old did you say you were?"

Instead of practicing the script, Kang Hyesung started to probe Han Yooil's background.

"Oh, I'm five years older than you, haha~ I can speak informally, right? Tell me if it bothers you."

"No problem at all."

Kang Hyesung then launched into an extended monologue filled with self-praise.

As he started talking, Han Yooil took a big bite of a chocolate bar laid out in front of him, one of the snacks provided by the production. It seemed to be a popular brand.

Tastes good.'

While Kang Hyesung and Han Yooil were each engrossed in their monologue and chocolate bar, Lee Bohee watched them from a distance.

Is that guy starting again?'

Arms crossed, Lee Bohee watched them for a while before slowly approaching the two actors.


"Ah, our Dohwa is here?" Kang Hyesung's overly affectionate tone made Lee Bohee raise an eyebrow, but then she noticed the making-film camera filming them. She chuckled and remarked,

"I knew it."

"What, what are you talking about~"

"You're only affectionate when the camera is on, brother."

Lee Bohee's cynical reply was followed by a casual remark to Han Yooil.

"Don't take what this oppa says too seriously. He'll probably use it later as a personal anecdote."

Kang Hyesung, caught off guard, shifted his gaze uneasily.

"What are you talking about, Bohee~"

"Oppa, you've been milking the story about how you gave me advice during the shooting of Noble One' 9 years ago. Even bone broth doesn't get used that much."

Lee Bohee, who had debuted with Kang Hyesung, had to endure endless lectures from him, who was then one year her senior.

As she gained fame and popularity, Kang Hyesung started dredging up those moments in talk shows and interviews, crafting self-made anecdotes about how he had advised and counseled Bohee when she was struggling.

"Don't get me wrong! We're really close; that's why we're like this!"

Kang Hyesung stood up and shouted towards the camera, and Lee Bohee also sported a playful smile for the camera, making the atmosphere seem amiable.

I'll let it slide this time since we're co-stars.'

Behind the lovely smile, however, lay quite a cynical heart.

Kang Hyesung, after a moment of glancing at Lee Bohee, suddenly lifted his phone and shouted, "One, two, three!"


"Ah can't wait to watch it."

And just as Lee Hyejin wished, the curtain rose for episode 7 that evening.

Dohwa seeks a way to utilize her immunity to the epidemic. Simultaneously, she uses her immunity to contact the patients directly, meticulously examining their wounds using various medicinal herbs.

How can a noble lady care for the likes of us

Beyond status and class, shouldn't saving lives come first?

Considering that female medical practitioners were considered lowly at the time, the protagonist held a very progressive viewpoint.

During her care, Dohwa encounters a horrific scene.

A patient, who had unintentionally coughed up blood-mixed phlegm on her, had been brutally slashed.

Trembling in shock, Dohwa discovers a familiar knife at the murder scene.

It was the knife Yoo Kwon carried for emergencies.

What is this?

Stunned, Dohwa seeks out Yoo Kwon immediately.

Displaying the blood-stained knife, Yoo Dohwa asks with tears in her eyes. Yoo Kwon, after a long stare at the knife, slowly lifts his gaze.


He calls her name gently, focusing solely on her, his face filled with pity as if looking at a child who has lost her parents.

Really did brother do this?


Then who! Who used this knife for such a dreadful act!

Do you really not trust me, your own brother?

Dohwa doesn't respond.

Her suspicions about her brother, whom she thought was kind, had long taken root.

Then, a flashback unfolds.

On the night Yoo Kwon briefly left the hut and Dohwa fell asleep to Lee Bin's song, Yoo Kwon went to find the patient who had coughed blood on Dohwa.

Who who's there this place is dangerous

The patient's voice is strained, gasping for breath.

Yoo Kwon listens with a cold face.

Without a moment's hesitation, he swiftly raises his hand. Again and again, he stabs the knife through the door.

Horrific sounds echo repeatedly. His violent slashing continues until the small tremors transmitted through the knife's blade cease.

Throughout it all, Yoo Kwon's lips remain tightly sealed.

Only his eyes, blazing with fury, are visible.

After mercilessly committing the murder, Yoo Kwon discards the knife and disappears.

How how could you do that?

Seeing the look in Dohwa's eyes, Yoo Kwon gives up on deceiving her.

Instead, he decides to reveal a bit of his true intentions.

How can a person do that, you ask?

Did you ask for a reason?

Yoo Kwon tilts his head leisurely.

Of course, one can.


Dohwa, about to retort, freezes at the sight of Yoo Kwon's eyes.

That's not'

That's not my brother.'

It's not the brother she knew.

In that moment, Dohwa feels an overwhelming urge to collapse to the ground and cry. But she can't even move freely. His gaze holds her captive.

Though he hasn't laid a finger on her, she feels as if she's being strangled.

Yoo Kwon speaks each word heavily.

Though his tone is calm, the suppressed rage is undeniable.

That thing' put you in danger, didn't it?

Yoo Kwon's sharp eyes scan Dohwa's face.

The darkness in his eyes is so profound that Dohwa can't even look away.

How dare you.